The result of the Brexit vote/referendum in the UK has shocked the world and its impact is global and immediate. The Brits regrettably (and regrettingly?) have decided to leave the EU. We all suffer because of it. I am disheartened by the way politicians misrepresent the truth and by how people don’t think critically and for themselves anymore. I fear for this right-wing trend to continue everywhere and hope the US, among other countries, will learn from the UK’s “mistake”.
My blogger friend Al is a writer, poet and citizen from the UK, who did an interview with me for his Dirty Dozen series recently. He put his sentiments in words that make total sense. I have decided to reblog his post from yesterday on Roaming About, because of the insights it presents, and because I stand by his side. My intended bog post for today about visiting the biggest mountain in Massachusetts on Sunday will be postponed until later this week. You can see Al’s original post and comments here.
This great video by British comedian and HBO television host John Oliver also hits the nail on the head…
Check out what others have to say about their Six Word Saturday.
How does your weekend look like? Any gardening in the forecast?
I couldn’t resist posting this photo on my blog after checking out Paula’s “Mirroring” challenge this week. 🙂
… to stay with the theme of our most recent summer solstice full moon. Not much luck photographing that one, so I searched my archives.
I like Wordless Wednesdays.
Because I have been known to talk and write too much (here I go again).
Because a photo sometimes says more than a thousand words (depends on those words and what the shot does NOT reveal).
Because I finally have an excuse to post pretty cool, but disregarded photos of our travels.
Did you see or photograph the full moon (also called a strawberry moon in June) on June 20th? Did you go outside and let romance overtake you? Did you see fireflies and stars, and felt many mosquitoes upon your skin, like I did?
I can’t quite remember the last time Mark and I went camping for pleasure, as in when we really wanted to go camping. My recollections go back ten years ago or so, when our dogs, the Grand Canyon and loads of insect bites were part of the experience. I mention the “for pleasure” part, because the previous time we seriously camped was for two months in 2007, when a tent and a car were all we owned, so camping was our lifestyle. It wasn’t necessarily our preferred way to live, but the cheapest option in between other adventures. We had just moved out of our truck camper and were in the process of searching and eventually buying our sailboat.
The tent we had for ages was finally traded for some local handicrafts in the San Blas Islands, Panama, a few years ago and a new tent recently became ours through a promotion online. It was time to test it out in earnest. Continue reading
I am happy with my warm and colorful Wordless Wednesday this week. Summer is finally approaching…
To check out more summer bliss and colors, swing by Jude’s blog for her Garden Challenge, or see what summer prompts at The Daily Post. 🙂
Happy Wednesday and don’t forget to smell the flowers!
One of the big advantages of a house and pet sitting lifestyle is that you have the chance to live in different places with every assignment. While we primarily prefer longer term sits for our own comfort, sense of settling in and being able to concentrate on work projects without having to move constantly, we also enjoy being immersed in a new area and having plenty of opportunity and time to explore its surroundings during the weekends.
Recently, our temporary dog Jenny needed new food from a pet food store quite a drive from here. Dave’s Soda and Pet City (interesting name for a pet food store) has a location in the city of Northampton, where other chores could be accomplished, and where neither of us had been before. We decided to combine the necessary with the pleasant and explored the college town around noon on a Saturday.
In the cold and rain
We wait in vain
For summer to maintain
And revoke winter pain
Submitted to Six Word Saturday
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