Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For September, the question is: “How do you define success as a writer?”
This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Rebecca Douglass, T. Powell Coltrin @Journaling Woman, Natalie Aguirre, Karen Lynn, and C. Lee McKenzie.
My answer to the question – How do you define success as a writer?
This is an excellent question and answers will greatly vary. As a matter of fact, this question is so good and insightful that I could write an entire post as my answer. Don’t worry, I won’t. Being a perfectionist (when it comes to work) with an A-type personality (I think that’s what it’s called), it is very difficult for me to reach what I would define as success. I always want to do better, reach more readers, inspire more people, engage a wider audience.
Each writer has their own goals. I set mine six months after publishing Plunge and I will revisit those on my first book birthday. In short: success to me as a writer is first to have my work published – in magazines, newspapers, anthologies, or books. Next, it would be to touch/inspire readers. I also aim to get some kind of recognition (positive reviews, write-ups, feature articles, awards, prizes) and – eventually – make a little bit of money with Plunge, once I break even. All this requires a lot of time, effort, and focus.
My book news
August was an incredibly busy month – in life, with our truck and camper projects, a summer-long noisy condo deck project, helping out my in-laws, writing, editing, and translating commitments, and with book stuff! In this post, of course, it’s all about the book action.
- I finally created a banner for Plunge.
- In the beginning of August, I did my first in-person “book event” by manning a (shared) booth during the annual Yankee Homecoming Festival in Newburyport, MA. Fellow travel author Marianne Curcio (find her book here) and I split the cost and the space on Craft Fair Day, which is where the organizers thought we’d fit in the best.
Our lovely friends, Duwan and Greg, swung by and provided entertainment and company. Of course, my trusted companions Mark and Maya joined in as well. It turned out to be a fun and relatively productive day, as I sold eleven (signed) copies of Plunge.
- But there was the necessary stress and disappointment before Yankee Homecoming… I had ordered the banner above (took a while to create), which was seriously delayed and required lots of calls and emails to Vistaprint. It eventually arrived the afternoon before the event and looked like this:
I managed to somehow save the day and the banner – and in turn, money as well. ???? (Scroll back up to see the result.)
- There was one Facebook post in which I gently advertised my book (allowed in this group), that led to a bunch of sales. Another post didn’t do anything. Providing content and engagement is the key here…
- One day, I discovered Plunge was a #1 best seller in the Tahiti Travel Guides category, which must have been a direct result of that good day of sales.

Bestseller Tahiti Travel Guide
- The interview I did in Belgium with a big Flemish newspaper, Het Laatste Nieuws (The Latest News) finally appeared in print. I’m not clear if the exposure led to sales.

Photo by Jacques Collaert
- I sent my book to Midwest Book Reviews by snail mail, with a cover letter, and hope they will create and publish a favorable review within the allocated time (6-8 weeks). So far, none of the free review sites I submitted my eBook to have obliged.

MBR Guidelines
- The Facebook group We Love Memoirs recently celebrated their eighth anniversary, which is one of the few occasions you’re allowed to promote your memoir in one post containing a game/puzzle/question with a chance for members to win an e-copy of your book. Again, the discussions that took place were engaging, but I doubt my participation led to extra sales.
- Duwan took a series of potential author photos when she was here during Yankee Homecoming. I selected two winners and one with a hat for promotional purposes and had people vote for a finalist on Facebook after I cropped the images to portraits. Which one do you like best?
- I finally fixed a few things inside my book (those three outstanding typos) and redesigned the back cover of Plunge with my cover artist, Kelly of KAM Design. I’m still waiting for an author copy to see how it looks in real life and am still contemplating the color of the text – black or blue…
- The sailing magazine Latitudes & Attitudes published an extensive “review” of my travel memoir. I put “review” in quotes, as the author does not share his thoughts/impressions about the book at all. He just summarizes the ENTIRE story. The exposure is nice, but the article ought to contain a huge “spoiler alert” label! You can read the feature on page 136 online for free here.
