Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Changing Web Hosting Services

Hello everyone,

This is a quick note to let you know that we are switching hosting services for our Roaming About website, which can cause some issues, hiccups, and glitches. We are also changing servers for our email programs and domain names.

It has been a massive, stressful, and time-consuming project, but it had to happen since our three-year BlueHost rate went up more than 100%, from $250 to $700 ($530 after multiple phone calls and pleading for a better price, which is still too much for us). We found a good alternative in Easy WP. Our new service is faster, cheaper ($100/year), and has helpful and responsive customer support. More about that in my December expense report.

I’m grateful for Mark, who knows how to do technical stuff and has spent many days on making this process go as smoothly as possible, on top of everything else that is going on in our life: his job, heaps of driving, sightseeing, errands, taking care of Maya, car projects, and cooking tasty and healthy meals. 🙂

Mark hard at work, dealing with our technical challenges

If you notice anything different, annoying, or disturbing, please let us know via the contact form (which has been tested and works fine), email, a comment, or Facebook.

We will be back to our “normal reporting” soon!

Curious about a previous ten-year chapter in our nomadic lives, which includes eight years aboard a 35-foot sailboat in the tropics with dogs, check out my compelling, inspiring, and refreshingly honest travel memoir:

Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary

Available on Amazon and elsewhere

eBook: US$ 5.99

Paperback: US$ 13.99

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  1. God bless you! Not an easy task you are doing! Hope it goes smoothly. Jim

  2. We also left Blue Host after their ridiculous price hike. I hope it’s smooth switch for you.

    • Wow, Margie. I’m glad you found a better solution. Switches always cause glitches in general and are time consuming, but it went pretty smoothly in general. Thanks to Mark. 🙂

  3. It seems as though Blue Host was asking for customers to switch; I agree ,the price hike is ridiculous. Kudos to Mark for facilitating the change. Wow!

    • Hi Marian,

      Mark’s a keeper when it comes to technology and cooking! 🙂 But, you are right about BlueHost asking customers to switch since I’ve now heard from several fellow bloggers who did so as well. Hopefully, they learn their lesson. They count on a switch being such an ordeal that people don’t want to go through it and stick with them, no matter the price.

  4. Blue Host is the worst! I used to have clients with them. $700 is crazy expensive.

  5. petespringerauthor

    December 7, 2024 at 11:07

    One has to wonder as so many people flee from Blue Host if they will regret driving so many people away in the hopes of making a bigger profit.

    • Hi Pete,

      That’s what I’m wondering as well. With such high fees, people must run and switch. Or give up using hosting services all together. Based on reactions from other people, BlueHost must feel this…

  6. That’s lot of work all right. And stupid expensive.

  7. Yikes, that’s quite a price rise. Good thing you happen to have an IT specialist traveling with you. I’d be completely lost if I faced that switch.

    • Hi Janis,

      Yeah, I wonder what I would do about this BlueHost issue if I wasn’t married to Mark. I’d have to (gulp) hire someone to help! He’s amazing at this, as long as he doesn’t get too frustrated, haha. All done now. And, our website loads much faster as a bonus!

  8. What a pain. I’ve been there, changing websites. But everything seems to look good so far. <3

    • Hi Debbie,

      I know you’ve deal with many technological challenges, and figured them out! Which is amazing. Without Mark, I’d be at a loss about what to do about this web hosting switch. So far, we’re pretty happy about it. Friendly, fast, and professional customer service, cheaper prices, and a faster website!

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