Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Wordless Wednesday – Path

I have decided to post photos of past travels in general and our eight year sailing adventure on SV Irie in particular for Wordless Wednesdays.  Also, I can’t manage “completely wordless”, but I’ll try my best at “almost wordless”. 🙂

With thousands of photos haphazardly archived over the years, I can’t easily pick what to post, so I use the weekly prompt of the Daily Post to inspire my Wordless Wednesdays. This week’s Daily Post photography theme is “path“.

This theme is very appropriate, because it is thanks to the paths we take that we are where we are today, physically and mentally. We live our lives and arrive at intersections. We stop. We think. We contemplate. Sometimes, there are multiple roads to pick from. Where do we go? Which direction do we choose? Which path do we take? Will we get lost?

We make our decisions based on practicalities, priorities, circumstances, or intuition. Our paths define us, they shape us, they change us, they create who we are today and in the future. We can choose “wisely” (with anticipation?) or blindly head into a certain direction, curious about the undiscovered road and its possibilities ahead. My memoir touches on this subject, and so does our life…

Mark and I have followed paths over water.

And,  over land.

Some paths are well-trodden and defined.

Other paths are more challenging and unique.

Sometimes, we jump head first into the unknown.

Other times, we follow along and stick to the trails.

We rarely have a destination in mind.

But often find beauty and adventure along the way.

The path Mark and I most often follow, however, is the undefined one which we trust will lead us to new experiences, happiness and a better world!

Do you choose your own path or do you let a path lead you? Do you prefer well-trodden paths or ones off the beaten track?

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  1. A lovely post Liesbet with beautiful photographs. I love those undefined paths in life, they often lead to the greatest blessings. I hope you will be able to continue to follow your dreams and wish you both a magical 2017 ☺?

  2. I love your ‘Wordless Wednesdays’…and this post is no exception! Thank you for sharing!

    • You are so welcome, Donna! I wish you and Richard a smooth 2017, with wonderful experiences and healing capacities. Much love!

  3. It all depends on the destination. A well trod path to an unknown destination is safer, and in some situations, preferred. If I am wandering, then the path needs to wander as well.

    • I love the path you take as a wanderer! Luckily, all paths lead to somewhere, right? Although, they don’t really have to, I guess. Or, you can always turn around to the familiar and the set ideas. Have a wonderful and successful 2017, Ryan!

  4. Your life is a commitment to Frost’s “Path Less Travelled”… and is all the richer for it! <3

  5. Another great post, Liesbet — the pictures tell the amazing story of a life less ordinary.

    Happy New Year to you and Mark,

  6. What wonderful paths you have taken! Although well-traveled paths can be more comfortable, the less-traveled ones are often more enriching and transformative.

    • Well said, Janis. A good mix of both sounds about perfect. We are sure enjoying our recent comfortable path at the moment, to rest and “gear up” for the next less-traveled one. 🙂

  7. I very much admire how much the two of you enjoy each path you travel and are completely open to possibilities. A beautiful collection of images here Liesbet. Wishing you many happy paths in 2017!

    • Thank you, Sue. May your 2017 be filled with adventures as well, of the family and the excursion kind! One of the beauties (and downfalls) in life is the mountain of possibilities!

  8. Some lovely photos Liesbet. My favourite is the first photo of the boardwalk

    • Thanks, Tony. I like the boardwalk one as well, since it is so defined. An easy path is often very welcome. And, sometimes, the natural path, created by our own footsteps is the one we prefer. 🙂

  9. Love these pictures! I love the scenics of a good path. I like the path less travelled….unless it looks like it will be buggy!

    • I am with you, Lucy, buggy paths suck. And, there a lot of those, especially in the jungle and the tropics, where you really don;t enjoy wearing long clothes to cover up your tasty skin. Path less traveled are usually more adventurous, but less comfortable! 🙂

  10. I have a terrible tendency to be a headless chicken, running around flapping my arms, Liesbet. 🙂 But once I choose a path I make the most of it. Every good wish to you and Mark in the year ahead. I hope it all goes delightfully not to plan 🙂 Thanks for your company!

    • I like being a headless chicken! Unless it gets me lost too badly. 🙂 Choosing a path and sticking to it, without doubts and second guesses is a great talent, Jo. Not one I possess! All the best to you both in the New Year! I loved your company in the last one. 🙂

  11. Oh Liesbet, I just love this post and your amazing photos! Wonderful paths, indeed! Happy new year to you!

    • I hope our paths will cross one day, Terri, and that the holidays have brought you joy and well-appreciated family time in San Diego! Have an amazing 2017 yourself!

  12. That’s a beautifully written post. I find that when you don’t know where you’re going and just wander randomly, you find the most interesting things along the way.

    • The words of an adventurous spirit, Ellen! The unknown is very attractive and reveals many beautiful facets along the way. 🙂

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