Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For December, the question is: “Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Pat Garcia, Sylvia Ney, Cathrina Constantine, Natalie Aguirre, and yours truly (Liesbet @ Roaming About)!
My answer to the question
Talk about a coincidence…
In the beginning of this year, I wondered: “Are there times of the year that writers are more productive than other months? Why would that be?” I emailed Alex, the founder of the IWSG, suggesting he’d pose this question to the group. He replied that it would be the perfect December prompt. So, now I get to – have to, really – answer my own question! ????
If I’d live in a house or settled environment, I expect winter would be my most productive writing month as it’s colder out and I wouldn’t feel guilty sitting behind the computer all day. But, as you might now, my husband, Mark, our dog, Maya, and I are nomads (and have been for over a decade), so no “settlement” for us. This means I only manage to write whenever it fits the schedule, the situation, the location, and, mostly, the logistics (internet, electricity, no dramas). Which – if you’ve read any of my previous IWSG blogs – is darn sporadic. I write when I can; when I’m not driving, hiking with Maya, sightseeing, working, running errands, fixing the van, catching up on diaries or my inbox, or sleeping…

Our favorite free campsite this year, in Arkansas
Cold and rainy days would be perfect to write, but they cause other issues with all of us cooped up in a 19ft van. By the way, I keep track of our current location in the right column of this blog.
My book progress
After a long road to completion (five years!), my travel memoir Plunge has been published. I announced that feat here, a few days ago.
November was another incredibly crazy and busy month. We sat still in different places on our drive west (USA) to allow for full days (and evenings) of book work.
This involved creating an eBook and paperback version of Plunge, Mark and I scrutinizing the digital version for typos and mistakes, me scanning the pdf file to look at all the hyphenated words at the end of each line, Mark fixing issues in both files (and me in the master document), sending out ARC copies, updating front and back matter, getting familiar with KDP (Amazon’s printing platform) and IngramSpark, ordering proof copies and browsing those, contacting a few people about promoting Plunge today, working on a couple of upcoming features elsewhere, writing personalized emails to sailing magazines regarding reviews for my sailing memoir, and preparing the launch on my birthday. I’m sure there were many more tasks to complete, but my brain is scattered.
What’s next?
Plunge has been unbelievably well received by early readers. I had the eBook on pre-order for ten days before my release date, which created an exciting and fun buzz. The first paperbacks are being shipped as we speak.
So far, about twenty 5-star reviews showed up across Goodreads and Amazon (USA, Canada, and UK sites), I received positive news from six sailing magazines about reviewing my book, and Plunge became a #1 new release in three categories in November: sailing, sailing narratives, and travel with pets. As I was re-reading this post, my husband told me the book also became a #1 release in adventure travel and in Caribbean travel today and that I am now #2 on the bestseller list in sailing. I can almost say Plunge is an Amazon bestseller! 🙂
The next step for me is promotion and marketing. I’ve done a bit of that on social media (mostly Facebook) and fellow bloggers/authors are giving me a little boost this week. Thank you, friends! But, it’s time for me to create extra content, participate in interviews, and be featured in print and online. This is my main job for December and onwards.
Mark and I are also in the process of making my travel memoir available for wider distribution (as opposed to selling it on Amazon only). We are using the services of Draft2Digital and IngramSpark for that.
If you’d like more information about Plunge, click here.
To read about my entire road to publication, check out my “writing update” blogs here.
If you are an author, how did it feel to have your (first) book released? Which months prove more productive for you? Please share in the comments.
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December 2, 2020 at 13:04
That is awesome! Wow, you swept the categories. Hope all those who rejected it take note.
Perfect timing with the question.
And thanks for co-hosting today!
December 2, 2020 at 13:28
Hi Alex! I like your thinking. I wish I could become that “author who agents and publishers lost out on!” 🙂 You’re very welcome and thank YOU, as always, for being our amazing founder and supporter! Will be over at your blog soon.
December 2, 2020 at 13:05
Plunge seems to be an interesting read. Definitely on my tbr.
December 2, 2020 at 13:28
I’m happy to hear that, Ruchi! Thanks for the note and the interest!!
December 2, 2020 at 13:23
I’m going to soon say, “I knew her before she was famous”. I’m so excited for you, Liesbet. And I know there’s a sequel because I read your blog.
