Coralie of the inspiring travel blog Grey Globetrotters interviewed me for her insightful “travel chat” series.

Travel Chat With Liesbet from Roaming About
In today’s travel chat with Liesbet from Roaming About, mature full-time nomad Liesbet Collaert shares how she has been travelling for a lifetime and blogging about her travels for thirteen years.
Her travel stories are rich, detailed and always leave me wanting to read more, so I was excited to interview her and get to know more about the woman behind the blog!
Hi, I’m Liesbet, I’ve been a full-time nomad since 2003!
I’ve been blogging about my travels for thirteen years – eight years on my sailing blog It’s Irie – Cruising the World, the Way It Is and the last five years on Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary
As a nomad, originally from Belgium, I document our life and travels on the road (currently in a 19ft camper van in the US), my writing journey, and random thoughts and photos to inspire readers.

Q1. When did you start travelling?
As a child and teenager growing up in Belgium, I joined family vacations to France, Spain, Italy, and Norway and a school trip to Morocco.
Q2. Where did you go on your first trip, and why?
My first two trips without adults happened in the same year – the summer of 1993 – at age seventeen. One was by ferry and bus for a weekend in London, UK, with a friend. The other was a multiple-week hitchhiking adventure, with a different friend, to and in Italy.
Why? Adventure, freedom, and independence lured.

Liesbet at The Wave, Vermilion Cliffs, Utah, USA
Q3. How would you describe your travel style?
Low-budget, impulsive, 100% independent, flexible, adventurous. I’m curious about cultures, languages, and sights – architectural as well as natural. In general, light on luggage, but that doesn’t quite fit the bill when travelling with your own house (campers, sailboats, cars), which I have been doing now for seventeen years.
Q4. What do you love most about travelling? And what drives you crazy?
Being in nature with its peace and beauty, especially interacting with or observing wildlife, and being immersed in different cultures while meeting fascinating people are my favourites.
While I’m generally a flexible person, if nothing works out, consistently, and Murphy’s Law keeps following me, that drives me crazy! Also, not being able to get comfortable (or sleep) for days or feeling disrespected or taken advantage of diminishes my spirits.
Q5. How do you most like to travel? (mode of transport)
This really depends. While I like to say a small RV because that’s our current mode of travel and transportation, there are times I preferred our catamaran, and we both look forward to “no responsibility” travel in the future, as “backpackers” with just carry-on luggage.
Q6. Are you a planner or a last-minute traveller?
Last-minute traveller. We are quite impulsive and flexible and hate for anticipation to turn into disappointment. It’s better to have no or few expectations – pleasant surprises will await!

Liesbet & Maya – Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP, Colorado, USA
Q7. Are you a full-time or part-time traveller?
Full-time since 2003. Before that, two stints of a year at a time, and part-time.
Q8. Do you travel differently today to how you did in your 20s and 30s? What’s changed, and why?
Yes and no.
- As a 20-something, I mostly backpacked on an even tighter budget than now and I explored the US and Canada in a small RV.
- In my 30s, it was a slightly bigger truck camper and two smallish sailboats.
- Now, in my 40s, it’s a 19ft campervan. It’s shorter than our last RV, but, in a way, more liveable and “roomy”.
With age comes the desire for comfort (I won’t call it luxury). The solution for me – and my past and present partner – was to travel with our own home, on the oceans and overland. We always knew we’d have a place to sleep at night (our own bed) and food to cook and eat (in our own kitchen).
And, we figured out a way to always carry enough water for showers and create our own electricity.
Q9. Has Coronavirus made you think differently about your future travels?
That’s a resounding yes, as travel is our life. The biggest impact for me is not being able to see my friends and family in my home country. It had already been two years since my last visit to Belgium and this year, that trip won’t happen either.
Here in the US, it affected us back in March and it will do so in the future. We will still be able to roam about, but facilities might be hard to come by, national parks entries might be restricted, and certain attractions will remain closed.
We usually boondock (camp for free) in nature and away from other people. But we still need access to dump stations to empty our tanks and fill with fresh water. If those facilities close (again), we are in trouble.
Q10. Tell us about the most memorable place you’ve visited so far.
There are many memorable places; their influence depends on personal interests.
In the last decade:
- Wildlife – Galapagos Islands and French Polynesia;
- Culture – Guatemala, San Blas Islands in Panama and French Polynesia
- Happy Hours & Socializing – Eastern Caribbean; Beaches – Barbuda and the Tuamotu Archipelago
- Snorkelling – Bonaire, the Gambier Islands, and the Society Archipelago.

