Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Tag: cruising

Hitchhikers on an Ocean Crossing – #WordlessWednesday

The setting

Sunrise on the open ocean

Heading into a nasty squall with rain and heavy winds.


Chilly but relatively comfortable

Hitchhikers during the day and night

A swallow holding on in strong tailwinds

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Caribbean Sunsets – #WordlessWednesday

From the Virgin Islands to Grenada…

… sunsets over the water are spectacular.

Especially with boats around, …

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S is for Sailboat

Day 19 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

Readers of my blog during the A-Z Challenge have probably noticed by now (as friends, family and loyal readers of Roaming About have long known :-)) that my husband, Mark, and I were living on our own sailboat Irie not too long ago. The summary can be read elsewhere on this blog and the entire eight years of our cruising life is documented on my other (sailing) blog It’s Irie, but, this is the gist of it…

Anchored in pretty Moorea, French Polynesia

Anchored in pretty Moorea, French Polynesia

A sailboat is the perfect way to travel to remote places (like tropical islands in the middle of the ocean), inaccessible – or exorbitantly expensive to visit – with other transportation methods. Continue reading

How’s the Book Coming Along?

What is going on with the book I am planning to write? Some of you might think that I have totally given up on that silly idea, which I brushed on a few months ago. I haven’t. Not yet, anyway… Writing a book takes a lot of time, effort, energy, prioritizing and commitment. Now that the excuses caused by living on a sailboat have diminished, I am still serious about this arduous project.

So, what have I been up to? Continue reading

The Idea of a Book

DSC03792I have always – jokingly – said “One day, I will write a book”. When people suggested “You should write a book,” I laughed it off with a “suuuure!”  People say a lot of things. Everyone who travels frequently or extensively has friends suggesting the book idea. And, a lot of people do write books! If you want to dive into a book project, you have to at least like to write, and, ideally, you are good at it as well… Continue reading

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