Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Category: Friends (page 3 of 5)

How to Visit Chicago for Free (in a Small Camper) – Skylines & Social Times

After New York’s natural beauty, more wonder – of a very different kind – befell me when Mark, Maya, and I approached the skyline of Chicago, Illinois. Yes, I had set foot upon its grounds twice before. Once on a wintry layover from Belgium, never venturing further than a hotel room after missing my connecting flight, and once a couple of years ago, when we swung by our friends Keith and Kavita’s home on the outskirts of the city. But I had never witnessed its majestic architectural beauty, strolled its waterfront, or parked in its quirky neighborhoods.

Chicago skyline

When our long-anticipated departure from Newburyport, Massachusetts, approached, Mark and I had to pick a route, or, at the very least, a first destination. We prefer a northern track across the United States for its scenic appeal, but we hate cold weather. Everything was dependent on when exactly we could start our journey. Luckily, that happened in mid-September and not October like last year, when a southern approach was required. So, we stated, “As long as the weather holds, we will stick to a northern course.” As I write this, we still haven’t made any southward progress! Soon…

Our goal was Chicago, a city I had heard a lot of positives about but never visited, and a place where three sets of friends would be located at the end of September… Our trio stayed in the city for four nights and had a jolly good time, without spending a dime!* ????

(Click on the photos or hover over them to read the captions in galleries.)

Six tips for a free “long weekend” in Chi Town:

1. Stick to outdoor sights and activities

We easily filled a few days by checking out Lake Michigan – with a long waterfront bike/walking trail – and several areas in downtown. The first day, we walked all the way from Lincoln Park to Navy Pier and returned via skyscraper heaven.

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Three-week Visit to Belgium – Vacation or Not?

What is considered a vacation? Getting on a plane? Traveling to a tropical destination? Crossing the border? Visiting friends and family? Taking a road trip to the other side of the country? Staying at a hotel?

I have done all these things and I can guarantee that none of them resulted in a vacation. Mark and I have been together since December of 2004; that’s almost seventeen years. Even though we have lived a life less ordinary, in many different countries, the two of us have NEVER been on a typical vacation together (or apart) since we met. I know this is hard to believe and/or grasp by people who don’t know us well…

My plane from Boston to Reykjavik

The closest we have come to anything like a medley of peace, exploration, and relaxation without worries is a three-day city trip to Budapest in 2017 and two months of “living off the grid” in Baja last winter (this one still involved work, book promo, and the necessary stress that we seem to incur).

Based on all that, I have decided that the best way for me to describe “a vacation” is when I am able to leave my computer behind. Yep, that’s right. Not take my computer on a trip. How is that possible? I have a monthly editing job, receive occasional translation assignments, need to promote Plunge, write blogs on my laptop, save photos in folders on my computer, and have my important information (including passwords which I could never remember) stored on its hard drive. I actually considered this drastic act for my recent three-week visit to Belgium. (I really craved a vacation.) And … decided against it. That’s just too long without my most important electronic buddy.

(As always, hover over or click on the photos to read the captions.)

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How Are Mark, Maya, and I (Really) Doing? – Update from the Heart

Enough talk about publishing and promoting Plunge and spending too much money every month… What has been going on with us, in our private lives, the last few months?

Well, I haven’t really touched on how we arrived in Massachusetts, except for the road trip, and our feelings and activities since then. If you are a blog reader only interested in our alternative lifestyle and adventures, this is a good post to skip, as it is more geared towards updating our friends and family members – like in the old days on our sailboat Irie. ????

(As always, hover over the photos or click on them to read the captions.)

Before we cleaned and sold Zesty and hopped in our crappy rental car, we managed to meet up quickly with artist Jon and author Gail, whom we met in Baja California, Mexico. In Yuma, Arizona, they introduced us to hospitable friends of theirs and we had a lovely evening together.

Another highlight was to finally be reunited with sailing circumnavigators and good friends made in the South Pacific: Lisa Dorenfest and her Captain, Fabio. This picnic get-together happened in a park in Tucson, Arizona. For anyone following Lisa’s wonderful blog, One Ocean At A Time (which contains her inviting writing and incredible photos), the couple is doing well, despite the crazy heat, taking a break from their boat to replenish the cruising kitty.