Sailing on Irie in the Caribbean
Q11. Is there anywhere you wouldn’t go, or a type of travel/experience you wouldn’t be comfortable with?
I’m open to pretty much any experience as long as it doesn’t affect the environment or local people in a negative way. Hey, I went sailing for eight years while being prone to seasickness.
Q12. If you could live in one other country, where would you choose, and why?
Very difficult question and one my husband and I have been debating for fifteen years. If there was a perfect country, everyone would live there, right?
We contemplated living in Belize, thirteen years ago, but changed our mind. At the moment, while being mobile, we kind of live in the United States, but we are ready to take our travels and lives abroad again. More tropical locales await.
We do think becoming expats in a place like Mexico, Grenada or Bali might be in our (distant) future.
Q13. What’s the worst travel mistake/regret you’ll admit to?
Being too frugal when it comes to splurging on a meal or visiting a site. Yep, I’ve skipped many an attraction, encounter, experience, and activity for this reason.
Q14. What do you do first when you arrive somewhere new?
Check whether there is WiFi. I sure hope this will change in the near future. Maybe whenever we retire… In our camper, we actually check if we are level first (or make that happen as best as possible) and on the boat, it was making sure the anchor was set. Safety and comfort are still more important than internet availability.
Q15. How do you stay healthy when travelling?
We walk most anywhere, go on hikes in nature, and eat a plant-based diet. Most importantly, we now have a dog that needs exercise, so taking her for a few walks a day is part of our daily routine.
Q16. What wouldn’t you leave home without in your cabin bag?
My diary (now on my tablet), my camera, my laptop.
Q17. Which movie(s) or book(s) have inspired your travels?
None. As a (young) adult, I travelled before I read books or watched movies. If I have to answer something, I guess it would be guidebooks and documentaries.
Q18. What are the best and the worst things you’ve eaten on your travels?

Eating fish tacos in Mexico
I like to try new foods and love rice and noodle dishes with loads of vegetables and non-bony seafood. I’ve also come to like spicy food as I started traveling. Mexican fish tacos along the street are cheap and to die for and you can order me anything in a restaurant in Thailand…
The worst? Probably Chinese street food (very different than what you eat in Westernized Chinese restaurants, as I’ve never seen fish eyes and chicken feet on the menu there) and fried insects.
Q19. When choosing somewhere to visit, what’s most important to you?
That it’s affordable, attractive, and a new experience, and that I can stay a while.
Q20. Tell us about three midlife bloggers you follow, and why their blogs inspire you
While I read (too) many, I’ll stick to three travel bloggers I follow for different reasons:
- Lisa Dorenfest from One Ocean at a Time – not only is she a positive, supportive, inspiring, kind, and strong real-life friend, adventurer, and sailor, she is also an amazing storyteller and photographer.
- Laura and Kevin of Chapter 3 Travels – I only recently discovered this blog through a mutual nomadic blogging friend, Peta from Green Global Trek, and like following along because they also travel full-time in a camper, love dogs and have one aboard, take amazing photos, and produce engaging (sarcastic and truthful) travel accounts.
- Duwan and Greg of Make Like An Ape Man – This adventurous nomadic couple has a lot in common with us. They owned a sailboat, did house and petting gigs, live frugally, and they currently travel in a camper van. We hung out with them in person a couple of times and hope to meet up again soon. I enjoy following their blog as it contains great shots and practical information that might come in handy.
Q21. What’s #1 on your travel bucket list and why?
I don’t believe in bucket lists. I think it’s an over-used word that has lost its original purpose and meaning. That being said, I want to travel to so many places still, with South Africa, Patagonia, and Antarctica high on “the list”.
Q22. Where are you planning to visit next?
We are driving back to the visually stunning American Southwest and hopefully hop over the border into Mexico again this fall and winter. Our short-term goal is to find a way (meaning a suitable camper) to explore the South American continent.
A Little More Travel Chat with Liesbet from Roaming About

Liesbet, Mark, Kali, and Darwin – Samara, Costa Rica
Liesbet’s Top 3 Travel Tips:
Top Packing Tip
Only pack what you need on a daily basis, nothing you rarely use. Comfortable clothes and shoes. Anything to collect memories and retain them.
How to Survive Long-haul Flying
With plenty of water and a book or tablet.
How to Stay Safe When Travelling
- Be aware.
- Remain vigilant, kind, and open-minded.
- Learn a few words in the local language.
- Trust your gut.

