Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Plunge on Pre-order & A Special Dedication

Today, November 15th, 2020, would have been my dear oma‘s 100th birthday. Mark and I planned a trip to Belgium to celebrate that special event. Covid or not, we’d do the effort and make the commitment. Unfortunately, she passed away in the spring of 2017, at age 97. I wrote about my relationship with her here and posted a Dutch poem about her here.

Oma and Liesbet in 2014

I think about my oma a lot. She played an important role in my life – when I was a toddler, a teenager, and, especially, an adult. I often said she was my best friend and savored every chance I had to visit her when in Belgium. My travel memoir, Plunge, is dedicated to her (and one other person). While she wouldn’t have been able to read the book – she didn’t speak English – she would have been immensely proud of her “favorite” grandchild!

It was my intention to launch Plunge today, but that timing was too tight. If Mark, Maya, and I would have remained in “our room above the garage” in Newburyport, Massachusetts, it might have been possible. Working full-time from the road is tricky. But… the next best thing to commemorate my dear oma on the day she would have become a centenarian is by putting Plunge (the eBook anyway; it wasn’t possible for the paperback) on pre-sale.

Yes!!! The digital version of my book is ready for pre-order on Amazon as of today, for the special price of US$4.99. This will go up to US$5.99 on the date of the actual release, which is set for November 28th. On that day – if Amazon cooperates ???? – both the eBook and the paperback of Plunge will be available. Leaving reviews are possible on Amazon starting that day and on Goodreads any time.

Plunge available for eReaders

Thank you, everyone, for following my journey – on the blog and in the book – and for sharing in the excitement!

To pre-order Plunge in the US: click here.

To pre-order Plunge in Canada: click here.

To pre-order Plunge in the UK: click here.

To pre-order Plunge in Germany: click here.

To pre-order Plunge in Australia: click here.

To pre-order Plunge in Belgium and the Netherlands: click here.

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  1. Oh, my gosh – how sweet that you’re pre-order date is in honor of your oma 🙂

    • I always “have to” do something special/meaningful. And, create extra pressure for myself, like today’s deadline. Can you imagine how I felt when I received Amazon’s note – after making the eBook “live” for pre-order this morning – that it could take up to 72 hours for the pre-order to become available… Luckily, it didn’t take that long. When will the stress stop? 🙂

  2. I feel like I know your Oma through the book, Liesbet. What a wonderful family you have.

    • Thank you so much for your kind words, Jacqui! My family has been very understanding and supportive of all my life choices. 🙂

  3. I’ve pre-ordered the kindle, but I hope there will be a paperback available in the UK. I understand about your Oma, my grandmother is still very much around 40 years after she died.

    • Hi Hilary! Thank you so much for ordering the eBook. As far as I understand, the paperback should be available worldwide on November 28th. But, I’ve been thrown quite a few hurdles (not only by Amazon) lately, so we will have to see what happens. I do appreciate your continued support for my first book! And, how lovely that your grandmother is very much alive in your mind after all those years. I think my oma will still be as “present” for me after 40 years. If I’m still around… 🙂

    • Release op 28/11… van een verjaardagscadeau gesproken ????.
      Ik denk dat ik tot dan moet wachten om je boek te bestellen want ik zou graag het “echt” boek bestellen om te lezen…
      (Dat kan je nog niet reserveren begrijp ik).
      Ik zal ook wat reclame maken bij collega’s en kennissen ????

      • Hallo Wim! Dit wordt hopelijk een van de speciaalste verjaardagen en een perfect verjaardagscadeau om het boek volledig af en te koop te hebben. 🙂 Ik zou inderdaad ook op de paperback wachten. Een aanrader. 🙂 Ik heb in Belgie nooit iets op Amazon besteld, maar ik veronderstel dat de Duitse site de beste is? Wat doen jullie als jullie online iets bestellen? Bedankt voor de interesse en het verspreiden van dit nieuws op 28 november. Jullie staan verschillende keren vermeld in het boek. 🙂

  4. I think you’ve priced your book just right, and the dedication is absolutely perfect. What an Oma; she is somewhere in the wings very proud of you, as am I!

