Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

WW – Details on a Walk to a Viewpoint: Morning Dew

I have decided to post photos of past travels in general and our eight year sailing adventure on SV Irie in particular for Wordless Wednesdays. I hope you enjoy them.

My theme “Details” for this week comes from The Daily Post. From the moment I saw the prompt, this photo came to mind. I rarely take photos of details. Maybe I should in the future?

Morning dew

Morning dew

The walk to the lookout revealed this view (the details all blurred together :-)):

On top of Takaka Hill, South Island, New Zealand

On top of Takaka Hill, South Island, New Zealand

Or was it this view (where all details are pushed out of sight)? I can’t quite remember…

Another view from Takaka Hill

Another view from Takaka Hill

Do you prefer photographing landscapes, wildlife, portraits or details? Or, anything that strikes your fancy (but mostly nice views), like me?

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  1. Lovely photographs!

  2. Every photograph a winner here Liesbet. I kept saying Oooh and Ahhh as I went through your post this morning. I love photographing a good landscape, but my favorite scenes to photograph are on the streets. My street photography is just better than my landscapes.

    • You are extremely good at street photography, Lisa. And, your passion about it is probably contributing to that. You really have to have an eye for that as well. I think taking a snapshot of a landscape is much easier than composing the meaningful street scenes you manage to capture with you camera. No street art on your next long leg, however…

  3. I leave most of the photographing to Scott and he takes pictures of whatever strikes his fancy. I think you should try your hand at more close-up detail photos, like your one of the mountain dew. That one’s lovely 🙂

    • Thanks, Ellen. I keep thinking one needs a fancy SLR camera with lenses to photograph details, but maybe I should just spend some time practicing with my portable camera (which is a really good one) and its settings… I am just lazy when it comes to certain things, especially when it involves manuals. 🙂

  4. I tend to go for details and quirky things. I don’t have a good enough camera for landscape and the images often disappoint (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it 🙂 🙂 ). Love your detailed shot. Have a happy weekend, Liesbet!

    • Thanks, Jo. Your garden shots are lovely and you do have an eye for detail! It’s called talent. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend, yourself. I hope your nice weather holds out. We have friends with twins visiting and hope to go tubing on the river.

  5. Love the detail shot! I usually like views too, and landscapes, and don’t do a lot of macro photos. But all your photos are lovely and tell a story.

    • Such a nice thing to say, Lucy, thanks. While macro shots really – literally – bring us closer to the subject, I never really think about photographing details too much. I guess I prefer to have a memory (since my photos act as my memory) of “the big picture”. 🙂

  6. It’s mostly landscapes for me Liesbet. I am trying to get more into details to give readers a better understanding of what we are seeing. These are gorgeous images and the lead photo reinforces why detail is so valuable. Just gorgeous.

    • Thanks, Sue. I might try to take more details in the future. The only time I seem to think about it these days is when photographing flowers.

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