Authors helping authors
My good sailing friend Birgit Hackl released a new book called On Velvet Paws towards the Horizon, which tells the story of her cat, Leeloo, who sailed with the couple in the Caribbean and the South Pacific for ten years. It includes tips about traveling with cats, anecdotes, and color photos of the adventurous feline on and off their sailboat Pitufa (Smurfette in Spanish).

On Velvet Paws towards the Horizon by Birgit Hackl
You can check out her recent book (written in English and in German) here. To find other books Birgit wrote (in German), have a look at her Amazon Profile page here. To read our friends’ blog, go to https://www.pitufa.at.
What’s next
Mark, Maya, and I are hoping to hit the road again – indefinitely – in a couple of weeks. Once that happens, I will lose the luxury of unlimited electricity, reliable internet, and plenty of time, which will result in less – if any – promotion work for Plunge. Living in a small home on wheels and being constantly on the go is challenging, tiring, and time consuming. I will have to focus my computer moments on paid work and posting on this blog. And squeeze in a few Plunge “pushes” whenever I can.

Our “new” truck camper in the driveway
One major upcoming event is the release of a travel anthology I contributed to. Alongside 19 other travel writers, I wrote a chapter for Itchy Feet – Tales of Travel and Adventure, curated by the talented, professional, and accomplished author and artist Alyson Sheldrake. The eBook is available on pre-order now and the official release in all formats (including paperback and large print) will occur on September 26th. You can have a peek at the cover, blurb, and info here. I’ll post more information later this month.

Itchy Feet Pre-order Announcement
As sales for Plunge are slowing down – and that trend will continue – I am asking your help. If you have read (and enjoyed) Plunge, please keep spreading the word and/or leave a rating (mark the number of stars it deserves) and/or a short review on Amazon. That quick gesture helps me reach, attract, and inspire new readers. Thank you!
I’m sharing this post for Natalie’s Weekend Coffee Share #35. Read her contribution, recalling her summer favorites, here. Happy weekend everyone!
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September 1, 2021 at 13:21
Crap job on the banner! What a disappointment.
Just…wow. I need to hire you to help market my book next year.
September 1, 2021 at 15:19
Oh Alex, you cannot believe my surprise – and disappointment – when that banner finally arrived and I opened it up. Yikes! Luckily, we managed to salvage it. And in a way that some people didn’t even realize I touched it up! 🙂 I’m sure you will do just fine with the promotion of your newest release next year!
September 2, 2021 at 13:57
That’s not a bad idea, Alex. And Liesbet, maybe that could be an interesting job for you – marketing rep. Although I guess you’d need more consistent internet service for that. :-0
September 3, 2021 at 11:15
No, thank you, Pam! I really don’t need another job, especially that one… It’s time to focus on something different once we hit the road. It’s been a long five months from that perspective! Happy weekend!! How did your radio show go?
September 3, 2021 at 11:22
Still waiting to get link to it – TV, not radio. Hopefully soon. But I got a great article written about my writing classes. https://www.fiftyplusadvocate.com/2021/09/01/sudbury-author-helps-others-unlock-their-writing-potential/ I’ll have to find a way to share it on social media. ;-0
September 3, 2021 at 11:39
Now that is a fantastic article – positive, inspiring, and encouraging. I hope it leads to more students and book sales for you. The easiest way to share this on social media is to copy and paste the link on your profile Facebook page and it creates a preview of the article with a photo of you and a link to the article. Easy peasy and looking good! 🙂
September 1, 2021 at 13:23
WOW Liesbet – you have been busy!
I love your new banner – congratulations on that – and becoming a BESTSELLER!
I have not managed to read Plunge yet, but it is lined up on my Kindle. I shall certainly spread the word and leave a review!
