Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Wordless Wednesday – New Horizon

I have decided to post photos of past travels in general and our eight year sailing adventure on SV Irie in particular for Wordless Wednesdays.  Also, I can’t manage “completely wordless”, but I’ll try my best at “almost wordless”. 🙂

With thousands of photos haphazardly archived over the years, I can’t easily pick what to post, so I use the weekly prompt of the Daily Post to inspire my Wordless Wednesdays. This week’s Daily Post photography theme is “new horizon“.

What is to be found across the new horizon?

What is to be found across the new horizon?

Now this is a theme I can resonate with, since one of my mottos is “Expand your horizons!” Mark and I do not dwell on the past. We very much live in the present, but we are also curious about and intrigued by what lays across the horizon. With our day-to-day (or more currently week-to-week) lifestyle, anything about the future is a guess. I wonder what awaits us beyond the new horizon of 2017… I hope some fun experiences, wonderful discoveries and a healthy dose of adventure!

I think it is too early for New Year’s resolutions, but how do you imagine your new horizon?

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  1. Beautiful photos…and motto!

  2. My new horizon is unbounded.

  3. I like the fact that even if we have a plan for tomorrow, we don’t know what tomorrow holds. It keeps life interesting! Another great batch of photos.

    • Just the word “plan” is about as an inappropriate word as possible in the cruising world. Not knowing, or being able to expect, what is next is the beauty of an adventurous life. Cheers, Lucy! 🙂

  4. Lovely photos! Although every lifestyle has its trade offs, I bet you miss being out at sea!

    • We do miss some parts of it, Janis, like the peace, serenity, wildlife and beautiful surroundings, but in general, we are so happy with the level of comfort we have, day in day out… That would make a great GratiTuesday post for me! 🙂

  5. Liesbet, I have been reading through your previous posts on writing. Your memoir project sounds fascinating and fun. I liked your list describing the characteristics that you would like your memoir to have. You have also mentioned that you feel a bit “stuck” at present in trying to find an angle or theme for the book. Have you considered writing episodes as if they are short stories, and then later on grouping them by the themes that naturally emerge? When I was writing my previous novel, I started that way, then reorganized the little stories chronologically according to the main character’s life, and then reorganized them again to fit the story arc that developed through the writing.

    • I like you idea of short stories. I have a few of those (some already written in the past) that I am incorporating, but then, I add other experiences to them and the whole chapter turns into more of a report section on what went on. See, my problem is that I am probably adding too many things to the whole, stuff that most likely gets cut later. Right now, I am mostly working chronologically, to have some semblance of structure and to put “all of it” down (in a controlled and edited manner :-)), to avoid “grabbing” facts and experiences later on. I do think your idea of focusing on the main stories and start from there does make sense and would work. There is something in me fighting that, needing to weave so much more into the whole manuscript. And, I have similar travel memoirs here that might have been started with the same idea. Following your approach would save me time, for sure. Apparently, I like to make things harder. 🙂 Months ago, I was doing memoir exercises, following a book I have. I really enjoyed it and need to get back to it sooner than later, because I felt that this helped as well. So hard to divvy up the precious time we have. Thank you so much for the suggestion, Jude.

  6. I don’t make New Year resolutions anymore, but I like the idea of looking forward to New Horizons, which for me will be getting this boat ready to depart to the Bahamas 🙂

    • Your new horizons are exciting, Ellen! Wish I was about to sail to the Bahamas (except for all the list work that has to happen first). 🙂 Did Scott get back yet? And, how did the prep work go? Did you get anything else marked off the lists?

  7. Beautiful photos! I especially like the top one with you looking out to your new horizons.

    • I like that photo of a “young” Liesbet as well. Reality was less likeable and more stressful as this position was resumed when on the lookout for reefs and obstructions in the water to ideally avoid running over or into. 🙂

  8. Love that first one of you, Liesbet. 🙂

  9. Another great post, Liesbet. Nothing evokes the excitement of unknown possibilities for me more than staring out to the horizon.

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

  10. Love all these photos which capture your adventurous spirit as an individual and as a couple. My favorite is the first one of you solo!

    “Expand your horizons” is such a great way of putting it…..

    Here’s to an exciting 2017 to both of you!


    • Thanks, Peta. May 2017 bring you lots of exciting experiences and adventures abroad as well! You are good at expanding your horizons every day, by just walking out of your tropical door and turning left or right. 🙂

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