Love the ‘Where we are’ map in the sidebar…
December 2, 2020 at 13:30
Hi Jacqui! You are too funny and sweet… But, I’m not sure where you get the idea of a sequel. Sure, I leave the reader hanging in my epilogue, but – between you and me – there hasn’t been a word put on paper (or screen) of that sequel. And, you know how busy I am with life and work right now. We’ll have to see what happens the coming years. Travel or writing?
December 2, 2020 at 19:40
Hi, Jacqui – I am also in the ‘I knw her before she was famous club’. I loved your review. I also could not put this book down! 😀
December 2, 2020 at 21:56
I am so happy you feel that way, Donna, and that Plunge had you captivated. Now you know me even better than well! 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 13:23
Congratulations on finally getting there hun x
December 2, 2020 at 13:31
Thanks a lot Claire, for the sweet comment and for being in my camp all along!!
December 2, 2020 at 13:38
This is so exciting, Liesbet! I’m so happy for you! I promise, I will read and write a review for Plunge. As you know, this has been an incredibly busy time for me with deadlines upon deadlines. In the meantime, I will be including the blurb for Plunge and a purchase link in my upcoming newsletter. Number 1! Yay!
December 2, 2020 at 21:35
Hi Jill! I know how busy you have been and I hope November was as productive for you as you hoped for. Did you win NaNoWriMo? Thank you so much for all you already do, like spreading the word for Plunge! 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 13:39
Congratulations on your book! I can imagine how inspiration would abound in your adventurous lifestyle 😉 Thanks for co-hosting!
December 2, 2020 at 21:37
You are welcome, Diedre and thanks for swinging by. You got it. I have so many anecdotes and real-life stories to share that I will never run out of ideas. 🙂 My dilemma is: do I stop traveling and write instead or do I stop writing and travel? Those two passions are hard to combine, but I’m trying!
December 2, 2020 at 14:04
Hi Liesbet! I just finished re-reading your book and it’s obvious how much work you’ve put into it making it a great read. I’ve posted my review on Amazon and Goodreads and because I know how very important reviews are for the success of the book I’m guessing you will do really well because of how fast you’ve come so far. Good for you! Plus, never forget that you are now in a very small percentage of humans who have both written AND published a book! It takes dedication and a LOT of time an effort to stick with it and make something people want to read. And you’ve done it all. Enjoy the experience…you’ve earned! ~Kathy
December 2, 2020 at 21:40
Hi Kathy! Thank you so much for reading my book (again), writing a review, posting it, and leaving me positive feedback here. You are making me feel better with your comment. I’ve been so overwhelmed, busy, and stressed lately that I do tend to forget about the actual accomplishment. 🙂 You are so right about that dedication and effort throughout. Phew! It would make anyone never want to write a book again. Of course, that’s a temporary sentiment and – if there is a next time – things can only get easier from here. Happy to join you in authordom! 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 14:07
Congrats Liesbet this is all awesome news! I think the way I can order one of your books is to have it delivered to my sister in law in L.A. let her read it and ask her to mail it to me! Then I can write a review after I’ve dug in to the pages….
Wow must be a great feeling of accomplishment and how incredible to have such great ratings and reviews! Off to a great start!!!
December 2, 2020 at 21:46
Hi Peta! The buzz has been incredible and I’ve been extremely busy grasping it all and reacting to the notes, messages, posts, shares, praise, etc. To be honest, that feeling of accomplishment has not set in yet, because I have barely been able to breathe. I’m busy with side projects and my paid job and Mark and I are still working towards worldwide distribution, which might help you, actually. I’m not sure whether you are interested in an eBook or the paperback, but at the moment Plunge is available as an eBook on Kobo, Apple iBooks, and Barnes and Noble as well. I can keep you posted about the new markets as they accept and publish my book. I will update links on my website once everything is in order. I’d hate for you to go through a lot of effort, hassle, and costs to get this book in your hands… And, you probably already knew this, but the Kindle version is available on Amazon.mx.
December 2, 2020 at 15:13
Woot! That’s awesome! It’s so great to hear about your success. I’m very happy for you.
December 2, 2020 at 21:47
Thank you for the kind words, Lonie!
