Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Monthly Expenses of a Nomad – July 2021

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂

This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups, we both return to the East Coast.

The first two weeks of July, Mark and I visited my family and friends in Belgium, while our good buddies Greg and Duwan (of Make Like An Apeman) took good care of Maya in Newburyport, Massachusetts. We splurged on goodies from the grocery store, alcohol to share, and gifts to thank our generous hosts in my home country and our friends back in the US.

The two of us also went out for food and drinks one evening to celebrate our fourteenth wedding anniversary outdoors in Oostende. Where did the time go?

Upon our return to the US, Duwan and Greg stayed on a few more days. Fun! We ordered pizza one night – they treated – and the following night, we splurged on Thai food – our treat. Life was good last month, socializing and catching up with friends and family!

Duwan and Greg in our room – Maya’s new best friends!

The last ten days of July, we tightened the belt for common expenses, as a new money pit arrived! Firstly, we had to order a new passport for Mark and – with the delays – we hope he will receive it before wintertime, when would like to return to Baja California (Mexico).

More importantly, we found a pick-up truck! More about that in a next post. Owning a vehicle again means expensive insurance, extra (used) parts to add a truck camper, and relatively pricey improvements. As always, we do all the work ourselves, so only spend money on materials, which Mark researches and buys at the best quality/price ratio. And, of course, there are fuel costs – for our new “thirsty” vehicle and for the one of my mother-in-law.

July 2021 was a super expensive month, but for good reasons! 🙂

July 2021 Overview:

Car (ins.: $1,167; gear: $580; fuel: $131;

reg.:$135; parking: $7):


Dining out:

Customs & Immigration (passport Mark):

Drinking out (anniversary):


Utilities (phone/internet):























$ 2,783

Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.

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  1. Yay, I’m glad you found a suitable vehicle at last!

  2. Take out the car and that was still dirt cheap! Crap, when we travel we spend a lot. Eating out one night is close to fifty bucks.

    • You are right, Alex! Without the car, our monthly expenses would be about $750. That’s a nice amount and a great goal. Unfortunately, we’ve had a lot of extra expenses this year, so our average will have gone up by the end of 2021. I can imagine a holiday or road trip costing a lot of money. Since we do this on a daily basis, it just goes towards our living costs. $50 for a couple’s dinner would be cheap in Newburyport, MA. It’s one of the reasons we try to avoid that here. Take-out is more manageable. 🙂

  3. Take away the transportation expense you two are still living on the cheap-cheap! It’s true: The truck is a necessity and so is celebrating your wedding anniversary. Happy 14th to you and Mark! You look happy. 🙂

    • Thanks, Marian. I did look happy in 2007. 🙂 When I was in Belgium, I actually didn’t take a lot of photos. I took a vacation from my camera, as I’m getting tired documenting “everything,” whether it is on my camera, my blog, or my diary. It is all costing a lot of time and energy; time and energy that doesn’t go to “living.”

  4. Hi Liesbet, first of all Happy 14th Anniversary to you and Mark!! Second of all that is a pretty truck. Congratulations on the truck too. We used to have a truck and I enjoyed driving it. It’s great that you and Mark can do the work you need done yourselves.

    Maya looks so pretty. Please give her a gentle pat on the head from me.

    • Thank you, Lea. We are not so fond of the color of the truck, but we are getting used to it. Black was our least favorite choice, but beggars can’t be choosers. 🙂 We have waited and searched four months to find and buy the right pick-up truck. I’ve only moved the truck once. It’s a “beast” to drive! But, it will serve its sole purpose soon: carrying our new home on wheels. Maya sends you a lick and a wag back.

  5. Happy anniversary, Liesbet! Glad you found some new wheels!

  6. I had seen the announcement of the new truck on FB, Liesbet! Congrats again and also hugs and congrats on your 14th wedding anniversary! You have been through many life changing events together and that is the glue that holds you together. How wonderful your friends could take care of Maya.

    • Hi Terri!