Liesbet & Mark, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Final Quick Words for this Travel Chat with Liesbet from Roaming About
- Self-guided travel or join a tour? Self-guided travel
- Window seat or aisle? Window seat
- Favourite thing to wear for travelling? Comfortable shoes. Shorts with deep pockets
- Favourite Country? Australia
- Checked bags or carry on only? Carry-on only
- Book or Kindle? Tablet which has Kindle
- Best travel resource? Other travellers
I hope you’ve enjoyed this travel chat with Liesbet from Roaming About! Don’t forget to check out her travel stories on Roaming About and do follow her on social media Facebook and Twitter.
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September 9, 2020 at 11:24
What a great interview, Liesbet. I watch a Mountain Man show (free on Hulu I think). One of the characters is named Eustace. I love this guy–he can fix anything and never gets discouraged. I watched him convert a car to be powered by wood because gas was too expensive. So cool! It makes me think of the challenges you face.
Anyway, off to read the rest of the interview!
September 10, 2020 at 09:11
Haha, Jacqui! You think about me in relation to the most crazy things. I like it! 🙂 Thank you for leaving a comment here and on Coralie’s blog. I’m glad you liked the interview.
September 9, 2020 at 14:57
Hi Liesbet, I enjoyed your interview so much! You were born to be a world traveler. What a fascinating life you, Mark and Maya live.
I loved the picture of you and sweet Maya. And the photo of you and Mark with the turtle – how cool is that!!
September 10, 2020 at 09:15
Hi Lea!
I tried to dig out a few photos that were different from what I have been posting on my own blog. When it comes to our previous life – as I call our sailing journey – I’d been lazy, looking for photos that are still lingering on my laptop. Now that I’ve entered the bowels of my photo archive on the big hard drive, I managed to grab a few images from there for this recent interview.
I think you might be right that I was born to be a traveler. I never saw it that way, but because I really can’t explain where the urge and passion come from, maybe it is part of my genes! 🙂
September 9, 2020 at 17:45
You adventurous spirit, you! I’m off to read your post!
September 10, 2020 at 09:16
Looks like you’re ready for another adventure too, Terri, hitting the road again with the travel trailer. Have a fantastic trip and move!
September 9, 2020 at 17:46
Before I began reading I thought I knew most of the detail of your early life and current adventures, but then I clicked on the READ MORE tab! What I read just reinforces the fact that you are afflicted with a wanderlust, a good thing. What sets you apart from other travelers is your constant recording of events and thoughts surrounding them. And that’s why your memoir will be so special.
My thoughts: I hope you get to see your family in Belgium soon. Also: I like fish tacos too!
Thank you, Grey Globetrotters for featuring Liestbet, Mark, and Maya.
September 10, 2020 at 09:20
Hi Marian!
You can say that I’m a travel addict. In a way. I have to admit that I’ve often been exhausted from the lifestyle as well. That’s why those house and pet sitting stints came in so handy. Right now, the solution is to be stuck in our room above the garage and in the future, we will either have to sit still in the same campground for longer periods or move abroad and rent an affordable place once in a while.
I probably won’t see my family for at least another year. Especially my niece and nephew will have changed tons after three years. I feel really disconnected from that part of my family, which is actually my real family. I have honestly spend much more time with my in-law family over the last ten years than with my own flesh and blood! Luckily, there is the internet.
September 9, 2020 at 18:12
What a great interview, Liesbet. I always enjoy learning more about you and your nomadic ways. I hope I’m still alive and kicking to read about your travels in the 50’s and 60’s! I love the photo of your at The Wave, Vermilion Cliffs, Utah. So cool!
September 10, 2020 at 09:22
You’ll still be alive and kicking, Jill. And, hopefully, I’m still adventuring in ten years. I think so… But, I might be burnt-out writing about it and might just want to enjoy the experiences, apart from a blog post here or there. 🙂
September 9, 2020 at 19:43
Great interview, Liesbet! Although traveling full time wouldn’t be a lifestyle I’d choose for myself, I really enjoy reading about your adventures!
September 10, 2020 at 09:24
I’m glad you enjoyed the interview and following my adventures, Janis. I think you have a nice set-up when it comes to the combination of comfort and attraction of a home and the getaways and stays abroad to satisfy the travel bug and curiosity about different cultures and experiences. I think we will get there one day as well – part of us have craved a home base – but we’re not sure which country will become our expat haven…
September 10, 2020 at 13:48
