Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Caribbean Sunsets – #WordlessWednesday

From the Virgin Islands to Grenada…

… sunsets over the water are spectacular.

Especially with boats around, …

… with a backdrop of palm trees, …

or just a sun disappearing behind a “straight” horizon.

Until we literally sail into the sunset on our westward journey in Irie, leaving Grenada and the Eastern Caribbean behind.

Which photo do you like best? What’s your own favorite sunset?

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  1. Sunset is my favorite time of day. I love nothing more than to go for a late-afternoon walk along the banks of the Hudson River where I grew up and watch the sun go down over the New Jersey Palisades. I am not a religious man, but it is a holy experience.

    Great shots, Liesbet! Thanks for sharing!

    • I’m glad you enjoyed these virtual sunsets, Sean! A sunset walk along the river sounds “divine”! By the way, I’m not religious either, but Mother Nature is who I respect and cherish. 🙂

  2. I like the one with palm trees and then the one next to it, sun disappearing behind the horizon. What I crave right now is seeing the sun sliding down a mountain view – so cool!

  3. These are all spectacular, Liesbet. I think my favorite is the backdrop of palm trees. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Jill! Thanks for voting. I think that’s my favorite as well. I have a similar photo, taken on the same island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where the colors come out even brighter. But, I didn’t want to post that one here in case it makes the selection for my memoir. 🙂

  4. Gorgeous pictures, but too familiar to us in the West being plagued by fires with the dramatic orange skies. My first reaction was bliss followed by a gut punch. Not your issue but mine. My good wishes to the rest of my fire plagued friends out there.

    • Hi Luisa!

      I’m so sorry about the upsetting feeling these photos create. My heart bleeds for all our friends out west, dealing with and threatened by the fires in California, Oregon, and Washington. It’s awful! To me, it really appears to be the worst year yet – the sheer vastness of the fires and all the damage being done… 🙁

      I actually thought about our current times and how these photos might be perceived right now, as I had the sadness about the fires and the pandemic on my mind. On the other hand, I hope nature’s beauty can restore some of that balance, even though it’s only virtual right now.

  5. Diegene met de palmbomen.

  6. I love the Caribbean and have missed visiting. Beautiful images and I’m sure there’s a part of you that misses it too. There’s something special about life on the water.

    • Hi Ingrid! We definitely miss the Caribbean. Not necessarily being on a boat there, but certainly the beauty, the weather, the affordability, and the good times with like-minded friends! Although, it would be different to visit again without a boat… You’re right, there is something very special about living on the water. 🙂

  7. Gorgeous sunsets! I can almost hear the water slapping against the side of the boat in that last shot. We are coming into sunset season here (they are always best in the fall and winter for some reason) and I’m looking forward to enjoying them from our deck.

    • Hi Janis! Luckily, the sea and wind conditions were pretty benign in that last shot. When sleeping in the hull of the boat, the water – indeed – rushes along, next to your head. Often, a bit more than slapping. 🙂 Enjoy your gorgeous sunsets from your deck. Sweet memories for us!

  8. The one of the life ring is the best!

  9. Those are gorgeous. I’ve been to the Caribbean but only once.

  10. These are stunning photos, Liesbet. I espcially like the sunset captured through the ring of your catamaran!

    • Oh Donna, we have experienced sooooo many sunsets. Thinking back about them now, I’m glad I was somewhat creative with a few of these photos, like this one. Just like watching dolphins from the deck of our boat, watching sunsets never got old. 🙂

  11. I am caftan off the one with the palm trees.

    • Wim, zo raar dat dit Engels commentaar direct verscheen en die andere, in het Nederlands, moest door mij eerst aanvaard worden!! Discriminatie van WordPress?

      • Ik dacht dat er iets misgelopen was, vandaar mijn 2de post (in het Engels & met een foute spellingscorrectie… caftan was a fan????). Nadien zag ik idd de eerste ook verschijnen…

        • WordPress doet rare dingen en soms maakt het mij knettergek! Alleszins bedankt voor de reactie en de conversatie. Ik begreep wat je bedoelde, in het Engels. Er is natuurlijk een extra probleem met onze keyboards, he. Wanneer jij in het Engels schrijft, wilt auto-correct het verbeteren in het Nederlands met rare resultaten als gevolg. Wanneer ik in het Nederlands zou schrijven, doet auto-correct hetzelfde voor mij, maar voor de andere taal. Gelukkig heb ik de mogelijkheid om tussen toetsenborden te switchen. Allez, op mijn iPad toch. Hier, op mijn computer staat momenteel elk woord in dit commentaar in het rood onderlijnd! 🙂

  12. I’m more of a sunrise guy, Liesbet, but all your sunset photos are spectacular. The one of the sunset taken through the lifebuoy is very clever.

