Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Then and Now – Sunset

I am sticking with my Friday “Then and Now” theme for a few more weeks, since I am having fun with it. I wonder whether these amazing and interesting skies would fit into Cee’s Odd Ball category for photography? While sunsets are beautiful, they do create some odd shapes and colors into the sky. 🙂

When you live on the water for eight years, there are numerous sunsets to enjoy. The best of them occur when there is a clear view of the horizon, in my opinion. In October, I posted one of my favorite sunset photos and here is another small selection of the – yes, you can believe it – hundreds of sunset photos I took or witnessed over the years.

Grenada, Caribbean – 2009-2011

Martinique, Caribbean  – 2010

San Blas Islands, Panama – 2012

Pacific Crossing – 2013

Huahine, French Polynesia – 2014

Vermont – summer 2016

Rocklin, California – Now

Do you remember your favorite sunset(s)? Where did they take place? How many photos did you take?

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  1. Beautiful sunsets! I especially love the picture of you and your husband!

    • Me too, Janis. It is one of those rare spontaneous ones taken by a friend, while hanging out with a group of like-minded cruisers.

  2. Beautiful sunsets Liesbet!☺

  3. Gorgeous sunsets

  4. When I was in high school, I used to drive out into the country to watch the sun set. Kansas is pretty flat and the horizon goes on forever, just like the ocean. But the most memorable sunset I ever saw was on the west coast of Vancouver Island. The fog was rolling in for the night and the sun broke through, filling the sky in a smoky orange colour — it was amazing! Have a great weekend!

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    • The skies in Kansas are so big and amazing (I hope you get to enjoy some right now :-)), but a sunset is truly the best on a west coast! The one you describe on Vancouver Islands sounds very special. Often, sunsets are more spectacular when there is another “feature” involved, like fog or a few clouds. Such a spectacle of nature; treats to behold and appreciate.

  5. I think one of the benefits of living on the water is watching the sunset every night. Beautiful photos- the one of the palm tree with a pink sky from Grenada is my favorite!

    • Yes, when on a boat, the daily sunsets (especially on west coasts) are such a nice and special ending of each day. They are a treasure cruisers get to experience way more than landlubbers, except maybe for the people with west-facing seafront property! But, it would be cheaper, more diverse and more adventurous to have a boat instead of a villa! 🙂

  6. Beautiful photography. Thanks for participating. 😀

    • Thanks for visiting, Cee. And, it is a pleasure. I really like the themes you come up with and I hope to participate more often in the future, if and when I decide to shift my focus more to my photos. So much to do in this life! 🙂

  7. Wow, stunning!

  8. Liesbet these are gorgeous. I especially like the one with you and Mark. You both look so happy. We did a post about our favourite locations that we have seen sunsets.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

    • That’s a pretty amazing and varied collection, Sue. My favorites are still the ones where the sun dips behind a flat (watery?) horizon. And, ideally there are some clouds to manipulate and enhance the spectacle. Quiet weekend here. I hope you had a good and cozy one!

  9. So soothing watching a sunset, Liesbet. There are some beauties here. 🙂

  10. dconnollyislandgmailcom

    December 18, 2016 at 10:13

    I have been greatly enjoying your “Then and Now” posts, Liesbet. This one on sunsets is absolutely gorgeous. Like other readers have noted, the photo of you and Mark tops the list. I know that I am biased, but I do agree with you S.V. who commented on the gorgeous sunsets found on Vancouver Island. If you are ever out this way we could enjoy a sunset and a meet-up!
    Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season.

    • We would love to come watch a Vancouver Island sunset with you, Donna. Based on the location and the experiences we have had with sunsets on west coasts, your being biased might have nothing to do with it! I’m thinking that one of these summers, we should follow the west coast north until we reach you. Imagine the amount of amazing sunsets we’d encounter!

  11. Wow. There are some pretty good sunsets here in Sri Lanka, but I am not able to capture them very well. So I have sadly very few dramatic sunset photos but hey at least I experienced them in person. Great collection here!


    • I wonder whether your sunsets are hard to photograph right now because of hazy skies, Peta. Or maybe the rainy season has to do with it? The experience is, of course, always better than the photo afterwards. 🙂 It is so nice that you can just hop on a tuk tuk and be at the beach in a jiffy. Whenever you want!

  12. What is it about sunsets? They’re so magical, even when seen over the Curry Bowl 🙂 We’re out on the Florida coast just now and been enjoying sunset walks on the beach. Such a peaceful way to end the day.

    • So nice that you are on the coast right now, Ellen. Sunsets are definitely better there than in the middle of the state (or upriver) in my opinion. 🙂 Luckily, the food at the Curry Bowl is better than the sunset!

  13. Gorgeous pictures, as always! My favourite sunset has to be here in Winnipeg, Canada. The prairies have incredible sunsets.

    But sunrise? Africa, hands down.

    • Sunset over the prairies of Winnipeg sounds nice and then the African prairies for sunrise. Magical. I’d love to explore more of Africa one of these years!!!

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