Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Writing Update March 2021 – Escape to Baja

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For March, the question is: “Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories for? What motivates your reading choice?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Sarah – The Faux Fountain PenJacqui Murray, Chemist Ken, Victoria Marie Lees, Natalie Aguirre, and JQ Rose.

My answer to the question

I have always enjoyed reading. As a young girl, I chose fiction. Teenager Liesbet liked thrillers as much as non-fiction books about animals and travel. When I became an adult and full-time traveler, I found myself reading literature given to me by fellow backpackers or novels discovered at book swaps. Now, I’d love to read more memoirs and non-fiction. If I had time.

Ever since I became friends with authors through my blogging engagements about five years ago, pretty much all I have been reading is books of those talented friends: advance reader copies (ARCs), manuscripts as a beta reader or proofreader, or eBooks I purchased to support those fellow indie authors (which I leave reviews for after reading). I still have a massive TBR list of friends’ books and I swear some of them write faster than I can read! I’m looking at you, Ellen Jacobson, J.H. Moncrieff, Jill Weatherholt, and Jacqui Murray. It doesn’t help that I only manage one book every two months, unless I force myself to read more and then I am not able to engage in blog reading and commenting as much as usually…

Playa Los Cocos

My book news

Like I mentioned last month, Mark and I were ready for a break from the United States, cool weather, and work. So, on February 1st we crossed the border with Mexico and ever since, we have been camping in Baja California with intermittent internet. Book stuff still happened, though.

The first printed magazine review of PlungeOne Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary has been in circulation. Fittingly, it was published in the February issue of the boating magazine Caribbean Compass, where I started my “writing career” and for which I am currently an editorial assistant. It’s a well-written, in-depth overview of what my book is about with its strengths and weaknesses, according to the author of the review.

Yvette of Priorhouse posted an interesting interview with me, including her take-aways after reading my book for the first time. She currently immersed herself in Plunge again, for a second impression.

My friend and fellow nomad and vanlifer Duwan from Make Like An Ape Man published a flattering, personal, and personable blog about me and my travel memoir.

Another friend, traveler, blogger, and influencer, Sue from Travel Tales of Life, spread the word about Plunge and how much she enjoyed reading it on her social media pages.

Thanks to a Belgian friend’s connections, I was interviewed by a major national newspaper over the phone. The article appeared in Het Nieuwsblad on February 16th and made my family and friends “at home” proud. ????

I sold my first (signed) Plunge copy to travelers we met on the road. Another new van friend, Ivan, bought and read the eBook in a few days (while being our neighbor), loved it, and shared this on his social media pages.

Selling a signed copy to new travel friends Kathi and Mary from Missouri.

I was humbled and surprised by fellow blogger and author Pam Wight when she asked me to read her upcoming flash memoir and provide an author blurb/endorsement. I obliged and enjoyed her collection of stories.

And, I finally received the YouTube link to my presentation about writing and publishing a book. I was one of two panelists in this webinar hosted by the Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA), the end of January. If you are planning to write a book or are close to publication (or haven’t seen me in a while), this link might come in handy: After the five-minute introduction, my section is half an hour long.

Other than that, I beta read the travel memoir The Coconut Wireless by Simon Michael Prior, which will be published mid-March and for which I will soon leave a review. And, over the last three months, I familiarized myself with two historical fiction novels (book one and two of the McDonnell Clan series) by Beth Camp, after she requested more reviews.

What’s next?

Fellow bloggers and authors have been very supportive of me and my travel memoir Plunge, so I will continue to return favors. I have promised to read one more book this month as an ARC reader, which means I will write and post a review when I’m finished. Then, I hope to dive into some of the eBooks I have collected on my iPad.

Mulege River

My mind spins with more ideas to promote Plunge. But, since I am only in Baja California, Mexico, for another three weeks (before returning to cold and “boring” Massachusetts), I have decided to enjoy my time on the beach of Bahia Concepcion, in the lush town of Mulegé, soaking up sunshine, walking my dog, and eating fish tacos instead of sitting behind my computer all day every day! I’m sure you’ll forgive me. ????

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  1. Your hard work to promote your book is paying off and well deserved. Definitely take a break and enjoy Baja. Looks like such a beautiful place.