      People who read Plunge – like you – know so much more about our travels and our relationship than I share on the blog, so I’m glad you understand how all those life-changing events have impacted us. Right now, as you might know, we are ready for another chapter yet again. While I think it’s about time for something different, I will also miss some of our old ways. The new vehicle set-up is VERY different from the previous one and we are slowly getting used to the changes, the pros and the cons.

      It is thanks to our friends that Mark managed to join me in Belgium, so that was fantastic. And, thanks to the lifted Covid restrictions as well, of course.

  7. Happy Anniversary and congrats on the snazzy truck!

    • Thank you! As long as that “snazzy” truck is up to its arduous upcoming task, all is good. From a short test drive over the steep hills and unexpected gravel roads in Vermont when picking up our camper, we think it will do just fine! 🙂

  8. Beautiful truck! Life never comes without a cost, does it. I know you’re going to get back to your norm and I will once again be amazed at how thrifty life can be.

    • Life never comes with a cost, for sure, Jacqui. And, it never comes easy either. There are many hoops, twists, and turns. But, wouldn’t it be boring otherwise? 🙂 Once the big expenses are out of the way, we do hope to settle around $1,000 a month, to catch up on all the expensive ones this year… We will see. I have a feeling 2021 will be one of the more expensive years for us.

      • I assure you, you two are amazing with your thriftiness. I am careful of every penny and still spend boatloads more than you! It’s OK. I’ve already told my kids that they will be paying our bills when our dotage arrives!

        • You are funny, Jacqui. And, you taught me yet a new word. I had to look up “dotage.” I had no idea there was actually one word for “the period of life in which a person is old and weak.” Amazing!

  9. petespringerauthor

    August 14, 2021 at 20:50

    Nice ride! I bought a truck a year and a half ago. I thought I’d only drive it 50% of the time as I have a much more efficient hybrid car, but I drive it more like 80% They don’t do well for city driving, but the mileage on the highway isn’t too bad.

    • Hi Pete! I’m glad you like our ride. We bought the truck for one reason: to carry our next home. 🙂

      I’m surprised that you prefer driving your pick-up around (I remember the story of how you acquired it) instead of your hybrid. Maybe it’s more fun? For me, the smaller and more manageable, the better. And, I HATE spending money on gas… Yeah, trucks are expensive and not really our thing, but as I mentioned earlier, it is the best vehicle for our upcoming adventures. And, luckily, Mark drives the majority of the time!

  10. Congratulations on your new pickup truck. That’s awesome! I can’t wait to read more about it!

    • Hi Donna! I hope to write “the story of the truck” soon, but I’ll need a chunk of time to represent that journey and do it justice! Have fun tomorrow!!!

  11. Happy Anniversary to you and Mark!
    I have to say, I am very impressed with your alcohol expenditure…
    We have noticed a massive reduction in our expenses since we got back on the road a month or so ago. Houses are so expensive and it’s much more fun back on wheels!
    I’m looking forward to connecting with your friends’ blog, Make Like An Ape Man. Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

    • Hello Jackie and Mark!

      I’m so thrilled you are following our blog now and I just subscribed to yours. I’m looking forward to many hours of happy reading and indulging!!

      We have so much in common! Yet, the most dogs we ever traveled (camped and sailed) with was two. I have to be honest, that was enough. But, they might have taken up more space than your four, haha. Your new rig will be soooo spacious and dog friendly!

      Mark and I have had some health issues, which led to lying off the alcohol a bit (more). We are hoping to resume our “healthy drinking habits” soon. When we are with friends, we seem to overdo it, so we take a step back the week that follows. Fun fact: when I returned to Belgium, I had blood work scheduled, but I postponed that for two weeks until my body had recovered a bit from all the treats “back home” – in solid and in liquid form. 🙂

      We are so looking forward to hitting the road again too. Stay tuned to find out what our next rig looks like. I am impressed with your new expedition vehicle and look forward to following along. We have a few friends with similar rigs and will meet up with two of them in Baja, Mexico this winter.

