Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Month: February 2019

Completed House Sits – San Diego, CA (December 7th to December 28th, 2018)

Last winter, Mark and I did a 3.5-month house sit in San Diego, California with Italian Greyhounds Elvis and Frida. During that time, we met up frequently with our friend Amy, as she was a graduating zoologist/environmentalist. “You guys are so awesome with dogs,” she said. “If I ever need someone to take care of Skylos, I’ll get in touch.”

In the summer, Amy secured a six-month position in Peru. Her best friend Cara moved in with her cat Casper to keep an eye on the place and care for the dog as well. At some point during our summer travels in Zesty, Cara and Amy inquired whether we could come to Ocean Beach (a funky neighborhood in San Diego) in December to take over Cara’s “duties” as she visited with friends and family over the holidays. She’d be gone for a long weekend early in the month and a week over Christmas later. The timing was perfect. We happily obliged, as long as we could stay the full three weeks. Continue reading

Wordless Wednesday – The Madonna Inn

Three months ago, Mark and I visited the Madonna Inn, which is a vintage hotel in San Luis Obispo (SLO), CA. Built and ran by the legendary businessman Alex Madonna, it has kept its fascinating late-fifties decor. Ready to travel back in time?

The history of this unique establishment can be found here.

This is my contribution for Wordless Wednesday.

Have you ever visited or stayed in a place like the Madonna Inn?

Monthly Expenses – January 2019

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂 Since July 2018, Mark and I have been combining van life in our Zesty and house and pet sitting, which we did full-time before that. The best of both worlds! In January we camped, house sat, and stayed with family..

This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for the two of us. Under groceries we incorporate all the food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and Mark's vitamins and supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor's visits. Health insurance and costs are related to my health care as a permanent resident in the US. Mark is still eligible for free health care in the state of Massachusetts as of today. If a non-emergency were to happen outside of that state, it will be expensive! For check-ups, we both return to the East Coast.

January was unique in terms of our two-week visit to the East Coast, where we stayed with my parents-in-law. Most of this month's expenses are related to our time there. We bought (almost) all the groceries, threw a party for the 83rd birthday of Mark's mom (all-you-can-eat pizza fest), and treated a nephew and his girlfriend to dinner.

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IWSG Writing Update February 2019 – My Road to Publication Step 1: The Book Proposal

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month, as a writing prompt for IWSG members. Answering it is optional. For February, the question is: “Besides writing, what other creative outlets do you have?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Raimey Gallant, Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace. Feel free to swing by their sites and see what they’re up to.

My answer to the question (Besides writing, what other creative outlets do you have?)

None. Writing is all I do, every day. My memoir, articles, blog posts, notes, comments, emails, diaries. When I don’t write, I edit or translate, which could be called writing as well. During the weekend, I aim to go for walks/hikes or relax, during which times I always talk or think about… writing.

My book progress

I want to thank you all again for your input last month, in regards to the title, subtitle, summaries, and tweets for my Work in Progress (WIP), a travel memoir about my thirties, navigating the ups and downs of love, adventure, and the unknown aboard a 35ft sailboat in the tropics. For now, I have settled on the title Plunge – Riding the Waves of a Life Less Ordinary. We will see what happens with that one. As you know, I have tons of alternatives. ????

The last two months, I have been working diligently on creating a book proposal for my non-fiction manuscript. Continue reading

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