A couple of weeks ago, I shared some of our human encounters in Florida this past winter. Mark and I (and Maya) enjoy meeting old and new friends, but when it comes to my personal happiness level, animal observations and interactions – especially in the wild – always make me smile! Here are some of the creatures we came across on our walks.
Continue readingI have decided to post photos of past travels in general and our eight year sailing adventure on SV Irie in particular for Wordless Wednesdays. I hope you enjoy them. My theme “Opposites” for this week comes from The Daily Post.
Opposites that come to mind are: sand-rock, dead-alive, arid-lush, air-water, dry-wet, bumpy-flat
Which opposites do you spot when looking at this photo?
… to stay with the theme of our most recent summer solstice full moon. Not much luck photographing that one, so I searched my archives.
I like Wordless Wednesdays.
Because I have been known to talk and write too much (here I go again).
Because a photo sometimes says more than a thousand words (depends on those words and what the shot does NOT reveal).
Because I finally have an excuse to post pretty cool, but disregarded photos of our travels.
Did you see or photograph the full moon (also called a strawberry moon in June) on June 20th? Did you go outside and let romance overtake you? Did you see fireflies and stars, and felt many mosquitoes upon your skin, like I did?
I am happy with my warm and colorful Wordless Wednesday this week. Summer is finally approaching…
To check out more summer bliss and colors, swing by Jude’s blog for her Garden Challenge, or see what summer prompts at The Daily Post. 🙂
Happy Wednesday and don’t forget to smell the flowers!
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