December 2, 2020 at 15:37
Congrats. I’ve added Plunge to my list. Happy IWSG Day. Thank you for co-hosting!
December 2, 2020 at 21:47
Hi Adrienne! Thank you for the support and interest. Happy to co-host. Even with a busy schedule! 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 15:43
Congrats on getting your work out there! I’ll have to check it out. @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act
December 2, 2020 at 21:48
Hello Samantha! Thanks for swinging by and leaving a comment. It’s starting to dawn on me that publishing your debut book is a big deal… 🙂 Happy Holidays!
December 2, 2020 at 15:55
Congrats for 1) surviving as a family in a van on the move and 2) publishing a super-star novel, obviously with a lot of heart and talent
December 2, 2020 at 21:49
Love your comment, PJ! I’m not sure what is easier, #1 or #2! There are days that it’s a toss-up and that doing both at the same time feels like the most insane thing I’ve ever done! 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 16:17
Hi Liesbet,
I’m so glad you co-hosted our December IWSG. Thanks to Alex, I’ve had a chance to meet you. We seem to have some things in common: Sailing and Writing. You’re living an exciting life and I’m thrilled you want to share and others want to read about it.
Lynn La Vita blog: Writers Supporting Writers
December 2, 2020 at 21:52
Hi Lynn! Thank you so much for taking the time and checking in with me here as well. I’m so glad I found your blog – thanks to being a co-host for the IWSG today – and I had no idea there were other sailors/nomads out there in our group. Except for Ellen, who I am good friends with. As a matter of fact, her Scamp camper is parked right next to our Zesty in Tucson, AZ at the moment. 🙂 Maybe you and your husband will join our little club one day? RVing is much easier on the body – and the mind – than sailing!
December 2, 2020 at 16:26
Congrats on your success. 🙂
Anna from elements of emaginette
December 2, 2020 at 21:53
Thanks for your magic words, Anna. We will have to see what “success” means, but I do love your prediction when you emailed me the other day. Very sweet, comforting, and telling! 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 16:45
I am so excited for you! Plunge is on my Kindle and I’m looking forward to reading it. Once complete, I will definitely review it and, if all the great reviews are any indication, recommend it to others highly.
December 2, 2020 at 21:55
Hi Janis! You’ve been a part of my cheerleader team from the start and I truly appreciate it. I cannot imagine everyone will love Plunge, but my writing (the style and content) seems to have hit home by quite a few people now – men and women. Let me know how it goes!
December 2, 2020 at 18:24
Dry well done!
December 2, 2020 at 21:55
Sweet and simple. Thanks, Anabel! I hope you will enjoy Plunge as well.
December 2, 2020 at 19:55
Congrats on Plunge! Exciting times!!!
And great question too 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 21:58
Hi Jami! It’s been such an overwhelming few weeks, following incredibly swamped and stressful ones, so I am actually looking forward to a little break (maybe next week?) to let everything sink in. I do like that question too! It seems like most people – who don’t manage to write all the time – prefer the colder, winter months to do so.
December 2, 2020 at 21:16
Congrats on your debut book! You & it are doing great. Thanks for cohosting this month.
December 2, 2020 at 21:59
Hi Diane! Thanks for swinging by and for the kind words. I hope you’re not getting sick about coming across Plunge in so many places… 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 21:33
Congrats on a fabulous book launch! And you have such interesting experiences to drawn upon. Looking forward to reading it.
December 2, 2020 at 22:01
Thank you, Lee! Never a dull moment in my life and therefore in my brain and therefore on the page, haha. Thing is, I have nothing to compare this launch or the sales numbers to, so I’ll just take your word for it and call it “fabulous.” It does feel that way regardless. 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 21:36
Congratulations on the book! Maybe double congrats given the challenging circumstances! I find every new book release is pretty exciting, but that first one is the most amazing.
December 2, 2020 at 22:04
Hi Rebecca! Thank you! The saving grace for getting this book completed this year was our circumstances over the summer, which were a tad more settled than usual. And, lots of dedication (and understanding from my husband and dog) while on the road. Exciting times, indeed. 🙂
December 2, 2020 at 21:37
I don’t think I’d be able to write all cooped up like that. I need alone time to write and I’d never be alone. Congratulations on Plunge! and thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month.
