May was an insanely busy month for Mark and me. I usually post blogs about experiences we had or things we did/saw, so this one is a bit different; more personal, emotional, and recent.
Since I am so far behind with just about everything – diary entries, emails, blog posts, social media, reading, articles, administrative tasks, chores, promises, projects… – I figured I would write a “quick” update to let everyone know how we are doing and what’s been going on. And, most importantly, how nothing ever works according to plan, how life throws its punches, and how priorities shift. Several of the following events will probably turn into a longer post one of these weeks or months.
Before we left our peaceful life on the Baja peninsula in Mexico (which seems like a lifetime ago), the end of April, we had a truck camper purchase lined up. We never intended to keep the “fancy” Cirrus 820 we took across the border, hence its name Temp (T&T – Thirsty & Temp), but you never know with us. I’ll get into that train of thought; the reasons and the differences, another time. The truck – which is awesome – we’d keep.
Over the months, we narrowed our preferred camper down to a Lance 830. We searched for it online for about three months, and even spotted this model in Mexico for a closer look, before we made a deal on one in British Columbia, Canada, and set a route and plan in motion. Our base for the transition would become Boise, Idaho. A deposit had been sent to BC by check and a pick-up date arranged, once we crossed the border into the US.

The Lance 830 we spotted – and visited – in Cabo Pulmo, Baja, Mexico
Our first stop for a few days was a friend’s property in Julian, California, where we cleaned the Baja dust off our truck and camper, finished a couple of projects, wiped the interior down, and took indoor and outdoor photo shoots to list the Cirrus for sale.
That’s where we learned the deal in Canada was not going to happen, due to unexpected circumstances on the seller’s part…
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