Then, we cleaned and prepped Zesty, sold our van, and jumped in our crappy rental car. Busy times! We saw some cute creatures one night of “stealth camping” in Tucson as well.

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Encounters of the Human Kind – Making Friends in Baja

Something magical happens once nomads venture across the border of the United States. It occurred to us in the past and then again, recently. As van dwellers and RVers for years in the US, we rarely connected with fellow travelers. Campers generally stay to themselves – especially during the pandemic – in familiar areas: RV parks and official campgrounds, which we don’t frequent, or out in the boonies, which we enjoy. Conversations are short and shallow. All this seems to change once we leave the country and are confronted with like-minded, universal travelers.

Bumping into friends – unexpectedly – at our Loreto campground

Kathi and Mary from Missouri, USA

It started with the Facebook group Talk Baja, where Kathi replied to one of my posts and we discovered that we both had entered Mexico on the same day, at the same border crossing. We even thought we’d seen each other’s vans along the eastern highway, Mex 5. Eventually, we shared a campground in San Ignacio and later in Mulegé.

The campground in San Ignacio, where we first met Kathi and Mary

Our acquaintance led to a few (masked) chats, the women buying and reading my travel memoir Plunge, and remaining in touch. They even invited us for a visit to their home in Missouri, which we considered on our journey back to the US East Coast. Due to our schedules, however, we never managed to spend quality time together. Yet.

(As always, hover over or click on the photos in the galleries to read their captions.)

You can find Kathi’s Facebook page here and Mary’s here.

Ivan from Spain

One of our first evenings on a (rocky) beach in Baja, Mark, Maya, and I sat in our chairs enjoying the view, when a man purposefully walked towards us, masked. He appeared to be the only other camper at Papa Fernandez and had braved a mile of sinking-in-the-pebbles effort to reach us. We chatted, became friends, and met up several times afterwards, expectedly and unexpectedly. Ivan introduced other seasoned travelers to us in Mulegé, some of whom we ran into again later.

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Writing Update April 2021 – Baja Bounty

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For April, the question is: “Are you a risk-taker when writing? Do you try something radically different in style/POV/etc. or add controversial topics to your work?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are PK Hrezo, Pat Garcia, SE White, Lisa Buie Collard, and Diane Burton! Click on their names to see what they are up to this month..

My answer to the question – Do I take risks when writing?

People who have followed this blog for a while know that I am not averse to risk taking. Although I call my swift decisions, adventurous lifestyle, and “going with the flow” attitude “calculated risks.” ???? You only live once, so you better do the things you’re passionate about, and enjoy your precious time on earth. That sometimes involves expanding horizons, nudging comfort levels, taking risks.

I don’t feel like I’m taking big risks with my writing as it reflects my personality and doesn’t push my personal boundaries. That being said, I am aware that my travel memoir Plunge is different and a tad controversial. For starters, the story is set in the present tense, taking the reader along for the ride – physically and emotionally. I don’t cover things up, have no taboos, and touch on the good as well as the bad and the ugly when it comes to my alternative lifestyle and 24/7 relationship with my husband. This makes some readers uncomfortable; they are not used to “brutal honesty” and don’t care for an exposed soul (another aspect that makes my memoir unique).

Based on that – and the fact that this approach led to a one-star review and some criticism – I guess I am a bit of a risk-taker in my writing, too!

Sunrise at the beach

My book news

Mark, Maya, and I spent February and March enjoying our lives in Baja California, Mexico. This was a reward for all the hard work finishing and publishing Plunge last year. I knew that once we arrived on the peninsula, internet would be sparse and unreliable and that my time would be better spent charging my batteries (other than usual work commitments). Therefore, I laid a lot of groundwork spreading the word about my book before we crossed the southern border of the US.

Relaxing and reading

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Baja Bound (Part Two) – Beach Time!

I’m running a little behind with my Baja blogs. Sorry! Blame my lack of internet. Or, just blame me. I haven’t felt like sitting behind my computer lately, or scanning thousands of new photos. I’ll get there. When time and WiFi availability allow. Soon. ????