December 2, 2020 at 22:07
Hi Ken! Thanks. I’m happy you swung by and I hope all is well with you and yours! It was a huge adjustment for me to get anything done inside this camper while living with a man and a dog. On our sailboat, we had a bigger saloon table and my husband was working 8-10 hours a day as well, so that would have been a better environment for a project like Plunge. Except, we were still living that adventure. Once in a while, my husband takes Maya for a long walk and I can focus 100%. I wish I’d have more times like these, though… Pros and cons. Every lifestyle has them. 🙂
December 3, 2020 at 01:21
That’s a pretty steep learning curve on software. Maybe more work than the book writing? At least you can do zoom interviews now!
December 4, 2020 at 13:28
Hi Ann! Thanks for reading and commenting! I’d say the publication process was more frustrating than the writing itself and appeared never-ending. There was always something to fix, improve, and update. Even now, when it is all supposed to be “done,” we have a few alterations in mind for the second edition! 🙂
December 3, 2020 at 02:02
I’ve been trying to think when I’d write best in your situation, and I have no idea. My writing adjusts when I’m at the cabin vs. when I’m at home, and it depends upon available resources (light, power) and solo time.
~Shannon (thewarriormuse–my only WordPress account is my podcast one for the website, so I don’t want to sign out of it!)
December 4, 2020 at 16:56
Hi Shannon! How I would love to sit in a cabin (with resources), by myself, for a few weeks at a time. No distractions. Surrounded by nature. I would be so productive! While I’m half introvert and half extrovert, I LOVE my me time! Where is this cabin of yours? 🙂 Thanks again for featuring Plunge on your website this month!!
December 3, 2020 at 05:52
Congratulations on becoming a best-seller with your first book, Liesbet. I can’t remember how high my books peaked, but it certainly was not number 1. In fact, I think it was more like three figures in the 800s.
In answer to your questions, yes, I was very excited when my first book was released because it was a dream come true for me. I don’t think I came down from cloud nine for many weeks. And what’s really strange is that my first book still continues to outsell my second book.
As for which months are more productive for me – I think they all are in their strange ways. As I’m not a lover of the hot and humid weather, I get a lot of writing done during the summer because, being fair-skinned, I also stay out of the sun. Equally when it’s wet, the same thing applies in the winter months.
And belated Happy Birthday for last week.
December 4, 2020 at 12:10
Hugh – I recall
When you first book came out –
Congrats again on both
December 4, 2020 at 13:06
Thank you so much, Prior. I can’t believe that Glimpses was first published in 2016! It only seems like yesterday.
December 4, 2020 at 17:08
Time sure flies, Hugh! For some reason, no matter how fast I think, work, type, or try, I can’t catch up with it! 🙂
December 4, 2020 at 17:04
Hugh is making things happen… He sure has his priorities right. I’m still working on that. 🙂
December 4, 2020 at 21:10
????????well we each have different journeys and goals – and different things that fill our cup – so liesbet and Hugh – both keep being the wonderful you because it is awesome
December 6, 2020 at 15:21
Ooook. Beautiful words. 🙂
December 4, 2020 at 13:33
Hi Hugh!
Thank you for the wishes and the compliments. As I wrote this post, I wasn’t a “bestseller” yet, but yesterday, the tag “#1 bestseller in Caribbean travel” popped up with my eBook, so I guess, technically, you are correct. We will see what happens. These tags seem to change daily. But, I did take a screenshot of that one as well. 🙂
I think it is so amazing that you have two books out already. And, you’re working on/contemplating a third one, right? I don’t think I’m quite on cloud nine yet, as I have been so extremely busy. But, when I take a moment to pause and let the buzz sink in, I can get there!
It sounds like pretty much every season makes you a productive writer! For me this has more to do with my lifestyle than with the weather. Although, when it is too cold or wet to be outside, writing inside is the perfect remedy!
December 6, 2020 at 08:00
I did have plans for a third collection of short stories, Liesbet. I’ve got quite a few new stories, but I don’t seem to have had any desire to start preparing for them to go into a book yet. Hopefully, the new year will have me looking at this differently. Then again it could be that I’ve been too lazy to get started. I’ve been concentrating more on my blog this year and seem to have a got a lot more out of it.
