Our route from Huaraz in the Cordillera Blanca to Lima, Peru’s capital, was no joke. The first stretch of road (3N) towards a main east-west highway (Hwy 16) was riddled with potholes and took hours to complete. Each time we wanted to weave around a massive hole, into the other lane, someone else overtook us, forcing Thirsty Bella to slow to a crawl and go through the craters. Not a fun drive.

(As always, hover over or click on photos in galleries to read their captions.)


Once we reached Hwy 16, the going was smooth and relatively fast again, towards the barren, desolate, littered coastline. We spent one night in the beach town of Barranca to break up the trip to Lima. It was the weekend, so not a surprise that loud music and a partying bar had us move camping spots in the middle of the night.


The estimated four-hour drive from Barranca easily took an hour longer due to the horrendous traffic of Lima. Slow progress is what it is, but when you have to fight for a spot on the road with massive semi-trucks, who make left turns from the extreme right lane and you’re pushed from all sides by impatient drivers, while literally everyone honks their horn, you can imagine driving around the capital (let alone in it!) is far from ideal!

Once we were settled at one of the many (secured) beach parking lots in the Miraflores area, we let out a sigh of relief and contacted our new American friends whom we met near Laguna Churup. Mark and I took Maya for a walk along the seemingly infinite “boardwalk” and grey shoreline.

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