Who wants to sit inside, behind a computer, when this view can be had while relaxing outside?

(As always, hover over or click on photos in galleries to read the captions. My images are heavily resized for easier downloading and uploading; I apologize for their inferior quality.)

From West to East

The Baja California peninsula is relatively narrow, so it doesn’t take long to get from one side to the other. Mex 1 is the main “highway” in this part of Mexico. It predominantly runs along the coasts with a few zigzags back and forth. After our stop in Guerrero Negro, where I left off in a previous post, Zesty transported us through the narrow middle, past desolate landscapes, cacti, dry terrain, barren hills, and small settlements.

We decided to stop in the oasis of San Ignacio, a lush and tropical reprieve from the desert that is Baja California. The town is exceptionally clean and well taken care of. Highlights are the town square and the mission, Misión San Ignacio Kadakaamán, which was founded by the Jesuit missionary Juan Bautista de Luyando in 1728.

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Fun in Southeastern Arizona & California

People who have been following my blog the last six months (and longer) know that I have been extremely busy with a personal project that finally came to fruition the end of November. This doesn’t mean the work is finished, as December and January still had me glued to the computer to promote my travel memoir, Plunge. The question is: did we have any fun throughout the focus and dedication towards my book?

(As always, hover over photos or click on them to read captions. My photos are heavily resized, so I can easily upload them and so this page loads with weaker internet connections.)

I have offered glimpses of that in previous posts, expense reports, and writing updates, but I have left a lot out as well. It is my intention to fill in the gaps today. Since my memory is nothing to boast about, I will let the photos do most of the talking. ???? My last sightseeing update documented how we arrived in Arizona, the end of November. You can read about that here.

On the drive to Tucson from Wilcox Lagoons, we briefly stopped in Benson to meet a fellow Westy owner.

Mark and I met up with two befriended couples and fellow overlanding nomads, Duwan and Greg (and their van Ballena Blanca) of Make Like An Ape Man and Ellen and Scott (with their tiny Scamper) of Ellen Jacobson Author, for Thanksgiving, my 45th birthday, and my book launch. I wrote a post about that milestone event here and Duwan did a better job with that here. For the next few weeks, we would see our friends on and off.

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“Plunge” in the Ironwood Forest – My Book & I Featured on Make Like An Ape Man

My good friend Duwan, a fellow nomad, adventurer, vanlifer, ex-sailor, and frugal spender, wrote a touching and compelling post about me and my travel memoir, Plunge, on her informative and entertaining blog Make Like An Ape Man. I have linked to her posts before, as we’ve been on a similar path and traveled together in the past, but this story of hers had me truly amazed.

Her prose is humbling and flattering and provides a different, more personal side to anything else being published about me (except for my memoir itself :-)). Plus, it has some funny photos! Check it out here. You won’t regret it!

Saguaro cactus in the Ironwood Forest National Monument

November 25 – December 1, 2020.

Towards the end of November three couples and the lovely canine, Maya, converged in Tucson. All ex sailors (except for Maya). All now wandering around on the hard. We had met one of the couples, Scamper Squad, years and years ago after reading their blog and discovering they were working on their boat in the same marina as us in Indiantown, Florida. We were introduced to the other couple, Mark and Liesbet, through their blog after my friend from Scamper Squad suggested that I check it out. Like us, they had sailed, had house sat, and were traveling the country in a van. We eventually met them in person in Arizona a couple of years ago. Now the three wandering couples were in the same place at the same time, and we had big plans.

Gilded Flicker in the Ironwood Forest

We all left Tucson for the Ironwood Forest National Monument – about 25 miles out of the city – and set up camp. Thanksgiving was coming up, and even though it isn’t a holiday Greg and I normally celebrate, we thought it’d be fun to share some good food with our friends. After all, this would be the first Thanksgiving that Liesbet, who is Belgium born, would celebrate as an American citizen. But even better than that, two days later Liesbet would celebrate her 45th birthday and the publication of a project five years in the making, a memoir of her traveling and sailing life during her 30s.