    • Hi Gilda! Thank you! We are so glad to have come down here. For some reason, we feel more at ease and at peace south of the border. Maybe it’s because we “planned” to stress less and take life as it comes even more than usually. Soon, we will be back to the stress and pace of work and a western country, so we better enjoy Baja as long as we can. 🙂

  2. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman

    March 3, 2021 at 07:58

    Mulegé and Bahia Concepción look so beautiful and relaxing! I think you deserve a rest.

    I have slowed down my reading so I can get stuff down. It is working out pretty well – especially with living in a house and having the space and unlimited electricity to use whenever I want.

    But, of course, we are itchy to get back on the road soon!

    Perhaps Plunge will start having a life of its own soon. You have been raising it well!

    • I’m glad this bit of a settled environment is treating you both well right now. I’m sure you’ll get up to date with your blogs soon. So much to do (travel, read, and write) and so little time. We need to prioritize and you know how hard of a time I have with that. I feel like I’m finally learning, though, because we are in this beautiful, relaxed environment for a limited time.

      It would be nice if Plunge has graduated from being a baby to an adult, living its own life and making it into people’s hands without my help. 🙂

  3. I hope all your hard work results in sales, sales, sales! Enjoy your time in the sun. ‘Boring’ Massachusetts will still be there.

    • Haha, MA sure will still be there whenever. 🙂 Luckily, the sales are still trickling in. It will be difficult to pinpoint what causes spikes, if spikes arrive. Of course, I wish for more success, but I have no clue about reaching that as an indie author…

  4. Glad to hear things are moving along positively for you. Congrats. We anchored off Playa Los Cocos many years ago. There was a great little restaurant there at the time that had awesome coconut shrimp. All through Conception there is/was great clamming for chocolate clams usually in 4-8 feet of water. You will see two littles holes on the bottom of the sand, and there they are. We used a garden spade to get them and once we had a full bag hung a mesh bag over the side of the boat in the water with the clams in it to get all the sand released from the clams overnight. We ate a lot of steamed clams. Great memory! Cheers!

    • Hi John and Susan! There are currently a few cruising boats in Bahia Concepcion, but they usually anchor in Santipac. Pretty much every other beach has had heaps of wind from the wrong direction. Cocos is one of the better ones as well, with the breeze coming from land. But, we have yet to see someone anchor there and the little restaurant is gone. There are still vendors driving through, offering kayaks for rent and some food items. The Sea of Cortez is a beautiful and attractive sailing destination!

      Thanks for the clamming tips. Such fantastic memories and food resource! Mark has been trying to find some, but we had no idea they live in that much water. That’s way too deep to dig for when walking along the shore. Plus the strong winds have been creating too many ripples to see anything. I assume you need masks and snorkels to get the creatures…

  5. You have been a busy gal, promoting and being promoted. Congratulations on your publications and interviews, notably the first printed magazine review of Plunge. As I predicted, you are making a big SPLASH.

    I’m glad you are enjoying the sun now. Maybe by the time you return to Massachusetts you weather will be more balmy.

    Kudos to you for all this. Even though you may doubt your progress at times, remember that you have a stadium of supporters, cheering you on. Brava! 🙂

    • Hi Marian! As always, thank you for YOUR support. It’s been nice to not stress about my book and promotion efforts for a little while. But, of course, I am starting to feel guilty about that and part of me looks forward to extended computer time and being productive again in Massachusetts in April. Weird! 🙂

  6. That’s great about the articles and the reviews. You did it!
    I know what you mean about authors writing faster than you can read. I am so behind on blogger buddies’ books.

    • All these productive writers make me feel like a fraud or lazy bum, Alex! 🙂 I need to dive into more promotion angles, but I’ll wait until I have the time and resources for it again. And, I have to be okay with that delay. Happy reading!

  7. You are a model for how to do it right, Liesbet. I am awed. I just populated my browser with about ten links from bloggers you like, books you like, websites. Great job and I’m proud to call you a blogger friend!

    • Thank you for that compliment, Jacqui. I’d love to be “doing it right” while my bum rests in a hammock on the beach without internet. Haha. I guess that’s why I worked so hard for months, to set a few things up that hopefully bear fruits over time. I appreciate you actually clicking on some of the links I included. I don’t think many do!

  8. Constance Werner Ramirez

    March 3, 2021 at 09:52

    From Massachusetts, I hope you’ll head north to Nova Scotia or out the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec – or up to Ottawa and Kingston and then west to Georgian Bay. There are lots of beautiful areas – sort of the flip side of Baja. I’m trying to finish retyping/editing a manuscript of my mother’s about canaling in those areas when I was a child. So much to write, so little time for reading – but I enjoy non-fiction. .