    • Thanks, Hugh. Unfortunately, I only have a handful of sunrises captured on photo, from during our multi-day and multi-week ocean crossings. My usual shift was from midnight to 6am and going inside for a well-deserved nap usually happened right after a spectacular sunrise! 🙂

  13. What beautiful pictures! I bet you’ve seen a lot of beautiful sunsets in your travels!

    • Hi Sherry! Thanks for your visit and your comment. I think the answer would be “uncountable” if that was a question instead of a statement. 🙂 Yes, we have seen thousands of sunsets while living on our sailboat, and otherwise.

  14. Hard to choose a favorite one – they’re all delicious. Perhaps the one with the palm trees, because my favorite sunsets are from Kauai, in the winter, at 6:25 p.m. and the “ball drops” into the ocean with a green circle around it.

    • “Delicious” is such a wonderful term for a spectacular sunset, Pam. I love it! I crave to go to Hawaii one day. Maybe I’ll do a similar post with sunsets from the Pacific. They might resemble those “ball droppings” from Kauai even more. Amazing that you have seen green flashes as well. Talk about deliciousness… 🙂

  15. Beautiful! I’d be hard-pressed to choose a favourite, but I’ve narrowed it down to the one with the palm trees; or else the one with nothing but water and sky. 🙂

  16. Victoria Marie Lees

    September 18, 2020 at 11:32

    Gosh I can’t tell you how much I love looking at the beautiful photos on your blog, Liesbet. Absolutely love them! You have had such an interesting life and have been to so many interesting places. Bravo!

    Favorite sunset? Hmm… that’s difficult. Maybe the sunset behind the water, trees with clouds in the sky. My husband and I just moved to the mountains and love to watch the sunset at the top of the mountain. No. We don’t live on top of that mountain. Wouldn’t that be nice?

    • Oh, Victoria, I bet it is nice to be in the mountains right now. I’d take any stay in nature after five months of “city living”!! While I love the views from the top of mountains, I actually wouldn’t want to live on one. Much too cool/cold and I’d have to constantly climb to get home. 🙂 I hope your move is completely finished and all the unpacking has happened by now!

  17. The one with the palm trees is very nice but I also really like the second one with the dark moody clouds. They are all wonderful. Sunsets over the water are best.

    Of course clouds make the best sunset. Greg likes to look at the clouds in the evening and try to predict whether it will be a good sunset or not.

    I have so many sunset pictures I’ve thought about doing a Sunset Sunday or Sun Day Sunday on Instagram. But gotta find time for my regular posting first!

    • Yes, Duwan, you should do a “Just Sunsets” post. 🙂 Like Greg, I often stare at the sky when we go for an early evening walk with Maya and try to predict the extent of sunset. I’m often wrong, though. I really would not have been a good sailor in the times without electronics – I wouldn’t be able to predict the weather or navigate by the sun and stars with a sextant.

      Time used to be my best friend – and our greatest luxury – when we sailed and traveled full-time. Now, as I’m trying to be Miss Productive for another few weeks, it seems to be my worst enemy. I hope that changes again soon. I’m ready for a break from work and some fun on the road! 🙂

  18. The last one 🙂 🙂

  19. What a collection of beautiful sunsets Liesbet. I imagine that your years on the boat provided endless panoramas of beauty. It’s hard to choose between the selection. I especially love the one with the palm trees in silhouette.

    • Thanks for “voting”, Sue. It is hard to pick just one, for sure. As I’m going through those photo archives, it feels as if it wasn’t me having all those experiences and observing all those endless panoramas the eight years we live aboard. Such beauty!

  20. Loved this! Sunsets are my favorite. I have hundreds from all over the Caribbean and Mexico. I love the red sky ones and the one with the blue shades and palm trees. Stunning! 🙂 x

    • Sunsets in the Caribbean are spectacular, Debby. We’ve observed thousands of them in two oceans and in both hemispheres and I do think there is a little difference. I might post another selection of Pacific sunsets in the future. As I go through my archive of tens of thousands of photos, it appears that Pacific sunset have a redder hue. Or, maybe I’m imagining that! I should try and do something more serious with all my amazing photos. But, that’s a project for another day! 🙂

  21. Beautiful sunsets! Like many other readers, I like the one with the palm trees best. I also like the view through the lifebuoy and the bottom photo a lot.


    • I’m glad you liked the sunset pics, Jude. I have sooooo many. My two personal favorites have not been published on this blog yet. One made it as a boating magazine cover and the other accompanied an article about Grenada I sold. I might post them in relation to my memoir next month.

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