Our camp in the Ironwood Forest National Monument

When Greg and I first set sail a few people told me we should write a book. I thought, OK, but we really hadn’t done anything yet. Any wannabe adventurer can buy a boat and think that they are going to be sailors – lots do. And then after we got on the water there seemed to be so many people doing it. And there were already so many people who’d already written books. I wasn’t sure what I could add to the canon of nautical memoirs.

And at first, I wondered this about Liesbet’s book too. But Liesbet has had a much more interesting traveling life than we have. Since falling in love with travel in her teens, she has hitchhiked in Europe, backpacked in Asia, traveled North America in a truck camper, and sailed through the Caribbean and the South Pacific. She has only lived a few years of her adult life in a traditional dwelling, has traveled in six out of the seven continents (planning to tick that last one, Antarctica, off her list in the coming years), and has visited over 60 countries.

Continue reading here.

Monthly Expenses – January 2021 & The Mexican Dentist

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂

This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups, we both return to the East Coast.

A new expense year has started and I can hardly believe the first month of that year is already long gone. Before I resume “normal programming” on Roaming About next Wednesday – about things other than Plunge and money updates, like… our travels – I will report on our first numbers of 2021.

Late afternoon at American Girl Mine Road, Imperial, CA

In January, Mark, Maya, and I lived full-time in our camper van Zesty, predominantly in the desert of southeastern California, where we celebrated New Year’s Eve with our friends from Ballena Blanca and The Scamper Squad and remained in their company a bit longer.

We had some big health and camper expenses. The first one was planned and the main reason we based ourselves in the area of Imperial, CA, for a couple of weeks: I needed to get a root canal done and decided to take care of this process in Los Algodones, Mexico, where, at US$630, the cost is three times less than my quote in Massachusetts.

Buying parts to build a new Lithium battery bank ourselves involved a huge cost as well, but still only ¼ of the price than if we were to buy the same amount of “power” readily outfitted (which we wouldn’t do). This is a project Mark will tackle in spring and that only became feasible because of our second stimulus checks of $600 a person. We dedicated this $1,200 of “extra money” to the dentist and the camper. Since we upgraded our tires in September, we finally bought a bigger spare tire (used) before crossing into Mexico as well.

Unfortunately, 2021 didn’t start great for me. I suffered from flu symptoms the first week of the year, despite receiving a flu shot in the fall (to avoid potentially burdening the health care system with a flu, when resources would be needed for Covid). Not only did this make me sick while I continued to work on promotion efforts for Plunge, it also involved getting a $75 Covid test done. Usually, I would just stick it out at home. But these are unusual times and we had been camping with our bubble of friends for a while – all of whom had dentist appointments – so answers were needed.

Line of cars waiting for Covid tests in Yuma, AZ

So, Zesty cued in line for two hours at a testing facility in Yuma, AZ (where we also did our shopping, as it was the closest town to our campsite, with cheaper prices than California) to order the “rapid test.” Negative! But because I showed Covid symptoms, the clinic wanted to send a sample out for lab testing as well. No problem. Except… a second swap had to be collected. I gingerly offered the nurse my other nostril for this second attack on my brain, eyes tearing up from discomfort. A few days later, I received another negative result. Dentist time!

The horrific swap – they stick this device VERY deep into your nostril.

My appointments with the Bernal Dental Group couldn’t have gone better! My experience was similar to that of our camping friends Duwan, Greg, Ellen, and Scott. The office was quiet and Covid precautions were taken seriously with a shoe bath, body spraying, temperature check, and mandatory use of hand sanitizer and masks. The team was professional, friendly, and prolific in English. Usually, they start new patients off with a dental exam, teeth cleaning, and X-ray session for US$100, presenting an extensive “to do” list. Because I had specific demands and recently saw a dentist in the US, I managed to skip this process and cost.

Crossing the border is easy. On the US side, you can choose between parking your car for US$6 a day in a giant lot or for free along the entrance road, before the “no parking” signs start. This second option requires a ten-minute walk, which was our preferred method.