You might be interested in Shepherd.com, a website where you can leave reviews of five books on a topic that showcases your own book. I have submitted two lists so far. Not sure whether it has directly driven sales for me, but it is all exposure and can’t hurt! You would be well placed to curate a list of sailing or travel books.
I wrote a blog which has more details. It may be of interest to other authors too.
I gave WLM authors a shout out in both of my contributions!
September 1, 2021 at 15:24
Hi Jackie!
That bestseller label is quite overrated and who knows how Amazon’s algorithms work? But it is fun to take a quick screenshot of the label, haha. Usually, authors I know (like me) only reach that number 1 spot in a few categories right after release day and more likely when the eBook went on pre-order for that date.
Thank you for your enthusiasm – and support – about reading Plunge. I’m looking forward to finally reading books again once I leave this hectic New England lifestyle of the past six months and hit the road again.
I hadn’t heard of Shepher.com yet and will certainly check it out, after I read your blog post about it. Thanks for sharing the link. If I end up doing something with it, I happily refer to that in my next writing update.
September 1, 2021 at 13:37
Hands down, JPeg 2707. You look like a windblown sailor girl in that one. The one in the hat is cute, but….Best wishes for a wonderful new adventure and may the book sales continue. P.S. I’ve used Vista Print a lot and they will make good on their mistakes.
September 1, 2021 at 15:30
I just realized I should have numbered or named these author portraits. Your pick was a favorite on Facebook as well – a lot of people like the windblown look, perfect for a sailor. I just think it looks less professional than the other two. And I’m not sailing again. I now have a good use for each of the three “winners.” 🙂
Thank you for the wishes, Suzanne. I’m so looking forward to hitting the road again and returning to our “normal life.”
I’ve been ordering from Vistaprint for over a decade (prints, calendars, business cards, …) and have always been happy about the service and the cost. The problem with this order was that – because of their delay in shipping – they couldn’t send me a new and correct banner in time. They did refund the money for the item, though, so I could order a new version if I so choose. No idea when that would come in handy…
September 1, 2021 at 14:34
I love that you’re using your travels to write stories! What a great combination of experiences. And I loved that book by your friend. I’m a cat person, so that would be a book I’d enjoy.
September 1, 2021 at 15:33
Thanks for swinging by and co-hosting this month, Lee. The travels and my unusual lifestyle are pretty much the only things I (can) write about. The good thing is that this well will NEVER run dry, based on passed adventures and ones to come. 🙂
September 1, 2021 at 14:52
Liesbet you sure have been busy!! Love that you managed to salvage the banner and gave it be workable in time for your booth. We have manned many a booth in former lived when we had a home design business. It can be pretty tiring.
I meant to write you a book review right after reading your book but life took over … I’ll do it today. I really did enjoy reading your book and couldn’t put it down.
I like first and hoyo but also the blue one w your hair flying. Very sailory!
September 1, 2021 at 15:35
I know how creative you are, Peta, so I’m glad you appreciate my “recovery attempt” for the banner. Funny thing is that most people didn’t even realize the banner had a mistake and wasn’t supposed to look this way, haha. Disaster averted!
I was wondering if you ended up reading/finishing Plunge once you got your hands on it in California. I’m so happy you did and that you enjoyed the ride. Thank you for all your enthusiasm and support!!
September 1, 2021 at 15:24
You have plunged into book marketing with heart and soul. I admire your progress and notice a few new items here, including the catchy banner.
Yes, I agree, on the road, you’ll miss the constant internet access you enjoy in Newburyport, but you’ll adapt . . . probably without skipping a beat!
September 1, 2021 at 15:39
Haha, you make me smile, Marian. I’m just so thrilled with how you believe in me and my capabilities, focus, efforts, and priorities. We will see how it goes once I hit the road. One of the reasons I keep track of all the tasks related to promoting Plunge is to keep myself accountable and to collect all these attempts for future browsing. Hopefully, some of my ideas and realizations help or inspire other authors as well. Or, maybe a poor soul of a blog reader will feel pity for me, working so hard on trying to sell Plunge that he/she decides to buy the book straight away! 🙂
September 1, 2021 at 15:56
Wow, that’s a lot of promotion, and a lot of good results! I love the creativity that let you salvage the banner, though I trust they also gave you a full refund.