Wow, what a great post. I got so many ideas from this as my husband and I enter retirement and hope to BEGIN traveling. One of the things that most intrigued me was your camper home base. We’ve been thinking about that as well. But another was your flexibility. We’ve been planning and planning, but now I’m thinking more about the importance of retaining flexibility and spontaneity. Loved this, Liesbet. Thank you.
September 11, 2020 at 11:42
Hi Diana! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview and were inspired by it.
How exciting that you both are getting ready to travel more – conditions allowed. In regards to planning or not, I think this is a very personal thing. Ideally, to get best of both worlds – peace of mind and a sense of flexibility – you find a balance between the two. I’m just not a fan of disappointments (say about a campground or having to stay somewhere longer because it has been booked), especially when I paid good money for it.
We usually camp for free and while that is often not as “nice”, it gives us more space and freedom. We can leave whenever we want, don’t have to plan, don’t have to reserve and need things to line up, and it doesn’t cost anything. On the other hand, I have often envied campers finding the most beautiful locations and staying there for weeks. 🙂
Success with the book launch! I had to think about you a few times when creating the blurb for my upcoming travel memoir, as I noticed Sean P. Carlin mention something about how well-crafted yours are.
September 10, 2020 at 15:06
Great interview with all sorts of interesting tidbits !! We have been thinking about maybe buying a camper to pursue traveling in Mexico perhaps next year… still very much in the thinking about stage !
September 11, 2020 at 11:50
Hi Peta! Camper and vanlife interest is growing. We will have to see how that plays out in the US for us. We might hop south of the border in Zesty this winter. Fun and exciting times for you two to think about traveling Mexico in a camper!!! 🙂
September 10, 2020 at 18:25
Fun interview! I’m fascinated by your love for travel, and the fact that you’ve been doing it so long. I love my yard and garden so much that even a two-week “vacation” somewhere else seems to last too long! 🙂
September 11, 2020 at 11:53
Hi Diane! It seems like we are at opposite ends of the travel spectrum. I have no idea what it would be like to live in a real house for a while, let alone actually own one. Being in the same room now for five months is somewhat comparable… but not. Every lifestyle has pros and cons. We love the adventure and diving into new experiences, but it is also important we take a break once in a while from that constant movement and taking things in. Having a small home base would help with that! 🙂
September 13, 2020 at 04:17
Glad you can keep on making it work for you, Liesbet. Happy travels! 🙂 🙂
September 13, 2020 at 10:15
Thanks, Jo! We should be hitting the road again within the month. Bye bye decent desk and unlimited electricity and WiFi! 🙂
September 13, 2020 at 23:15
Liesbet, I left a comment on Coralie’s blog. I enjoy reading interview questions and answers from the bloggers I really like. I appreciated learning more about you.
September 14, 2020 at 14:22
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment on Coralie’s blog as well, Erica. She must not have moderated it yet, but I’ll keep an eye on it. It makes me happy to know you remain interested (and inspired) by my lifestyle. 🙂
September 15, 2020 at 10:18
Hi Liesbet, I checked Coralie’s blog this morning and she did respond. Coralie asked great questions. An interesting interview. Take care. ????
September 16, 2020 at 14:14
Great! I replied to your comment there as well. If only she would have one of those check boxes to notify us about new comments or replies… 🙂
September 14, 2020 at 18:40
You sure are getting around the internet these days! Great interview. Wonderful pictures.
Lets go to Mexico this winter! I really want to go back to Oaxaca to see the beach, eat mole, visit ruins, and drink some mescal.
September 16, 2020 at 14:02
Thanks for hopping over to Coralie’s to read the entire interview and comment there as well, Duwan. There were a lot of questions. Answering them and selecting photos took some time. I was hoping she would mention I was working on a travel memoir… Oaxaca sounds nice to me. We have friends who now live at a beach in Oaxaca state. It would be great to visit them as well. Whenever we meet up (in Arizona??), we will have to discuss our “plans”. Because, right now, we have none. 🙂
September 14, 2020 at 21:45
Fun interview. And boy, do I ever know Murphy well. Surprised he had time to visit you LOL 😉 x
September 16, 2020 at 14:04
Haha! I guess Murphy has a lot of friends. 🙂
October 27, 2020 at 19:04
Great interview, Liesbet! Your former truck and camper look a lot like ours.
October 28, 2020 at 10:24
Except for the slide! 🙂 And I think ours wasn’t made out of fiberglass. I think it was aluminum. Believe me, we are seriously contemplating switching back to a truck camper. Not sure about the slide-out, though. We love the extra space it creates but worry about the extra weight. We will see what happens…