Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

WW – Spring is in the Air

It has been a while since I created a Wordless Wednesday post. Spring is arriving at our current two-month house sit in Sebastopol, Northern California and I am loving it. The blue sky, the warmer temperatures, the sweet blossoms and the colorful flowers… I never realized I loved the visual appearance of spring this much. Must be because we lived in the tropics, void of seasons, for a decade and, really, are not too fond of winter. Which is why we “moved” to California this fall. Compared to last year, when I posted a similar blog  in June and left for Belgium to experience spring, we have no complaints about the change of seasons this year! 🙂

Has spring sprung yet where you live?

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  1. In a word — NO! And it’s miserable. The good news is that I think it’s on its way. The high temperature is about 10 degrees warmer this week and we may see 3 days in a row without rain next week which would be such a relief.

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    • I guess the Pacific Northwest is keeping up its rainy appearances. More rain than “ever” fell in California this winter as well, with residents saying that we picked the wrong winter to be here, but, right now, I am not complaining. Especially since Massachusetts had an incredible snow storm this week. Sending you some sunshine from Sebastopol, Stephanie!

  2. Yes! I’m just south of San Jose, CA and just east of Santa Cruz/Monterey. enjoying some sunshine after all the rain and the wildflowers are blooming. Love it (minus the hayfever)

    • Sounds like you are in the right area, Leah! I would love to see the wildflowers inland of Monterey (which is a town we love, by the way, especially the sea otters and other wildlife). Mark is having some sniffles and sneezes here as well, as we see the pollen float by in the yard.

  3. Spring is my favorite time of year. I love all the flowers. Hope you have a wonderful 2 month sit. I look forward to hearing all about it.

    • When living in moderate climates, I used to say summer was my favorite season, but, if spring is warm enough, I’d be open to change that preference with all these colors and sounds and smells! 🙂

  4. It’s beginning to spring into action here Liesbet. It looks a lovely area to be living in.

    • You know, Denzil, last year I actually preferred to be in Belgium for spring than on the sit we had in the woods of Western Massachusetts, because of all the spring phenomena in the fields. This year, I am happy where we are. It is quite satisfying. 🙂

  5. Spring has arrived here in the high desert. Temperatures in the mid 70’s have made for pleasant biking weather and wonderful walks. I am sure there are two or three storms out there, just waiting to strike, but Spring snows never bother me. They rarely stay for more than a few days.

    • The little flowers must be so pretty in the high dessert, Ryan. Are you taking some photos for me? Having temps in the 70s where you are, this time of the year, must be incredibly nice and inspiring!

  6. I may miss spring altogether this year! Leaving Chicago in the next few days with snow on the ground and soon to arrive in Houston, where my husband says they are already into the 80s most days. I’ll take the latter, but a sweet little spring would be lovely.

    • Maybe you will be able to observe spring in the states in between, on your drive south. And, I hope you get a chance to maybe explore hill country in Texas. I seem to remember that the spring flowers there are quite amazing. But, above all, I hope you have a relatively uneventful move, Lexie! The moment has arrived. I hope all goes well, smooth and as planned! 80s or not, nature has to still go through the spring cycle, right, so you might encounter some of its beauties in Houston, still.

  7. Thank you for sharing these fantastic photos. Spring has just arrived here as well. It is amazing how the arrival of Spring can completely lift everyone’s spirits!

    • Isn’t that the truth! The nicer weather, blue sky and emerging colors and smells just make me happy. Glad to read that Vancouver Island is in its spring transition as well. Must be pretty!

  8. I’m in Florida where winter isn’t that cold and yes all kinds of things are starting to bloom.

    • The best of both worlds: the colors of spring and the temperatures of summer. Now, anyway. 🙂 We might have to head down to Florida next winter as well, because it was still a tad chilly here in California for us November – February…

  9. Well, being your nearby NorCal neighbor, this spring has been glorious! When I moved from San Diego where there are two seasons, I have loved Sacramento’s springs and autumns! And I love the dry heat of summer (rather than humidity). Glad you are loving spring. I am…ah…ah…chooooo! LOL!

    • Just like my mom, you are a woman of four seasons, it sounds like! 🙂 I think I might like the San Diego area better, since the colors of spring are still present, but the temps are (supposed to be) a bit higher. No complaints now, though, although Mark is suffering from his allergies a bit as well. Layers of pollen cover our car and outdoor table!

  10. Spring looks beautiful in your area! It looks like the rains have had a magical affect there too. What a great sit to have at this time of year.

  11. I’m looking out over a grey and dreary cement landscape spotted with angry noisy cars. Pretty sure Spring is too scared to get near this mess 😉

    • That does not sound very appealing… Are you at home? Maybe you should move? Or, get back on the trail again. 🙂 Until then, I’ll blow some blossom petals and sunshine your way, across the country.

      • hehehe you’ve read my mind Liesbet. We’ve booked a few flights out of town over the next month or two (Venice, northern Arad, and Vienna for starters). Until then, its great to live vicariously through you!

  12. Such beautiful spring flowers 🙂 This morning it’s so cold – I think in the 40s so it definitely doesn’t feel like spring.

    • You had me raise my eyebrows at your comment, Ellen… Where are you? That doesn’t sound like the Bahamas… Hoping the winds will get you there soon. That will transition you right into spring with nice temperatures and many flowers on the islands.

  13. I posted this to Facebook…we are need a BIG dose of Spring and happiness. Thank you.

  14. Spring is doing its best to get started where I am, but we aren’t quite there yet. Beautiful pictures 🙂

    • Thanks, Becky. Maybe we can give spring a little push where you are. Officially, it should start in four days. Maybe, it will arrive in time!? 🙂

  15. Look at all of the green and the flowers! I believe I have a serous case of spring envy. Gorgeous photos that leave me imagining the warm sun on my back. Enjoy!

    • Thanks, Sue. We are enjoying it! After a taste of mid 70s (20sC), we actually had to start the wood fire again this week and dared to complain! It was a nice taste and we hope more is to come. Today, the sky is blue and I am loving it!

  16. Nope. Winter is in full swing and we are buried in snow. Those pictures are making me a little jealous. Glad to see the dog is enjoying the weather as much as the humans.

    • I saw all that snow in your yard, Tamara. Crazy! Maybe you get another hot spell and it will melt in days? 🙂 Our current dog is a bit funny with this weather… she likes to lay in the sun, but is panting a lot on walks and is very slow in those temps. She seems to like the shade of the woods and the water of the ocean a bit better in 70s F weather, based on her friskiness!

  17. Well, officially it is Spring, but the ground is still frozen solid here. Last weekend there was enough snow for me to cross-country ski around the golf course, but it melted during the week. This weekend we went out on our mountain bikes for the first time since the Fall. It won’t really be Spring until I see the first dandelion!


    • It is kind of nice to go hiking – or biking – one day and cross country skiing the other, right? 🙂 I fear I was a little quick pronouncing spring has arrived here. No snow, but very windy and rainy this week… Today, spring starts officially, so I hope it will clear up soon. No dandelions here yet, but lots of daffodils.

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