      If you are looking for more cool blogs to follow, check out the one of our German friends Sandie and Karsten (they write everything in German and in English):

      And of our American friends Heather and Jon here:

  12. Congrats on your wedding anniversary and on acquiring a new vehicle! It will be fun to see what adventures it leads you in or vice versa. I’m assuming you’ll need some downscaling/omitting of what can travel with you? Wonder how May will react to the new wheels!


    • Hi Peta!

      Maya loves the new truck (and camper) and is ready to hit the road! She gets 2/3 of the narrow back seat, which is more than enough space after we filled the gap between the seats and created a big dog bed for her. She uses the running board to get in and out. I’ll post more photos in a future blog post or on SM. So much going on right now. But in a good way. 🙂

      Believe it or not, but our new set-up will have at least as much space and storage as Zesty. Just all very different. Until we load everything, I won’t know if all our belongings fit. It would be nice to finally add a portable grill somehow.

  13. Yikes, that is a much higher number than usual; but it sounds like it was worth it! Hooray, you got your truck!!! 🙂

  14. Yay to finding the right vehicle! That is an expense well worth having. I’m glad to hear of your plans to head back to Baja. As you know one of our top picks.

    • Hi Sue! It’s been a long and frustrating road to get where we are with this truck. I hope to finally report on that process later this week. I could see it being a chapter in a new book one day. Yay to going back to Baja. Of course, I hate making plans for fear of them not working out. So, we will see what happens. 🙂

  15. Hot looking truck! I hope she treats you well! <3

    • I think this will be a “he.” 🙂 Not our favorite color as we will try and prevent melting in the tropics, but beggars can’t be choosers and, the black is starting to grow on me…

      • I have a black car too. I do love the color, but oh ya, watch where you park in the sun LOL <3

        • Right! This winter, black won’t be a problem, but once we return to the tropics… Luckily, many countries in South America have mountains to escape to. 🙂

  16. So glad you’ve found a new vehicle, and how cool that you’re both fixing it up. Looking forward to hearing all about it, Liesbet. Does it have a name yet?

    Good to hear that Maya was well looked after. I bet Duwan and Greg enjoyed all the walks with her.

    No mention of any jet-lag in your post. I hope it wasn’t too bad.

    • Hi Hugh! No name yet for the new set-up that will be our home on wheels. First, we need to make sure it is move-in ready and self-contained for us to leave here. Priorities. 🙂 And, lots of projects… But, I was thinking something in the sense of yin and yang, because the car is black and the camper is/will be white. No jetlag on the way to the US. That is something I only suffer from when I fly east, to Europe. I was exhausted from my visit to friends and family and am still not caught up on sleep.

      • I like your route (no pun intended) of thinking about the name for the new vehicle, Liesbet How long do you think before it will be ready to whisk you off on your next adventure? I was wondering where you may be at Christmas this year, or is that too far off to even think about yet?

        • Hi Hugh! We hope to hit the road again – indefinitely – within the month. The sooner the better, but the camper has to be completely ready first. Funny you ask about Christmas now, as you asked me this exactly one year ago as well, haha. I’m hoping we will be in Baja California, Mexico by then. Funny also is that I probably answered the same thing last year. We made it to Arizona by last Christmas, but didn’t enter Mexico until February… Of course, we are not thinking about that yet. First, we need to get out of here and make sure we leave healthy, rested, equipped, and with Mark’s parents taken care of.

  17. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman

    August 24, 2021 at 14:57

    It was vacation month which is good reason for splurging. We have been splurging all over New England – who knows if we will ever make it back this way.

    Hopefully soon you will be back on the road and you will be back to free camping and the free entertainment of a southwest sunset.

    • Hi Duwan,

      As you know when a new set-up enters your life, it needs to be “converted” to the new owners’ needs and equipped for full-time living. We left so much in Zesty that now we have to buy certain big-ticket and smaller ticket items again – like portable solar panels (low on the list), inverter, charger, bike carrying solution, … And fix/maintain everything that is already there. Plus, we need new tools, caulk, spare parts, and the like. August will be expensive as well!! Especially since we are not having much luck selling the items we don’t have any use for. These would offset our costs a bit.

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