Perfect picture and caption given yesterday’s events, and all the other horrible things, large and small, that happen each and every day that chip away at peace and love. See, I love WW – with just one picture, you’ve given me so much to think about.
Thanks, Ellen. The events are fresh in my mind. I am so glad that none of my friends and family were in the city that day. My brother was scheduled to fly out the next day and my aunt’s meeting had been moved to a different city that day, otherwise, she would have been in the metro station that was bombed… Here’s to a better world!!
Oh Liesbet I have just read your comment above! How absolutely frightening for your family members and all of you! Let us hope for peace in this world, where embracing differences becomes the norm. Sending hugs your way.
Thanks, Sue. Differences make this world interesting, whether it is cultures, looks, opinions, wildlife, scenery… If more people would travel, they would understand. Here’s to expanding our horizons, learning about each other, and having an open mind, healthy understanding and peaceful attitude!
That is one gorgeous photo! Like a painting. In addition to all of the other blogging stuff that you have got going, have you thought of participating in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge? This week’s challenge is landscape, and you certainly have a lot to share in that regard. Check it out (
Great idea, Lisa. I have heard a lot about the daily post photo challenges, on your blog and others. It sounds like fun, but I might wait to participate until April is over. There are so many challenges, themes and ideas out there I am starting to realize, now that I am immersing myself a little bit in the blogging world. Wow. Overwhelming! You are doing good picking and choosing the things that lay closest to your heart and passion!
Roaming About – Liesbet Collaert & Mark Kilty & Maya
We have been perpetual nomads as RVers, sailors, house and pet sitters, and overlanders since 2003. Currently, the three of us are roaming about South America in our truck camper Thirsty Bella.
As lifetime adventurers, we are self-employed and maintain a tight budget. This blog is about all that – and more – to inspire a life less ordinary. Don’t dream but do! 🙂
March 23, 2016 at 16:59
Perfect picture and caption given yesterday’s events, and all the other horrible things, large and small, that happen each and every day that chip away at peace and love. See, I love WW – with just one picture, you’ve given me so much to think about.
March 24, 2016 at 09:31
Thanks, Ellen. The events are fresh in my mind. I am so glad that none of my friends and family were in the city that day. My brother was scheduled to fly out the next day and my aunt’s meeting had been moved to a different city that day, otherwise, she would have been in the metro station that was bombed… Here’s to a better world!!
March 23, 2016 at 17:10
Something we’re much in need of, Liesbet!
March 24, 2016 at 09:32
I wish we could make it happen, Jo!
March 24, 2016 at 11:41
Oh Liesbet I have just read your comment above! How absolutely frightening for your family members and all of you! Let us hope for peace in this world, where embracing differences becomes the norm. Sending hugs your way.
March 24, 2016 at 12:08
Thanks, Sue. Differences make this world interesting, whether it is cultures, looks, opinions, wildlife, scenery… If more people would travel, they would understand. Here’s to expanding our horizons, learning about each other, and having an open mind, healthy understanding and peaceful attitude!
March 24, 2016 at 12:16
Hier was het een zwarte dag. We rouwen allemaal. Hoe kunnen we dit stoppen over heel de wereld!
March 24, 2016 at 14:07
Beginnen bij onszelf, zeker en hopen dat de rest van de wereld zijn verstand krijgt…
April 2, 2016 at 22:13
That is one gorgeous photo! Like a painting. In addition to all of the other blogging stuff that you have got going, have you thought of participating in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge? This week’s challenge is landscape, and you certainly have a lot to share in that regard. Check it out (
April 3, 2016 at 11:08
Great idea, Lisa. I have heard a lot about the daily post photo challenges, on your blog and others. It sounds like fun, but I might wait to participate until April is over. There are so many challenges, themes and ideas out there I am starting to realize, now that I am immersing myself a little bit in the blogging world. Wow. Overwhelming! You are doing good picking and choosing the things that lay closest to your heart and passion!