Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Category: Ideas (page 13 of 20)

Writing Update September 2020 – Final Round of Edits

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For September, the question is: “If you could choose one author, living or dead, to be your beta partner, who would it be and why?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the awesome co-hosts are PJ Colando, J Lenni Dorner, Deniz Bevan, Kim Lajevardi, Natalie Aguirre, and Louise – Fundy Blue.

My answer to the question

If I would be an avid book reader – which I wish I was, but there are not enough hours in my day to be one – I would easily be able to answer this question. I don’t even know what my favorite genre is! These years, I read e-books written by friends or used books given to me by friends and family. My TBR list is huge. I do LOVE reading after all.

Without research or much experience, I think I’d like my perfect beta partner to be a travel writer like Bill Bryson, Jon Krakauer, or Paul Theroux. Not only are these men fantastic, intelligent writers, but – from what I remember – they have a good sense of humor as well.

Lots of thinking goes into this road to publication!

My book progress

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The Summer of Covid – Pandemic Update from Newburyport, MA

Lately, Massachusetts has not been one of the “bad” Coronavirus states in this tumultuous country. The guidelines have been pretty strict since the beginning of the pandemic (according to US-norms), the Governor (Charlie Baker) has handled the situation well, and most residents have been compliant.

(Hover over the photos for captions and click to enlarge.)

In my home country, Belgium, the reactions to this virus – real “lockdown”, strict rules, and fines instead of self-imposed quarantine, “guidelines”, and raised eyebrows – have had a drastically better impact. As a result, their Summer of Covid was more “benign” than ours. Restaurants, bars, theaters, pools, hairdressers, zoos, … have been reopened for many weeks. Kids went on summer camps and most schools (especially kindergarten and the lower grades) will start “as usual” on September 1st.

How is the situation in Newburyport, where Mark, Maya, and I have been “hunkered down” since mid-April of this year (apart from a multiple-week trip to Maine and Vermont in June and one week in the White Mountains of New Hampshire in July)?

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How Much Money Do We Make?

Financial Case Study: Liesbet Collaert – Interview on The Professional Hobo

I’m excited to announce something entirely different and unique today…

Many of you know that I post monthly and yearly expense reports on this blog, without any secrecy. Yet, I have never disclosed how much money I/we actually make in a year. I’ve also been pretty vague about how we have been able to afford our nomadic lifestyle over the years and what is required to financially sustain ourselves.

All this and more insights can be found on Nora Dunn’s website The Professional Hobo, where I take part in her Financial Case Study series. Unlike most of her guests, we don’t make six figures a year and stay true to our motto “The less money you need, the less you need to earn.”

Check it out here!

Warning: Her website is advertisement-heavy.

Financial Case Study: Liesbet Collaert, Roaming About

Financial Case Study: Liesbet Collaert, Roaming About

Liesbet Collaert was born in Belgium and recently became an American, but calls herself a world citizen. She’s been a digital nomad since 2003 (sailing, house sitting, and RVing), earning money as a freelance writer, photographer, translator, and editor. Her first travel memoir is almost ready for publication. Liesbet connects with her readers on her blog Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary, as well as her Facebook page or Instagram account.

While Liesbet’s income seems small, I think you’ll agree that she and her husband have lived an extraordinary life of travel, and by using creative budget travel tips (like getting accommodation for free) they haven’t been left wanting for much. Check it out! 

Financial Case Studies

How long have you been living/working on the road, and where have you traveled to?

Where do I start? Since I’m pretty impulsive and adventurous, my nomadic existence and means to make money developed organically. I’ve always been a traveler. One of the reasons I became a teacher in Belgium was to have a long summer vacation designed around exploring the world. I took two “leave of absences” during my first four years of teaching, to backpack in Southeast Asia and Down Under. Being frugal and passionate about travel, that’s what I used my income for. I never owned anything, making it easy for me to be flexible. The third time I left Belgium for an extended adventure, I never returned. That was in 2003.

While I didn’t need to make money during these initial escapades, as I had savings from my “real job” and I run a tight budget ship, one – of course – can’t journey forever without earnings. Darn! I think it was in 2008 – after a few years of RV-travel and getting close and personal with sailboats – that I started to create some sort of income. Up until that point, I’d cleaned a few boats for change and kept a free blog about our sailing journey on SV Irie to share our experiences and inspire others.

I traveled throughout Europe while living in Belgium until I was 27, backpacked in Southeast Asia and Oceana for two years, explored the continental US, Canada, and Alaska in a truck camper for a year and a half and Mexico and Central America for another year. In 2007, the sailboat episode followed – a journey that brought us from Maryland (USA) south to Florida, throughout the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos, spending hurricane season in the Dominican Republic, and on to the Eastern Caribbean via Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 

After three years up and down the Leeward and Windward Islands, we skimmed the out islands of Venezuela, spend time in Colombia, and enjoyed over a year in Panama. The next steps were transiting the Canal, being blown away by wildlife in the Galapagos Islands, and concluding our sailing voyage after cruising in French Polynesia for two years. Eight years after casting off (in 2015), we sold Irie in Tahiti.

Since then, we’ve slowed down a bit, house and pet sitting throughout the United States and exploring North America in our 19ft camper van Zesty. I am more than ready for tropical and exciting destinations again, whenever this pandemic allows it.

Liesbet Collaert of Roaming About sailing SV Irie

Please describe what you do for income. 

First, I’d like to point out that my husband and I are very frugal and we’ve found that being careful with expenditures allows us the life we desire – more freedom and less need to be workaholics. The way we manage our money, our aversion towards collecting material goods, and our love of simplicity are leading factors for how we make this nomadic lifestyle work – financially and otherwise.