September 2, 2021 at 10:15
Yes, Rebecca, Vistaprint did give me a full refund, but at that point, I obviously preferred to have a good-looking banner. Especially since I only had use for it once… Maybe I’ll manage to be part of another event next summer and order a new one.
September 1, 2021 at 15:59
Good for you in putting in the necessary time to market your book. I am certainly impressed. For me, that ship has sailed (no pun intended). I’m jazzed about writing again. I finally got my first children’s novel edited and it’s the first time in two years that I thought, “It’s ready.” I plan to start querying in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime I’m halfway through the first draft of another. They’re a bit long for MG (60,000 words), but my editor doesn’t think it’s going to be an issue.
Safe travels. Who knows where you’ll be the next time you write?
September 2, 2021 at 10:18
How exciting about all those writing projects, Pete! You are making so much progress. I truly think there are stages in the life of authors. Right now, I don’t have the energy, blocks of time needed, and inspiration level to focus on a new writing project. So, I try to deal with that guilt and lack of accomplishment by focusing on promotion. Soon, that ship will have sailed as well. Mostly. I need to reach my goals with Plunge first. 🙂
Wishing you loads of success with the pitching!!
And, yep, I have no idea where we will be next month, when it is time for another writing/book update. 🙂
September 1, 2021 at 19:37
I’m glad we could keep you company at Yankee Homecoming. I have enjoyed following your book journey and glad that I have been able to contribute something to it.
Looking forward to seeing your author profile pic change to one of the new ones on this blog.
September 2, 2021 at 10:23
Your company was highly appreciated and enjoyable! 🙂 And, you have been a huge help with the photos! It allowed me to finally revise my back cover. Did you see the photo I picked for that?
I now have a good use for all three: the blue, windblown one is my profile pick for commenting on blogs (WordPress, Blogger, Google), the one with the hat is my author photo in the eBook, inside the paperback (B&W), and on Facebook and the third one, which was my favorite is my “official” author photo on the back cover of Plunge and my profile on Amazon. You just reminded me I have to change that in the right column of this blog too!
Thank you so much, my friend!!
September 2, 2021 at 02:57
Liesbet, I think you have ticked all the boxes on the successful writers list.
Your work with promoting Plunge has been amazing, your energy and enthusiasm is contagious. Make sure to take a few copies with you on your travels, people love buying signed copies.
I am super excited with your upcoming adventures and your new home-on-wheels, it is going to be awesome.
September 2, 2021 at 10:27
Hi Gilda!
Good point, I will take a bunch of copies of Plunge with me on the road. Last winter, I sold five to fellow campers in Baja California, Mexico.
Your excitement is contagious!! I am actually starting to be happy and feel accomplished about this journey. It took a while, since I aim high. And, because you have been such a fabulous supporter of my book and writing, I will tell you a secret (I haven’t told anyone but Mark so far, but realized this yesterday evening): I have broken even, financially!!! This is super exciting news for me, as now I can start making money with Plunge, $3 at a time, haha.
September 2, 2021 at 05:18
Happy travels on this next trip! So disappointing about the banner, but you found a good fix. Congratulations on the piece in the travel anthology! (Shannon @thewarriormuse dot com).
September 2, 2021 at 10:28
Thanks for all the wishes, Shannon. It will be exciting to hit the road again, but I will also feel guilty about working and promoting less. We will see how it goes. Finding a balance is always hard… 🙂
September 2, 2021 at 06:48
Congrats on making the bestseller list. You’ve been so busy. It’s exciting that you did your first in-person event. Good luck on your road trip.
