Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Wordless Wednesday – Joshua Tree National Park

It has been a long time since I posted a Wordless Wednesday blog; since the spring of last year to be precise. I frequently used Wednesdays to showcase a gallery of colorful mementos, collected during our travels on water and on land, in an “almost wordless” fashion. The weekly Daily Post photo challenge acted as a theme. This week, I am joining those ranks once again.

The theme is “beloved”, and I have chosen Joshua Tree National Park to be featured. Being in nature and taking a break from work with my beloved husband are precious to me. These photos were taken on a short trip to the desert over the last weekend of 2017.

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  1. It should be: “Worth a word Wednesday” 🙂

    • I love that! For a “big talker” like me, just posting a photo (even only posting one photo!) is VERY difficult. 🙂

  2. Beautiful! Thanks, Liesbet, for sharing your beloved photos.

  3. These are amazing, Liesbet! I can see myself becoming a fan of the desert! I’m determined to find us our own “Zesty” (well, maybe not exactly like that, but close) and head for places like this national park! Thanks for the tour! ~ Lynn

    • You would love a small van with “everything” in it to tour around, Lynn. It fits in a normal parking spot and has a fridge (among many other amenities) to store wine and cheese in! 🙂

  4. It’s been a while since I’ve been to Joshua Tree but your lovely pictures make me want to go back. It looks like you picked a perfect day to hike!

    • The weather was gorgeous, Janis, and most trails were not too busy. This was our second visit to the park; the first one happened with our own dogs, over a decade ago, and we didn’t remember any of it, except for the unique shape of the “trees”.

  5. I love your photos, Liesbet! There’s something so magical about the desert. People think it’s dead, but really, it’s so full of life.

    • Thanks, and you are so right, Jill. There is life everywhere, in the smallest forms. And, there is color to be found as well. I enjoy being in the desert, for the climate and for the desolate looks; it is beautiful in its own way.

  6. The photos are amazing. I really like that big one with the reflection. I’ve been to that park but I was a kid at the time and don’t remember much.

    • It was a surprise to find this body of water, Alex. Only after staring at it in awe for a little while, did I notice the reflection. Maybe you have a Californian national park tour in your future? 🙂

  7. I have always wanted to go there…

  8. I’ve driven through Joshua Tree on two occasions. What an amazing place. Next time I’m there I should stop and take photos. Great images. Thanks for sharing.

    • Driving through the desert landscape with its Joshua trees, cacti and massive boulders is quite magical, and so is spending a few days there, hiking and taking photos. I hope you will have time to do just that on the next occasion you pass through, Ryan.

  9. Retirement Reflections

    January 31, 2018 at 19:50

    I’ve missed your ‘Wordless Wednesday’ posts, Liesbet. Thanks for sharing this. I love Joshua Tree National Park and your photos are gorgeous!

    • Thanks, Donna. I enjoy creating them, but usually have “more pressing” matters to report on. Blogging more than once a week takes too much precious time, unfortunately. Otherwise, I would make the WW posts a weekly feature on Roaming About. Plenty of photos and ideas to choose from. 🙂

  10. On my trip west one year I brought home a lamp for my brother with a joshua tree base. How cool that we both selected this week as “Wordless Wednesday. Love your collage of photos which evoke pleasant memories of “tripping.” Ha!

    (I like Suzanne’s comment, by the way.)

    • I noticed your Wordless Wednesday post as well, Marian. It’s a fun (and not too time-consuming) thing to do. 🙂 That lamp sounds quite unique and the perfect gift! When my cousin and her husband visited us from Belgium last spring, we went to visit a few redwood parks in California and they ended up buying a souvenir consisting of a black bear made out of redwood. It is pretty cool as well.

      So, next week, we will both do a “Worth a Word Wednesday” post then? 🙂

      • Actually, I had something else planned for next week, but I’ll probably do another “Wordless” post in March methinks!

        • It was partly a joke. I have something else planned as well, next week, since it is the first Wednesday of the month and Insecure Writer’s Support Day. But, whenever I do a WW post again, I might alter its name a bit. Looking forward to your entry of next week!

  11. We loved our time at Joshua Tree. It’s a pretty magical place. I love all of the big boulders – one of the ones in your pictures looks like a face. Or, maybe that’s just me 🙂

    • That one does look like a face as well. Or, an elephant seal face is what we were initially thinking. That one did not draw a crowd, while it is at least as cool as the Skull Face, which attracts hordes of visitors.

  12. I find the desert such an intriguing place to explore. Having so very rarely been in a desert area ift always feels like a big treasure hunt with so many new and varied things to see. Wonderful that you were able to have the time with your beloved. A very heart warmning reference.

    • I don’t use the word “beloved” often, Sue. I guess it is referred to when thinking (or writing) about precious people/pets in your life. I have felt this endearment for my oma, our two dogs who passed away years ago, and my husband. And, the desert and adventures, of course… 🙂

  13. Always love your photos, Leisbet, and nice to see a WPC from you. Your choice is perfect for the theme! I’ve never been there, and if I might have, it would have been as a kid. Looks wonderful and warm!

  14. Hi Leisbet

    I haven’t heard of Wordless Wednesday before. It looks like fun. Your photos are wonderful, especially the reflection of the mountain on the water.I love the old vehicles too. I’ve never been to Joshua Tree. Looks like I will have to add it to my list of places to visit


    • Hi Laura! Yes, if you like this old western style feel, the landscape and relics of Joshua Tree NP fit right in. I hope you get to visit one day!

      Wordless Wednesday is a fun blogging “challenge” and an ideal way to post some of my thousands of photos collected while traveling. But, I do have a problem with the “wordless” part, so I cheat every time I join this series. 🙂

  15. Beautiful photos. For me, Joshua Tree will always be synonymous with U2. Great album.

    • I always think about U2 as well, JH, when we talk about the park, the trees, or drive through. Awesome band! And, tree. 🙂

  16. Your idea for the “beloved” theme is great. Joshua Tree is such a well-loved park.

  17. Any idea why it’s called a Joshua Tree Liesbet? The post caught my eye because I was recently in touch with the Joshua Tree Publishing Company. I thought for a moment they might be out your way, but it turns out they are in Chicago, so a long way from where you are.

    • The Joshua Tree has such an interesting and intriguing shape that I’m not surprised it has become the logo of many businesses, Denzil. Google tells me that “The name Joshua tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century. The tree’s unique shape reminded them of a Biblical story in which Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer.” 🙂

  18. Ahh, you’re making me homesick for the beautiful desert! Love the Joshua tree!
    Hope things are improving with your MIL <3

  19. Love the Joshua tree and these are some terrific shots. Love the boulders as well! I like how it fits the beloved theme.


  20. You sure have a way with a camera. Thanks for sharing.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

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