Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Tag: secrets

IWSG Writing Update June 2020 – Hiring an Editor

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For June, the question is: “Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Pat Garcia, J.Q. Rose, and Natalie Aguirre!

My answer to the question (What are your secrets?)

I had to think long and hard about this month’s question. Since I’m so “brutally honest” and transparent about what I do, think, and write, I feel there are no secrets… I can be blunt and it’s difficult for me to hide my emotions or opinions. But the truth is that I hate confrontations, offending people, being unlikeable, and injustice. Another secret: I’m sometimes totally fed up with writing, English, and language in general. Luckily, those moments never last long.

We temporarily “moved” to Maine for a change of scenery and focus.

My book progress

After finishing several drafts, involving beta readers, spending a year contacting agents, and adding another five months looking for a traditional publisher (in vain), my travel memoir has reached the next step: the involvement of a professional editor. An editor is someone who improves your book, which can happen on several levels.

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My Most Cherished Object; My Daily Companion

As a frugal, down-to-the-basics kind of girl, I don’t own much and I don’t value material goods like most people do. This has been a trend my whole life and allows me to be free. I love downsizing – from not much to even less – to keep things organized and manageable. I enjoy making my life as simple (and cheap) as possible. Decent health, love from (and for) my husband, enough money to put food on the table and live a relatively comfortable life, and the right dose of excitement and adventure is all I need. Of course, I have some clothes as well, even though most of them are 10+ years old. At the moment, we have a car which holds everything we need, and we each have a computer, which is required to make money (and post blogs :-)). My camera is my most important gadget, with my iPad coming in second. Oh, and I do have a Fitbit, but don’t tell anyone! When asked about my most cherished object, however, the answer is the one thing I have held onto and used every single day for over 25 years. It is my most intimate and valuable companion, the only one that knows me through and through, contains all my secrets and has been by my side from the age of 14 forward, for better or for worse, for richer, but mostly for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I am talking about my diary.

Diary old and new

Diary old and new

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