Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary


The travel car of the Zapp family


  1. Ronald G Walker

    October 30, 2024 at 10:01

    Just found your site and am looking forward to joining you vicariously on your trip(s). I am recently the owner of an RV converted old tour bus and interested in travels such as yours. Currently working on reinvigorating my Spanish as I contemplate emulating your travels. Summer(USA) 1977 I spent in Uruguay and have often thought of returning. As I review your postings I hope to get a feel of the requirements and possibilities of such travel. Continued safe travels. Ronald Walker

    • Hello Ronald,

      Thank you for swinging by and leaving a comment and my apologies for the late reply!

      How cool that you plan on seeing the world in your converted tour bus. Did you know that this seems to be the most popular and cheapest way for Argentinian nomads to get around? They buy a cheap bus (formerly owned by bus companies), convert it, and hit the road with their family. I hope yours is not as big as the “old city buses” they own; they are huge to drive around in! I wouldn’t recommend traveling through historic Latin American towns those.

      I wonder how much Uruguay has changed since you were here. It must have. I’m sure the roads are better and the locals richer. 🙂

      Have fun with your Spanish language skills (I use DuoLingo daily and practice in person outside my door) and the preparations of your voyage(s).

      Thanks for the wishes and welcome aboard! 🙂

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