December 6, 2020 at 15:31
Sounds to me that your focus was in the right place in 2020, Hugh! I find it extremely hard to write on my blog and work on a book (and travel and work my editing/translation jobs) all at the same time… It’s about time that I pick my priorities, so I don’t get burned out. 🙂
December 3, 2020 at 06:59
Hi Lisbet,
Congratulations on the successful launch of your book. I think it is marvellous. Your book came out with the perfect timing. I have Plunge on my TBR list.
All the best and keep on marching forward.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a safe passage into 2021.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
December 4, 2020 at 13:35
Thank you, Pat! I contemplated delaying the release of Plunge a bit, due to the uncertainty and chaos around the elections in the US (I was pretty worried about the outcome), but I’m happy to have gone ahead with it. Happy holidays to you too and thanks for co-hosting with me! I’ll be over in a little while…
December 3, 2020 at 09:46
Congratulations on the book release! Thank you for hosting this month and happy Holidays!!
December 4, 2020 at 13:35
Thanks for swinging by here, Doreen, and happy holidays to you and yours as well!
December 3, 2020 at 09:48
Plunge is making quite a splash, Liesbet, as I knew it would.
So far as I’ve read in your odyssey, I see you embracing challenge and not shrinking from risk, all characteristics of successful book authors. Sometime in January I’d like to feature you as a guest author, after I’ve finished reading and reviewing your fine memoir, of course!
Keep the buzz going — of course you will. 🙂
December 4, 2020 at 13:39
Hi Marian! It’s been quite the buzz! I hope to enjoy a bit of it this coming weekend. I’ve been so busy with other jobs as well. So many extra sites and “channels” to check now, on top of the usual. But, it’s all good and I’m thrilled about how my book has been received. There are always glitches, as you know, but I’m trying my best to step away from that “perfectionist” seat. 🙂 Happy to pop over to Plain & Fancy in January, as long as I can be the “plain one.” 🙂 Thanks again for all your support along the way…
December 3, 2020 at 11:19
Hi Liesbet! That’s great news. I hope the book continues to do well, and goes viral for you. It’s the sort of topic that should attract a steady audience. I know of other ‘sell up and sail’ stories, but I can’t remember one where it was the woman’s memoir. Good luck.
And you’ve helped me realise why I write more in the summer, when you’d think it would be in the winter. I just said to someone else, I prefer to write in the mornings – and in winter, mornings are just too short! By the time I’ve got the animals done it’s nearly lunchtime (I don’t have to get up at a set time, I rise with the light). So of course I don’t write at this time of year. Roll on spring, for writing!
Have a great Christmas and new year.
December 4, 2020 at 13:43
Hi Jemima!
Thank you for the kind words and sentiments. When I wrote Plunge, I wanted it to be different from other memoirs, especially other sailing and travel memoirs. I think I have reached that goal, due to my unique voice. Maybe it even helped that English isn’t my first language. Who knows? Either way, I’m pretty psyched about the way it has been received so far.
Yep, summer days are so much longer! Or, they appear that way. I am actually experiencing exactly the same thing you mention here in our van in the Arizona desert. The sun doesn’t reach us until 8am (especially when there are hills or obstructions around) – plus it’s freezing cold at night – and since we have fantastic black-out shades, we don’t get up until later. Then, we walk the dog, have breakfast and before I know it, it’s 10am before I open my laptop…
Have a wonderful Christmas and end of the year as well!!
December 3, 2020 at 17:13
How adventurous! 🙂 I’m almost jealous! 😉
December 4, 2020 at 13:44
I love the “almost” part! 🙂 That’s what I tell my current sailing friends as well… As with all lifestyles, there are pros and cons, good days and bad ones. Thanks for swinging by here, Carrie!
December 4, 2020 at 04:50
Liesbet, thanks for co-hosting but thank you even more for suggesting the question. I knew I had a problem with this time of year being busy, what I hadn’t realised was my habit of moving into the next year before finishing this one. Something to work on & not just as a writer.