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Writing Update August 2020 – Let the Rewrites Begin

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For August, the question is: “Have you ever written a piece that became a form, or even a genre, you hadn’t planned on writing in? Or do you choose a form/genre in advance?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the awesome co-hosts are Susan Baury Rouchard, Nancy Gideon, Jennifer Lane, Jennifer Hawes, Chemist Ken, and Chrys Fey.

My answer to the question

Easy answer this month: the only genre I ever write in is non-fiction. Although, there have been moments where embellishments and exaggerations almost sneaked in! ???? I dabbled in poetry years ago as well. All my writing is pretty straightforward and planned.

My book progress

Last month, Mark, Maya, and I went camping for a week and I completed a few editing and writing assignments unrelated to my book. But, a lot happened behind the scenes. Early in July, another rejection letter from a traditional publisher arrived. I have coined it the “the nicest email ever to bum me out.” Here is an excerpt:

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Inside a Nomad’s Monkey Mind – What’s Next?

Today, I invite you into my mind. If you accept, you might regret it. So much is going on in there, you might get overwhelmed, or mad, or jealous. This chaotic brain activity even has a name: Monkey Mind. Although, its description appears a bit harsh to define my condition. Thank you for supplying me with the correct term, Peta, when I mentioned this busy-bee thought syndrome in my last writing update. Luckily, those mulled-over and constantly-sprouting concepts aren’t all writing-related. That being said, the idea for this post formed while I was in the shower, head-writing it. ????

Pensive position

Some background information to help understand our conundrums in regards to… our future:

  • Mark and I met the end of 2004 and have been nomads ever since (me 1.5 years prior to that).
  • With two big dogs, we attempted a sailing adventure, which failed after nine months of prep.
  • The four of us traveled throughout Mexico and Central America in an RV for one year instead.
  • This was followed by three months in-limbo at a friend’s place in Texas, contemplating a move to Belize, a country that pleased and attracted us.
  • But, Mark’s dream to go sailing persisted: we lived in a tent and Toyota Tacoma with our two dogs for two months, in search of the perfect catamaran. We found Irie in Annapolis, Maryland.
  • An eight-year sailing journey brought us from the US to the Caribbean to the South Pacific.
  • After selling Irie in Tahiti, we didn’t want to settle but needed a break from our travels. The solution: house and pet sitting; frequent changes of scenery and the conveniences of a house.
  • Until we got itchy feet again and bought our current campervan, Zesty. Overland adventures continued, in combination with welcome breaks, house sitting.
  • We adopted Maya in June 2019 and house sitting was not an option anymore. We preferred our life on the road by then, so it all made sense to travel full-time again.
  • Then, Covid happened and we got stuck in a room above the garage in a city for many months.
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Clearwater, Florida – Global Headquarters of Scientology

A walk through Clearwater, FL reveals fancy signs, magnificent buildings, and a certain amount of secrecy. If you wouldn’t know better, the reason for these appearances stays forever hidden. Take a stroll through town with us and read the captions by hovering over or clicking on the images of this photo story.

We had no idea when we parked Zesty along the street, next to this imposing white building in Clearwater.

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IWSG Writing Update July 2020 – The Idle Co-host

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For July, the question is: “There have been many industry changes in the last decade, so what are some changes you would like to see happen in the next decade?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the awesome co-hosts are Jenni Enzor, Beth Camp, Tyrean Martinson, Sandra Cox, and yours truly (Liesbet @ Roaming About). If you click on their names, a link will bring you to their websites.

My answer to the question about industry changes

I’m a relatively new (book) writer, so the changes in the last decade did not affect me. Being unexperienced, I can’t suggest positive changes, but on a personal level I wish that every agent and publisher would have the decency, respect, and time to acknowledge or reply to queries, even if it’s with a “thanks but no thanks”. In an ideal world, constructive criticism would accompany the rejections. ????

A different question: Do writers ever relax?

Does your mind ever stop spinning, spewing ideas, suggesting outlines, demanding attention? Minds must always be busy. At least, mine is. The only time I don’t think about writing is when I hang out with friends and have a good time. Unless we talk about my travel memoir. There must be a name for this condition. Overthinking? Thought Disorder? Mind Mush? Author’s Obsession? Please enlighten me.

View during a two-week stay in Lincolnville, Maine to help out with home renovations (photo courtesy of Dave Stuhlbarg)

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A Killer Logging Machine – #WordlessWednesday

When camping in Northern Florida, we saw this Tigercat in action.

This is my contribution to this week’s Wordless Wednesday link-up.

What are your thoughts on logging forests?

IWSG Writing Update June 2020 – Hiring an Editor

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For June, the question is: “Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Pat Garcia, J.Q. Rose, and Natalie Aguirre!

My answer to the question (What are your secrets?)

I had to think long and hard about this month’s question. Since I’m so “brutally honest” and transparent about what I do, think, and write, I feel there are no secrets… I can be blunt and it’s difficult for me to hide my emotions or opinions. But the truth is that I hate confrontations, offending people, being unlikeable, and injustice. Another secret: I’m sometimes totally fed up with writing, English, and language in general. Luckily, those moments never last long.

We temporarily “moved” to Maine for a change of scenery and focus.

My book progress

After finishing several drafts, involving beta readers, spending a year contacting agents, and adding another five months looking for a traditional publisher (in vain), my travel memoir has reached the next step: the involvement of a professional editor. An editor is someone who improves your book, which can happen on several levels.

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An Ode to Hiking Shoes – #WordlessWednesday

Time to go, after five years!

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