Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

WW – A Narrow Path to Safety

I have decided to post photos of past travels in general and our eight year sailing adventure on SV Irie in particular for Wordless Wednesdays. I hope you enjoy them. Also, I can’t do completely “wordless”, but I try my best with “almost wordless”. 🙂

This week’s Daily Post photography theme is “narrow”.  My mind wandered back to all those times we snorkeled in between tight coral alleys to enjoy the underwater animal world. More stressful were the moments we had to find a way to the beach or to open water through a maze of shallow coral heads in our dinghy (or our “big” boat).  These are photos of enjoyable coral encounters… Tunnels are also relatively narrow.

How to get to the beach without hitting precious reefs?

How to get to the beach without hitting precious reefs?

Narrow paths in between coral heads for amazing snorkeling experiences.

Narrow paths in between coral heads offer amazing snorkeling experiences.

Have you had narrow escapes? Do you know narrow-minded people? What narrow objects have you photographed in the past? What comes to mind when you think about “narrow”?

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  1. I think we can all be narrow minded in our own way at times. But, the important thing is to try to recognize those moments and open up our ways of thinking. I dread having to navigate through narrow coral passages!

    • As long as the visibility is good – sun overhead – they are almost as fun as they are challenging. Almost… 🙂 While I hate to be narrow-minded and try my best, I think you are right. We all have our moments!

  2. This certainly gives you stuff to share.

  3. When I think of the word “narrow”, entrances to anchorages is the first thing that comes to my mind. Funny how that works! I wonder what I would think about if I was cruising in the South Pacific (HATE coral reefs!) or living on land. 🙂

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    • I could see the narrow entrances causing grief! But, you have a monohull. 🙂 Our most stressful narrow approaches were travel lift slips, or the one med-moor marina we ever stayed at. I think a few times, there were narrow reef entrances into an atoll. Yes, those moments are a bit nerve racking!

  4. Where was it? So beautiful!!

  5. I think I’m currently writing about my narrow escape 😉

  6. This surely gives you stuff to share…I think we would all be able to be intolerant in our own particular manner on occasion. In any case, the critical thing is to attempt to perceive those minutes and open up our methods for considering.

    • I agree. But, sometimes, we are in “such a mood”. Luckily, we flip out of it quickly and return to peaceful and open-minded pursuits. 🙂

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