December 4, 2020 at 13:47
Hi Debs! You are very welcome on both accounts. Thing is: I think too much. This often leads to questions like these, but more often to thoughts like the one you describe. While I’m very good at not making plans and taking things as they come in real, practical measures, my head is always a step, a day, a week, a month, seven hundred thoughts ahead. 🙂
December 4, 2020 at 06:04
Congratulations! It feels awesome to finally hold your book baby in your hands, doesn’t it? I published my debut years ago, but I can still remember the awestruck feeling I had that it was finally *REAL* when I held that first proof paperback.
Thanks for co-hosting, and good luck with your book.
December 4, 2020 at 13:50
Hi Melissa! Thank you. And, your comment is so true. It isn’t real until it’s real! I felt the same about receiving cash instead of a check in the past, even though being paid is more realistic via bank accounts now. 🙂 While I haven’t held one of the final Plunges in my hands, the proof was very cool, especially the second one of which we – last minute – changed the pages from cream to color. What a revelation that was!!
December 4, 2020 at 09:45
Congratulations! It’s cool that you’re nomads, too. Thanks for co-hosting!
December 4, 2020 at 14:30
You’re welcome, Debra. I don’t even remember what life was like before becoming a nomad in 2003. 🙂
December 4, 2020 at 11:20
Congratulations on getting your book published!
December 4, 2020 at 14:30
Thank you!!
December 4, 2020 at 11:24
Congratulations on getting your book published!
December 4, 2020 at 14:31
Thank you, Rosemary!
December 4, 2020 at 11:56
I’m glad my link to the photos worked! But especially glad the book is doing so well. I will be writing a little blog post about our party and book launch in the desert but you know how far behind I am on blogs so it might not be for a month or two.
So glad you are getting so many 5 stars. The book is definitely worthy of them!
December 4, 2020 at 16:59
Hi Duwan!
I was going to send you an email after I grabbed those photos from your link (used the WiFi from the Planet Fitness place where we spent the night after we left the desert) and thank you, but it totally slipped my mind, which pretty much is plain mush right now! Thanks for the pics!! I seem to also have forgotten to give you credit for the photos. Bad Liesbet!!
Thank you for the compliments about my book here and elsewhere. I’m pretty psyched Plunge is being so well received. I could use a little break from work and the computer, though. Next week???
December 4, 2020 at 12:08
Hi Liesbet!
Congrats on the book
So exciting
And you mentioned interviews –
I would love to feature you in an interview on Priorhijse blog. I have January wide open- I might have Cindy’s interview that month but it could go out in December – anyhow – email me if you want to explore the idea
And your Arkansas spot seems so lovely
December 4, 2020 at 17:04
Thank you so much for the joined excitement! It’s been pretty much non-stop buzz, which is awesome!!! I happily explore the idea of an interview on Priorhouse. Thank you for the invite! I’ll send you an email one of these days, most likely next week. I have a few things planned in January, but only one date has been set in stone at the end of the month. That spot in Arkansas WAS lovely. Too cold by now, I think…
December 4, 2020 at 21:12
Wonderful – I will look forward to your email 1 and wishing you a nice week ahead
December 6, 2020 at 15:21
Have a wonderful week as well!!! I’ll try to get my act together later this week. 🙂
December 6, 2020 at 16:49
Okay. Email sent! 🙂
December 6, 2020 at 19:22
Wonderful – I got it and will reply more later but real quick — let’s maybe think about the 3rd or the 10th to publish a post – I like to have interviews or special posts like this go out on Sunday night (it fits my schedule)
And that gives us time to plan the post
I will write more later this week (via email) and I am ordering your book so I can have that read to help with ideas
And I am excited about this !
December 8, 2020 at 18:03
Thank you so much for the cooperation and for the email with specifics as well. Exciting indeed! Looking forward to the interview. Thank you for buying Plunge as well, Yvette – Happy Reading!!
December 4, 2020 at 12:50
Congratulations on the book release. I envy your current travels. My wife and I have been hesitant on making our annual cross country trek to NJ. Too much concern about getting locked down or something weird.
All the best to you!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
December 4, 2020 at 17:07
Hi Arlee! I’m so glad to see you here. Thanks for the wishes!