    • Hi Connie!

      You are such a busy bee. It seems like you’ve found many writing projects to keep yourself (and others) entertained. Soon, it will be spring again in the Chesapeake Bay and you’ll be able to enjoy the outdoors, the garden, and the flowers.

      Mark and I have explored Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, and some of Quebec in our camper before. We don’t have any camping adventures on the agenda this summer. That will have to wait for later, when we hope to embark on a more extensive and challenging one! 🙂

  9. Congratulations on the continued success of Plunge, Liesbet. It is very well deserved. Enjoy the warmth of Mexico. I am currently sitting cuddled up by my fieplace, looking out my window waiting for Spring to finally be sprung! 😀

    • Thank you, Donna. I think spring is right around the corner. A fireplace and a good book sounds like a match made in heaven. And a well-equipped kitchen for all those lovely meals. 🙂 As long as you can go for your daily walks, of course. Sending you sunshine and warmth! Xx

  10. I love book swaps. It’s a great way to pick up a book for free and try something you might not ordinarily read.

    • I am looking forward to the time that I am in need of a book from a book swap. Like Mark. That would mean I finished all the ones on my Kindle and have no more reading tasks lined up. Mmmm… Will that ever happen?

  11. That’s great that you have found unique ways to promote your book. Enjoy your trip!

  12. Sounds like you are doing really well on the promotion! You deserve a break from them.

    • Thanks Anabel. I’ve been taking a tiny break and I have to be honest: it feels awkward and not something I should be doing with all the work still ahead… But, I’ll get used to that. 🙂

  13. Glad to hear your book is getting more exposure. Your hard work is paying off. 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  14. You are definitely in a great place there in Baja, Liesbet! Congrats on all the buzz for Plunge, it’s nice to see others promoting your awesome book and it making the rounds. I just finished Plunge last night! What an extraordinary life you and Mark (and Kali and Darwin, and now Maya) have lived. So many ups and downs on Wirie, but you made it through to the other side. I’ve already left 5 stars on Amazon and GR but still need to get to a review, but will do soon! Knowing the outcome of your life as I got to know you and Mark over the past few years did not take away from the excitement and drama of your memoir, in fact I feel I know you so much better! Enjoy the warmth of Mexico before you head back to Boston!

    • Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Plunge, Terri. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Yes, we have had – and are having – a crazy, versatile life. Despite the downs and challenges, I wouldn’t want it any other way. 🙂

      A few people have commented that they got sucked into the story and were rooting for me/us or wondering what would be next, despite already knowing the outcome. 🙂

  15. Mmmm, enjoy the fish tacos! One of my greatest joys is eating and reading at the same time, but I try not to do it. The last time I sat down with a family-sized bag of Doritos and a book, I resurfaced a few hours later with the realization that I’d consumed the caloric equivalent of more than a day’s worth of meals. It was great… but I don’t dare do it again! 🙂

    • Eating and reading at the same time!? Sounds decadent! Yet, I am totally not comfortable with that. Not because I’d eat too much, absent-mindedly, but because I enjoy those two occupations sooo much (especially the eating) that I would want to do them separately to give each enough attention, focus, and enjoyment. :-;

  16. THANK you for including me in your list of fans and your list of work/reviews you’ve done. Your endorsement means the world to me. Also, your promotion techniques are incredible, and I’m learning so much from you. I’m shy and find it hard to send out my “stuff” to others, but you’re teaching me about how important it is. Lastly, umm, since I live in boring Massachusetts, I must add that you and Mark will be coming just as life is lifting its head from the ground – sprouting forth, so to speak. Nothing boring about that, and a heck of a lot of excitement for those of us caught here all winter in the frigid and snowy winter. <3

    • Thank you for all the compliments and gratitude, Pam! You are awesome. By the way, you did see that I wrote “boring” in quotes, right? I’m looking forward to spring in MA, but I will miss our less “boring” life on the road. 🙂

  17. Living vicariously through your time in Mulege Liesbet. We were happy to promote Plunge on our social media. It sounds like there has been a lot of good coverage!
    Best wishes on your return to Mass. Meanwhile keep soaking up that warmth .

    • Hi Sue!

      I feel a bit guilty about not promoting Plunge more these days, but it’s either that and sit somewhere with internet or take a little break from it all and let the book live its own life for a bit. I’m looking forward to visiting Travel Tales of Life again soon too.