September 2, 2021 at 10:31
Hi Natalie! Those bestseller lists are so finicky and short lived. For me anyway. 🙂 But, they are good picture opportunities. The in-person event was fun, and because it was part of a fair, there was no reason to be nervous. Thanks for the wishes! I wonder if a multiple-year journey overland is still called a road trip.
September 2, 2021 at 13:02
What wonderful progress this month, Liesbet! You are amazing — and inspirational! How I would love to clone your travel rig for our trip. We leave tomorrow for about 2 months, driving south with stops along the way at national parks. I will think of you as I wrestle with internet. 🙂 That picture with the hat grabs my attention, but really, all three close-ups do justice to your positive and enthusiastic and energetic approach to life. Keep updating us on your marketing progress. Save travels!
September 3, 2021 at 11:09
Thank you for your kind words, Beth! Safe travels to you as well. Maybe we even run into each other as we are heading west in a couple of weeks. But, other than that, we don’t have plans or particular destinations yet. First things first – getting the rig ready and wrapping up loose ends regarding Plunge, friends, family, and work. 🙂
September 2, 2021 at 13:28
Sounds like you’ve been really hard at work! How exciting that you’re hitting the road again. Can’t wait to see where your travels take you, especially if you do head into Mexico and Central/South America.
Very disappointing of Vista. I hope they gave you a full refund!
September 3, 2021 at 11:12
If I compare myself to you, JH, I’m barely working or reaching success/goals. You rock, girl! In general, it has been a crazy busy and not-so-fun summer, but hopefully that changes once we hit the road again. I’m really torn at times between the urge to travel and the desire to write. I know from experience I can’t combine them (well), so I have to take turns… 🙂
Yes, Vistaprint issued a full refund. They are good at that. And they would have sent a new – correct – banner, but there was not time, as they messed up the first shipping schedule. I placed the order well in advance to incorporate a failure (as if I knew), but that in itself, failed!
September 2, 2021 at 13:59
I loved Plunge and besides reviewing it, have told LOTs of my friends about your fabulous memoir, Liesbet. I’m out of breath reading all you’ve done to promote your book. I’m also writing down tips. You inspire me.
September 3, 2021 at 11:16
Thank you so much for your sentiments and lovely words, Pam. You know, as writers, we love to inspire! 🙂
September 2, 2021 at 18:50
Hi, Liesbet – Congratulations on all of your work in promoting Plunge, and on your great successes — they are VERY WELL DESERVED! Congratulations on your contributions to Itchy Feet as well.
Good luck on your upcoming adventure. I look forward to following – when internet and time allow you to post!
September 3, 2021 at 11:19
Hello Donna! As always, it is a joy to have you along for the ride – virtually and in person whenever this happens again… on my book publishing and promotion path as well as on the next adventure!
September 3, 2021 at 12:33
Hi Liesbet. That was a lot of stuff to cram into one week. I can’t imagine doing the book booth thing. I know it meets a need and book promotion is part of the answer to survival in this market, but brr, I just don’t have the personality for sales. I’m much more of an introvert now than even 5 years ago and can still recall my first trade show when the company I was with wanted us to do some amount of booth duty. I was new to it all and pressed forward but was exhausted by it all and swore that I’d never let myself be talked into to doing that ever again.
Travel safe and stay in touch.
September 6, 2021 at 15:00
Hi Gary!
Lots of writers are introverts. Most of us just want to write and remain behind the scenes. I’m a mix between an introvert and an extrovert. Usually, I’m very nervous about in-person events, but once they start going and I gain a bit of confidence, I end up enjoying the entire experience. It is pretty exhausting to chat with people all day and hope they buy a copy of your book.