    • Oh Marian! You are so kind. I’m honored that you are proud of me. I noticed that you dropped the price of Mennonite Daughter recently (and presumably temporarily), so I hope you’re racking up more sales and more 5-star reviews. 🙂

      • Yes, I noticed a boost in sales and a few more reviews lately. And, yes, the promo is temporary, but I’ll probably adjust the price again to fall between the cut-rate promo price and the original one. 🙂

        • Great prospects and results, Marian. I keep reading everywhere that actually “playing around” with the price point is the only way to find out what works. Not a quick answer, though…

  5. What a great picture of you two.
    Send me the details and I will announce your release in my December IWSG post!

    • I will do that, Alex! Thank you so much for your continued support of me and all the other writers of our wonderful group!!!

  6. I love the photo of you and your Oma, Liesbet. No doubt, she was so proud of you. Dedicating your memoir to her is perfect. Congratulations!

    • My oma and I had a special bond and I will always cherish that, Jill. Precious relationships are part of what keep us going. And, yes, I think she was proud of me, even before I wrote this book. 🙂

  7. Hi, Liesbet – Congratulations on having Plunge ready for pre-order.
    I just ordered my kindle copy via The cost in Canadian Dollars is $6.50 which is extremely reasonable.

    • Hi Donna! Thank you so much for the purchase! And, wow, the exchange rate seems pretty high these days… I should put a link up for as well. And, probably Australia, too. Tomorrow! 🙂

  8. Congratulations. An amazing accomplishment.

  9. I look forward to reading this when the paperback is released ☺️

    • Hi Becky! Welcome to Roaming About and thanks for swinging by and leaving a comment. And, of course, I greatly appreciate your interest in the paperback of Plunge. I hope – and think – you’ll enjoy the arm chair travels and quite a few musings throughout my thirties. 🙂

  10. Hi Liesbet. I’ve pre-ordered and am looking forward to getting Plunge on my Kindle on the 28th! Happy heavenly birthday to your sweet Oma.

    • Thank you for the oma birthday wishes, Janis. She was a special woman to me! Of course, I’m very happy you ordered your digital copy of Plunge too. I’ll celebrate all that on MY birthday. 🙂

  11. Dear Liesbet, I initially saw this share on Twitter and preordered “Plunge.” Easy to access on A beautiful photo of you and your Oma. I know she is thrilled and watching over you. I also remember my Oma and the influence she had in my life. Thank you for the reminder how important our relationships are with our grandchildren and grandparents. Now, I have to wait patiently for November 28th to arrive. Excited!❤️

    • Hi Erica! Wow, Twitter is powerful. 🙂 I ought to check it more often. Sigh. Thanks a lot for ordering your copy of Plunge. And, cheers to both of our omas. Actually, cheers to all the wonderful omas out there, yourself included!! <3

      • Liesbet, I am still a total newbie on Twitter and I find the blogging/writing community share a great deal there. I am not sure on etiquette and how to thank and respond. A learning curve and I don’t want to spend too much time on another site. Take care, and enjoy the birth of Plunge. xx

        • Same here, Erica! I have a Twitter account, but haven’t “done” anything with it, except automatically share my blog posts from WordPress. Others have been sharing some of my posts and then, after two weeks or so, I discover this, thank them, and feel “bad” I haven’t shared anything by other people yet. I think, over time, I might delete my Instagram account and switch to Twitter more frequently. I can’t keep track of too many social media outlets, like you. It’s way too overwhelming and time consuming.

  12. Congrats on your pre-order, Liesbet, and how wonderful to mark the occasion with your beloved Oma’s birth date!

    • Hello Terri! Thank you! You know how it feels to self-publish and get the ball rolling. Exciting times ahead, but the work ain’t done yet. 🙂

  13. Wow. After all your hard work, it’s happening. Full of admiration. Just pre-ordered my kindle copy.

    • Yes, Trace! This is happening. I can hardly believe it, after five years of dedication. 🙂 Thank you for the order. I hope you like it!!

  14. Thank you for sharing some of your lovely memories of Oma, Liesbet. And what an honour for her to have you dedicate your book to her. I’m sure she’s very proud of what you have achieved in writing and publishing a book. Congratulation on launching your book. I’ll be pre-ordering my copy.