Yeah… in the current situation, who knows what will happen about Covid and lock-downs. The good thing about our lifestyle is that our camper van is our home, so wherever we get stuck (if we get stuck), we have everything we need and own with us. 🙂 That being said, because of the book launch and all my current job responsibilities, other than driving to different places to camp (and work), there hasn’t been much “travel” or sightseeing! Hopefully next year! 🙂
December 5, 2020 at 10:57
Liesbet, wow! Congratulations on being an Amazon no. 1 bestseller!! ???????? That is fantastic and I’m so happy for you. No mean feat and you’re flying with the energy of your success and your future plans for the book sound perfect! All this and whilst on the move- I am in awe of you! Your photos are lovely and I’m smitten with the one of you in the hammock by the lake whilst hard at work. Idyllic! This was a brilliant question and glad you got a chance to answer it. Maybe your next one should be most unusual / exotic work places? ????
December 6, 2020 at 15:24
Hi Annika! Thank you for your positivism and energy!
It has been a while since we put that hammock up. No trees in the desert. 🙂 I am still so extremely busy and kind of flying with everything going on, but I am truly looking forward to quieter days and at least a weekend off…
Haha. I love your idea of the next question, but wonder if it is broad enough for all authors to answer, as most, I think, work from their familiar desk. But, who knows?
December 5, 2020 at 13:21
Fantastic! Well done you 🙂 🙂
December 6, 2020 at 15:24
Thank you, dear Jo!!
December 6, 2020 at 15:25
Did you know that Alyson Sheldrake left a wonderful 5-star review for Plunge? She was one of my ARC readers. 🙂
December 6, 2020 at 16:47
Glad she enjoyed the book 🙂 🙂
December 6, 2020 at 16:50
🙂 I’d love to read hers one day, but am so incredibly busy that I haven’t been able to read a book in months. Sigh!
December 5, 2020 at 19:24
Congrats on your publication! I love the cover. I can’t believe I haven’t been swimming even once this year because Covid cancelled our vacations. Oh well. Maybe in 2021. Best of luck in your promotion plans.
December 6, 2020 at 15:28
Hi Tamara! I was having that same thought, recently. Other than dunking myself in a friend’s above ground pool within the last year (which isn’t really swimming), I don’t think I have swam (especially in the ocean) since we were still living aboard. It has been a looong time! Thank you for the wonderful wishes and I hope you get to swim and vacation again soon. 🙂
December 6, 2020 at 11:57
Thanks for co-hosting this month. Congratulations on the success of your travel book launch. I like the cover and the premise sounds nice. Don’t think I could do it myself, but it’s nice to read about sust adventures. Sounds like you are living your dream.
December 6, 2020 at 15:34
Hi Toi! You are very welcome! It all depends on what “the dream” looks like. 🙂 Every lifestyle has its ups and downs, but the view from my office always changes and is pretty nice most of the time. Plus, we try to follow warm weather in winter, which is pretty fantastic as well. 🙂
December 7, 2020 at 09:19
Dear Liesbet, congratulations on the publication of Plunge. Thank you for cohosting this month. Beautiful nomadic photos. Take care and Happy St Nicolas.
December 8, 2020 at 18:05
Thanks for the comment and sentiments, Susan! Mercie beaucoup! 😉 And, I love how you know it was St. Nicolas, or “Sinterklaas” as we say it in Flemish, on December 6th. A special day for me as a child. Now, it is the date my husband and I got together, sixteen years ago!! 🙂
December 7, 2020 at 09:56
Hi! I’m so happy for your success! I don’t know if the social distancing has actually helped me with my writing–I’m a stay-at-home mom who homeschools, so… ;P
December 8, 2020 at 18:07
Hi Elizabeth! Sounds like social distancing and quarantine is something you are very familiar with. We don’t have children (we would have homeschooled them as well if we had any), but my husband and I are pretty used to a socially-distanced life as camping nomads as well. Nature has never called us this much!! 🙂
December 7, 2020 at 12:42
Congratulations on your success – that’s awesome! So exciting to see your book in the #1 spot! 🙂
Winter is definitely my most productive time. In the spring and summer there’s so much to do in the yard and garden, and I love being active and outside. It’s hard to sit in a chair and write then!