I’m not a salesperson at all and – honestly – don’t enjoy pushing my book on social media and elsewhere. The problem is that if you don’t promote, you barely sell anything. Otherwise, only word of mouth by others would encourage new potential readers to look into the book information and – maybe – buy it. The other thing is that we will soon hit the road again and once that happens, I won’t have the energy, time, and resources to keep promoting. Writing is still the most fun activity, so you chose well. 🙂
September 3, 2021 at 17:21
Good for you. There are plenty of writers groups on twitter that are often approached by marketers to promote their books. Also get a few book bloggers to review them. Looks like a great book and success can be merely finishing the book and starting the next one. So well done! #WeekendCoffeeShare
September 6, 2021 at 15:10
Hi Lydia! Thanks for swinging by and commenting! I should spend more time on Twitter… Right now, my online time (other than work) goes to blogs, Instagram, and Facebook. I keep telling myself to focus more on Twitter as that’s the preferred channel for authors. One day! 🙂 And, yes about the book reviewers. That approach is somewhere on my list, after I have exhausted a few other ideas. I agree with you that finishing a book (and starting the next one), is an amazing feat or sense of success. Happy Monday!
September 6, 2021 at 15:11
Ooops, I just realized that you are located down under, so happy Tuesday! 🙂
September 3, 2021 at 19:00
Wow Liesbet, that’s a lot of work you have to put in to market your book and good on you for doing it! It was a great read. I think I wrote a review but I’ll go back and check just on case.
All the photos are good but I like the windblown look one as have others! Your travels are always interesting and I look forward to joining you again as you move on. #weekendcoffeeshare
September 6, 2021 at 15:17
It appears to be a never-ending job to promote (and therefore sell) a book, Debbie! Reviews help a great deal. And, yes, you reviewed Plunge on Goodreads (I don’t think it went on Amazon) and I thank you so much for that. My book was your #100 in 2020. 🙂 The “windblown” photo seems to be a favorite – it reflects my personality for sure, but was not the one I chose as a new author photo. I’m happy to have you along for the next adventure… soon!
September 3, 2021 at 21:18
Hi Liesbet, Congratulations on your book promotion successes! What a disappointment on the banner but once again, you did what you could to make use of what you’ve got. I like image 2707. jpg. It looks more you based on the impressions I’ve got from reading your blog and Plunge. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare. Have a wonderful week!
September 6, 2021 at 15:21
Oh Natalie, you have no idea about my facial expression when I unfolded this banner upon receiving it in the nick of time! The way it was folded in the envelop all looked promising. Well, it’s the past now and I did manage to somewhat use the banner and got my money back. Another story! 🙂
I’m glad you liked the windblown look. What I haven’t told anybody is that the author shoot by my friend took place on a late afternoon, after I’d been in bed, sick, the entire day. But, she was leaving the next morning and I wanted to photos done, so… not my best moment – and not the best sky – unfortunately.
September 4, 2021 at 01:32
A timely post for me to read. I’m currently in copy edit for my 8th novel but promotion & marketing is something I do appallingly. As a result my poor little book babies are pretty much left to flounder on their own while I juggle day job with writing the next book. Well done – I’m inspired.
September 6, 2021 at 15:24
Hi Jo! Your 8th novel. Wowzers. Congratulations! If they are all part of a series, there are actually very effective ways to promote your books, by heavily discounting (or giving away for free) the first one of the bunch. You are much more flexible and even paying for ads will benefit you. Only having a stand-alone book (for now), like me, makes the promotion work very tedious, timely, and never-ending. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and feel inspired. Writing the next book is as important, though. Go you!!!
September 6, 2021 at 17:24
At the moment there are 2 series – one chick lit, one women’s fiction. I keep the first of the chick lit at 99c. In the last 6 months I’ve been experimenting with Amazon ads & am now seeing a positive return on ad spend – not a lot, but at least it’s positive.
September 7, 2021 at 11:01
Good for you, Jo! You seem to be rocking it. 🙂 I have not tried any ads, as I want to make my “investment” in Plunge back before spending more money…
September 4, 2021 at 18:25
The promo work never ends, does it? I’m impressed with your dedication. And how exciting that your new camper is ready to roll! You must be looking forward to another round of adventuring. 🙂
P.S. I like all your photos, but I think the one with the hat is my favourite.