      We heard it’s the coldest and windiest winter in Baja in 25 years, but we are still enjoying it. We might have to come back next winter to as we love the Mulege area. Take care and enjoy the first signs of spring in the mountains!

  18. Great questions for March, Liesbet. Since I began my blog about 2 1/2 years ago, I am also reading primarily books written by wonderful indie authors. I follow Yvette’s blog and I will head over there to read the interview. It is fun to read the behind the scenes launch of “Plunge.” You have been an exceptionally busy lady. I am happy to read how you are enjoying the time you have left on the beach of Bahia Concepcion. Enjoy!????

    • Hi again, Liesbet, Yvette has comments closed on the interview with you, since it was published over a month ago. I will add my thoughts here: I have been following Liesbet’s blog and the many challenges to publishing “Plunge.” As Liesbet says, “…challenging logistics…” Great questions, Yvette, and I learned more about Liesbet. The table tennis made me smile. I appreciate you sharing your takeaways. Funny, how Lisa Dorenfest recently came up in conversation with one of my daughters, Alisha. They had communicated on a specific topic……A great interview and fun to learn more about you, Liesbet. ????

      • Thanks for visiting Yvette, Erica. I had no idea she turned off the comments, so I appreciate you letting me know as for some reason email notifications from her site don’t get to me anymore. Now I’m curious how Lisa came up in a conversation with your daughter! Our friend must be world famous! 🙂 We are meeting her and the Captain in Tucson in a few weeks…

        • I am glad to hear Lisa and her husband are doing okay. I know there were some health challenges. Lisa and my daughter “Alisha” communicated re: Alisha and her Endometriosis challenges. Generous, kind, Lisa gave her some advice on where to share her story. Say hi from us. Safe travels, Liesbet! ????

          • Hi Erica! Just like you, Lisa is a genuine, generous, and wonderful human being. I will say hi from all of you whenever she and I meet again. It has been seven years since we visited them in New Zealand on their boat. BTW, I mention her in Plunge as well. 🙂

    • Hi Erica! We are not used to going places to just relax and take it easy, but I’m so glad we did. Now I wonder why we didn’t travel for this purpose earlier. Then I realize, “oh, because we are not retired, have to work, and usually have so much going on.” 🙂 Thank you for always being supportive, my friend!

  19. Congratulations! I read about your memoir on Jacqui’s blog and must say your story intrigued me and I look forward to reading it. All the best on your holiday.

  20. Liesbet, I hope all your hard work brings satisfying results. Enjoy the warm weather and have a safe trip back to MA!

    • Thank you, Natalie! While I will be happy to focus on some book work again, I will miss my lifestyle in Baja!

  21. What an uplifting post Liesbet. Look at you getting famous in magazines, what a great mag to plug your book! Looks like life outside the jungle of the Americas is doing pretty good for you guys. Stay blessed. Hugs <3

    • Hi Debby! I’m glad you enjoyed reading this little update. We are loving our time in Baja, which is a very different experience from being in the US. Life is more peaceful, less stressful (not having internet helps), and cheaper. We will have to see about the “famous” part. As you know, having your face or book pop up here or there for one day does not make much of a difference when it comes to sales or a following… But, I’m not complaining. I’ll dive into my promotion efforts again once we return to Massachusetts in a month or so.

      • Enjoy your bliss. That’s the sam kind of bliss I look forward to visiting and maybe moving too eventually 🙂 xx

        • Thank you, my friend. I hope you get to return to PV soon and enjoy this climate and the culture again. By the way, don’t forget about those pesky, determined, and very frequent vendors. 🙂

  22. Liesbet, it is so amazing that you have been able to keep up with so much promotional activity while also fitting some rest and relaxation in the Baja — and with limited access to the internet. It think it is so great the way bloggers and writers help each other get the word out.


    • Hi Jude! Some of my earlier work is now paying off with articles and reviews being published in print and online media. I haven’t gotten any (internet) time to repost or promote those lovely pieces, but hope to do so in April. Most likely in my next writing update. 🙂 Here in Baja, all I’ve done promotion-wise is a few Facebook posts. I could use the break, though, and can’t wait to return to Mexico, hopefully in the fall. It is pretty cool for fellow bloggers and authors to help each other out. I wish I had more time to do my part as well, but I’m trying as much as I can.

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