I published my first three books at the same time, and I was expecting either no response or else a deluge of bad reviews because of the coarse language in my books. Imagine how shocked and happy I was when I got great reviews instead! And hitting #1 on Amazon was definitely a thrill – my Hubby took a screenshot for me and got it framed. I’m so lucky to love writing and be able to make a living at it!
December 8, 2020 at 18:10
Hi Diane!
Picking additional categories (which I still have to do for markets outside the US – sigh – just no time!) for a book is so important to achieve these #1 new release labels. I hear you about winter being most productive. Of course, for us, we try and find warmer temps to avoid the cold, so not sure how productive my winter will be. 🙂
How nice of hubby to take the #1 screenshot and frame it. My hubby is tired of dealing with my book at the moment. I can’t blame him! I’m hoping to hit number one (other than “new release”) one day as well, but we will see what happens. I have to sell way more books and compete with the Obamas! Ha!
You got the best “gig” in the world!!
December 7, 2020 at 20:07
What a way to make an entrance. Congrats again my friend. 🙂 xx
December 8, 2020 at 18:13
Thank you so much, my friend! Your support and promotion has been amazing and indispensable! Let’s hope all the buzz leads to decent sales. 🙂
December 8, 2020 at 18:28
Ride the wave my friend. And happy to be part of your lift-off. 🙂 x
December 10, 2020 at 14:35
The wave is losing momentum, but that’s okay. I can’t wait to relax this weekend, for the first time in ages. 🙂
December 10, 2020 at 17:21
You deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to warn you, lol. Good for you, relax with your family and stay away from everyone, lol. 🙂 x
December 9, 2020 at 16:08
Liesbet, congratulations on the number 1 ratings! In all your busy days of travel and promoting the book, be sure to take some time to savour this amazing accomplishment. As I’ve followed your blog for a long time now, I remember the ups and downs and decision-points that you blogged about along the way. It helped me understand the road to publication better now that I’m beginning that process with my own book.
December 10, 2020 at 15:04
Hi Jude! I have yet to really savor my accomplishment. It just has been too busy. Maybe this weekend? But, I’m mentally prepared to be swamped for the rest of the year, so hopefully by 2021, I will be able to enjoy life on the road a bit more again. Wishing you success with your novel queries!!!
December 13, 2020 at 16:27
Thanks for co-hosting this month! Congrats on your release! My most productive writing times are usually late at night, during mommy me time.
December 14, 2020 at 21:16
Hi Lidy! Thanks for swinging by and leaving a comment. I rarely have time to write and I’m not even a parent. I can’t imagine how tough this would be with children. Well done, you, for being productive “after hours!“ 🙂
December 17, 2020 at 22:19
Congrats to you Liesbet! i have just finished reading Plunge and totally enjoyed it – even the sea sick bits!!
December 18, 2020 at 13:47
Oh Debbie! I’m so glad you enjoyed my book. It’s interesting to me that I always saw the premise of Plunge as “Riding the Waves of Life,” which used to be my prospective subtitle for a while. So, when I saw that title on one of your recent blog posts, it felt a tad surreal and fortuitous! Feel free to share your opinion about Plunge anywhere (and let me know, so I can swing by and interact with anyone who has questions)! 🙂
December 23, 2020 at 12:08
Liesbet I am currently in the middle of the ocean, hanging over the side of the boat next to you. Your book has me ‘feeling all the feels’. I have read some of the amazing reviews. When I finish the book I plan to leave one as well. However mine will be different than the others. Through the pandemic I could not settle my mind to actually read a book. Call it anxiety or being unsettled I could not keep my mind still enough to concentrate. That is until I began reading Plunge. So intriguing and honest in its telling, for the first time in 10 months I am enjoying reading again. Thank you for taking me on such a journey.
December 26, 2020 at 11:23
Sue, your comment made my week. I’m so glad – and honored – that you are reading my book vicariously and happily. Your note means more to me than anything else and, just knowing which impact Plunge has on you right now and what my book means to your enjoyment about reading again is worth much more than any review I’ve received! This is why authors write, to make a difference. Thank you so much for sharing this sentiment with me!
January 5, 2021 at 01:05
Congrats, Liesbet! You’ve worked very hard to get to this moment.
Happy New Year!
January 6, 2021 at 14:07
Thank you, JH! And, welcome back! 🙂 Happy New Year to you and the kitties as well. <3