    • Hello Hugh! Thank you for the support and encouragement along the way, for featuring me on your blog in the near future, and for ordering a copy of my book. You might find it hard to put down. Or so I’ve been told. 🙂

  15. Very sweet dedication, and I ordered on the Kindle pre-sale. Can’t say I will actually get to reading immediately; I have a pile of books to finish before I give them all away at Christmas time, but I look forward to reading it soon!

    • Thanks Lexie! And, yes, wait with reading my book, so you don’t have to give it away. 🙂 Just kidding. You are obviously talking about hard copies… Enjoy the read(s)!


  17. Congratulations on having Plunge ready for pre-order, Liesbet! Thank you for sharing some of your loving memories of your Oma. She’s proud of your achievements and would be very touched to know you dedicate your first memoir to her.

    • Thanks, Natalie! I’m very happy and fortunate to have had a special bond with my oma and to have made time for her whenever I could. Precious memories. I hope you will enjoy reading Plunge. 🙂

  18. So proud of you girlfriend! <3

  19. You did it, congratulations! I’m so excited for you! I hope that your launch day goes off without a hitch, and that your book is a huge hit. 🙂

    • Thanks, Diane! I hope the same as I’m still a tad apprehensive about that launch date. I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t have placed it on my birthday, as it can go either way – miserable or fantastic. Time will tell! It will be a day to remember either way. 🙂

  20. We know how much determination it has taken to make this happen, Liesbet. Your Oma is beaming down at you from heaven 🙂 🙂

  21. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman

    November 17, 2020 at 15:51

    Congrats on your presale and impending launch. I see your oma is a lover of pink, too!

    I will finish up the book tonight. It is really a wonderful story. See you soon!

    • Thank you, Duwan! As you know, I’m looking forward to celebrating the launch with you all. We have a big bottle of tequila and a bottle of bubbles at the ready. Let’s hope it happens without a glitch… I’m glad you like the story. 🙂

  22. Congratulations, Liesbet! I am waiting for the paperback, as it’s a little hard on my eyes and previously concussed brain to read online. So happy for you!

    • Hi Anonymous! (I think you might be Pam, unless there have been more concussions this year…:-)) Thank you for the lovely sentiments!

  23. Congratulations Liesbet!!!! YAY! So very happy for you and excited to pre order your book. Love that you dedicated it to your grandma and that photo is just so special! One can feel the warmth oozing out of both of you. Can’t wait to read the book!!!! You did it! Bravo.


    • Hi Peta! Your excitement matches mine! 🙂 As you know, it’s been a long road to get to this point with Plunge. I’m still in alert- and stress-mode, looking for issues. But, it’s almost time to move on! That will be a good day. I hope. Happy reading once the book is ready!!

  24. I’ve preordered my copy!

  25. Congratulations, Liesbet. I will look for your book on my kindle. I haven’t used it for a while so I will have to charge it up again. It is so touching that you have dedicated the book to your Oma. By the look on your face in the photo, it is clear she was a guiding light for you!

    • Sweet words, Amanda. Thank you for those and for understanding the bond my oma and I had. She was a special person (to me).

  26. A wonderful tribute to your Oma, Liesbet. I’m proud to say I was able to read your book on pdf and it is MARVELOUS. I’ve left a review on Goodreads and can’t wait to get my paperback. Seems to me like a great holiday gift for my friends, as well.

    • Thank you so much, Pam! For the kind words, for reading, for leaving a fabulous review of Plunge! I agree with the book being a fantastic Christmas gift. 🙂

  27. Wonderful! I believe that grandmothers (and grandfathers) are so important in children’s lives, sometimes they’re undervalued, especially these days.

  28. Liesbet, what a lovely tribute to your Oma. She would be so proud and happy for you. And CONGRATULATIONS!!! Writing a book is a fantastic feat, and James and I can’t wait to read it. We just placed our order and will be looking forward to the 28th. In the meantime, travel safe and stay healthy. All the best, Terri

  29. Liesbet, my paperback copy of Plunge arrived! I’ve started reading it. What a great job you did with the book!

    I love the photo of you and your Oma. My Grandma lived to be 100 years old and passed away just shortly after her birthday.


    • That’s just incredible that your grandma lived to be 100. I so much wished that for my oma, but it was not meant to be. She seriously deteriorated after one of her daughters passed away. I do mention this in Plunge. 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying the read. I did my best to make it compelling, unique, and accessible to non-sailors.

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