Then, you stroll across the border – no paperwork needed – and enter Los Algodones town. All the dentist offices are pretty much located within a five-minute walk from there. During the pandemic, the border closes at 2pm local (California) time. Bernal Dental Group, however, is on Arizona time, which is an hour later. You want to get back with plenty of time to spare, because the line to cross into the US can be long and seems the worst between noon and closing. A passport is required to return. Dogs don’t need anything for this particular border crossing.

Line to cross back into the US. Luckily, everyone wears a mask. Except when drinking a beer.

Mark and Maya (and once our friends) joined me into Mexico to explore, buy cheap medicines, or sit in the park. My first visit involved the root canal procedure, installing a post, filling the gap, and making an impression for the crown. This took about two hours. During my second visit two days later, Dr. Aldo ground the ceramic crown to perfection and glued it into my mouth. Half an hour later, I was good to go. An hour later, I was ready for fish tacos at the town square. I was never in pain and am very pleased with the result. Recommended!

We camped for free all of January, I didn’t spend a dime on my writing, and the alcohol category was low. Our friends offered to split the cost for my Covid test, but we refused. Stubbornly, they contributed tequila and rum! The rest of our monthly expenses was pretty normal. We needed to fill our propane tank, inconveniently right after settling in the middle of nowhere for a welcome break from running errands, and our grocery bill still seems high. But, if you take the two giant expenses out, our total was well below average at under $800.

To see how our friends Duwan and Greg made out in January, click here. Their month looked pretty similar to ours. 🙂

January 2021 Overview:

Medical (dentist L: $630; Covid test L: $75; Albuterol M: $7):

Camper (battery: $504; diesel: $49; tire: $35; car wash: $10):


Utilities (phone: $35; propane: $19):

Health & Fitness (vitamins M):

Dog (food):



Dining out:

Gifts (B-day card niece):

Household (toilet brush):


















$ 1,965

Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.

Monthly Expenses – December 2020

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂

This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups, we both return to the East Coast.

Mark, Maya, and I spent most of December on the road in Arizona and the last few days in California (warmer weather). We changed campsites every few days in our camper van Zesty. Our expenses were above average, because of the holidays. ‘t Was the season to buy gifts – for family members (my coveted annual calendars with a photo of our household in a different location on every page) and a few friends. We also bought special food and extra alcohol (for margaritas) for Christmas and New Year’s Eve, hence the higher numbers in the grocery and alcohol categories.

(Click on photos to enlarge or hover over them to read the captions.)

I just realized there is no dog category. We must have bought an extra bag of food for Maya in November. Also, her treats go under our groceries. Hmmm. Maybe that’s why that category was so high…

Maya feels at home in our friends’ campers!

We had help from a mechanic changing Zesty’s transmission fluid in Tucson and had a scare in Bisbee, when there was no way around low-hanging tree branches leaving  the tight town. We hoped they would be “soft” limbs. The screeching sound of wood against metal made our hearts – and later our van – stop. Luckily, Mark managed to buff the new scratches out of the acrylic window and the top side panel.

Buffing out the scratches at a mine viewpoint in Bisbee, with a railing of the perfect height to stand on and work

We splurged on entertainment, a category that’s usually non-existent. Traveling with friends encourages us to have fun once in a while. We visited the Titan Missile Museum in Tucson with Duwan and Greg and the two of us signed up for the Queen Mine Tour in Bisbee. Our bubble of six friends also took a daytrip to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument over the holidays. Giving Duwan and Greg a ride allowed us to enter for free because their National Park pass includes four adults. I’ll report on that excursion – and others – in a future blog post.

I’m happy to report that my writing expenses are dwindling.  I shipped a few books to sailing magazines in the hopes of seeing their review of Plunge in print one day. The proof copy I ordered from IngramSpark was a disaster and I asked for a refund. Their customer support team should get back to me between three to five weeks! Oh well…

As usual, we boondocked (camping without amenities) on public lands and therefore didn’t spend any money on accommodation. Keep an eye out for our yearly expense report later this month!

December 2020 Overview:



Camper (diesel: $151, maintenance: $152):


Entertainment (museum and tour):

Utilities (phone: $35):

Drinking out:

Writing (postage; $13; proof copy: $12):

















$ 1,494

Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.

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