September 6, 2021 at 15:26
Nope, promotion never ends. I don’t even understand how you have time to keep writing as much as you do and even try different markets, like the screenplay, and art forms, like the painting. Phew! Instead of doing all that, I am going on my next round of adventuring, haha. It would be so awesome to combine all my passions and discover new pursuits. I think the hat one is a winner too! 🙂
September 5, 2021 at 03:51
Really nice to see the work that goes in to promoting a book….food for thought, I’m a long way off. Thanks for sharing
September 6, 2021 at 15:28
Hi Alex! My pleasure to share. I hope, somehow, that other authors get ideas from all my trials and errors. When I was writing my memoir, years ago, I made notes of ways to promote the book once it would be published, based on articles and blogs I read. I still have to tap into that list and am merely going through some motions I currently picked up or decided to attempt.
September 5, 2021 at 13:28
Book promoting is exhausting but will eventually lead to new horizons. Good luck with your travels and writing.
September 6, 2021 at 15:30
Thank you, Antoinette! Yes, the continued promotion is becoming exhausting and there are yet so many different avenues to try. But, you are right, these sharing attempts and posts might – one day – lead to something really cool, fun, and productive. 🙂
September 5, 2021 at 22:54
I have gotten behind in reading blogs a little bit so still have to read your story about acquiring the truck and the camper. That said, very happy for you, Mark and Maya to know that you will soon be able to get back on the road. COVID permitting, I will be in Massachusetts for a week in mid-October, but you will e gone by then. I think I made it to Goodreads to comment on Plunge, but did not see a way to comment or do ‘stars’ on Amazon, when I first finished it. I will go back and see what i can do. Best, Michele
September 6, 2021 at 15:41
Hi Michele!
It sounds like you are having a busy summer and that can only be good, right? The three of us are looking forward to the next adventure and are prepping our truck and camper as we speak! We should (and want to) be gone later this month, but you never know…
You generously wrote about my book in one of your blog posts, but I don’t find a review on Goodreads or Amazon. I can’t thank you enough, if you make it over there! For Amazon, you have to have spent $50 in the calendar year to be able to leave reviews, I think. Reviews (and stars) can be left by going to the book page on either Goodreads (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55848458-plunge-one-woman-s-pursuit-of-a-life-less-ordinary) or Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Plunge-Womans-Pursuit-Life-Ordinary/dp/1735980609) and scrolling down a bit on Goodreads and much more down to “Costumer reviews” on the left side of the Amazon page. Thank you!!!!
September 6, 2021 at 12:39
How exciting. I just downloaded a sample of your book and added it to my book list to purchase.
September 6, 2021 at 15:42
Hi Kristin! That’s great. Enjoy the read and thank you!
September 6, 2021 at 21:57
Congrats on all your wonderful productivity Liesbet. Good for you going out there selling your books and now congrats on the anthology. <3
September 7, 2021 at 11:03
Thanks a lot, my friend! The most exciting news this month is that I have broken even with Plunge. Yep, I spent a lot of money to make it look and read as professionally as possible, but from now on, each of those $3 earned will be mine, haha.
September 7, 2021 at 13:14
That is a huge fait accomplit my friend! x
September 8, 2021 at 10:10
Thank you. xx
September 7, 2021 at 00:24
Safe travels, Liesbet!
September 7, 2021 at 11:04
Thank you, Deb! We will hit the road soon now. Lots of loose ends to tie up first and a few more camper projects to tackle, though.
September 7, 2021 at 03:47
Crap job on the banner! What a disappointment.
Just…wow. I need to hire you to help market my book next year.
September 7, 2021 at 11:05
Hi Azka! Thank you for reading and leaving a comment. The banner was a shock to my system when it finally arrived and I opened it up! Yikes. I’ve been busy with promoting my book, because I have the time and resources now (and am not ready to dive into another book writing project yet). Soon this luxury will end…