Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Blogging Break & On the Road

Hello everyone,

For the first time in eleven years of blogging (eight years on my sailing blog It’s Irie and almost three years on Roaming About), I am taking a break from all things blogging, until September 5th, 2018, when another IWSG writing update is due.

The first half of 2018 was tough, hectic and tiring for Mark and me, what with a string of bad luck, business intricacies, house sitting, camper projects, health provider problems, writing my memoir, translation work, travels by trains, cars, and planes, and relatively draining visits to both of our families. When we returned to our camper, rats had chewed up some parts under the hood of our vehicle. We are pretty exhausted, to say the least.

As of July 26th, we have moved into our camper van Zesty for the foreseeable future. We plan to intersperse camping with house sitting when we see fit. The rest of this summer is devoted to visiting national forests in Colorado, national parks like Grand Teton, Yellowstone and Glacier NP, and an extended stay on Vancouver Island, if we don’t run out of warm weather by then. I’m looking forward to gaze at rushing rivers, smell pine trees, marvel at sunsets, and watch chipmunks chase each other. We plan to hike, sight see, photograph, and fully explore our upcoming destinations.

For the next month, our limited data and internet time will go to researching free campsites and attractive places. I might post a few photos on Facebook, but my focus will be on our travels, reading, meeting friends, and hopefully some memoir progress.

See you in September and have a lovely rest of the summer,

Liesbet xox

Sunset over Antero Reservoir, Colorado last week

PS: Our current location will be updated in the right column, as always.

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  1. Hi, Liesbet – I’m glad that I’ve snuck in before you going on your break tomorrow (and prior to you figuring out how to turn off the comments)! I am so sorry to hear about the hectic time that you and Mark have been through recently. As I have just come off of a blogging break, I have a new appreciation of fresh perspectives that breaks can bring. I look forward to seeing you and Mark on Vancouver Island. Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything that I can do to help when you are here.
    BTW – If you do wish to shut off your comments, put your post in Edit Mode (Text Edit), scroll down to the bottom of your post. After ‘Revisions’ and before the start of the ‘Comments,’ does your WP version have a ‘Discussion’ Heading? If so, there should be a checkbox there where you can close comments. Hope this helps.

    • Hi Donna! Thanks for the info about turning off the comments. I’ll have to follow your path in the future and see whether that works. I have a “comment” section in the “discussion” part of my dashboard, where it says “comments for separate blogs may be turned off” (or something like that), but then never saw where I could turn them off.

      Looking forward to September. And, yes, we should exchange our break experiences. 🙂

  2. It has been quite a year for you both and your plans for the coming month sound fabulous! Have an amazing time gazing at the rushing rivers, smelling pine trees and marveling at those sunsets ???????? xxx

    • Thanks, Xenia! We are not yet in relaxing mode and have been driving every day, but soon, after fixing a few camper parts and running some errands, we hope to settle somewhere nice for a few days in a row. 🙂

  3. Liesbet, enjoy a well deserved break. I will look forward to your return in September ????

  4. Have fun Liesbet, I too will be having a break, the whole of September 🙂 Catch up in October.

    • Until October, Suz! And, enjoy your break as well. It’ll feel nice, but it’ll take a while getting used to. 🙂

  5. Enjoy every minute of your well-deserved break, Liesbet. That sunset photo is glorious. I’ll be away the last third of August, too. See you in September!

  6. I had no idea you had been blogging for 11 years – brava! That’s a record … and shows your tenacity in other ways, like writing memoir too as you have traveled with stopovers the last few years.

    You richly deserve this break. Enjoy every minute away from the relentless schedule. You’ll come back stronger, Liesbet!

    • Thank you, Marian. I’ll try not to feel too guilty “disappearing”. 🙂 My first (sailing) blog was nothing like this one, however. I would just post stories, photos and adventures whenever I had energy, time and internet. No schedule or feeling of responsibility at all.

  7. I totally get it and may follow suit! I know you’ll have a fantastic time in some of the most amazing scenery ever (especially Glacier NP – wow). Happy trails, roads, etc!

    • So looking forward to these national parks, Lexie. If we ever get there… The distances are big, and we keep running into problems. But, we are flexible and the only rush is wanting to do it all before it gets cold. Have a fantastic time in Madagascar and say hi to my dear friend.

  8. Enjoy the break and your travels. Look forward to seeing photos next month!

    • Thanks, Ingrid. I’ll have to do a few photo blogs if I ever want to cover the places we visited on my blog. 🙂

  9. Unplug and go enjoy a bit of the world!

  10. Enjoy the rest of the summer and hope you get some serious down time for relaxing and recovering.
    It is very hard to keep blogging while “on the road” and we are way behind in blog posts, but hey life comes first then the blog, when and if….



    • Isn’t that the truth, Peta! You and I are in similar situations, where sitting behind the computer all day is just not feasible (or desired) anymore. 🙂 It’s no so easy to make the adjustment, though. Thanks for the wishes and the same to you and Ben!

  11. Oh my! Your photo of the sunset over Antero Reservoir is incredible, Liesbet. I had no idea you’ve been blogging for 11 years…wow! You’re hard core! I hope your break is a peaceful one. Stay safe!

    • Thanks, Jill. 11 years sounds more impressive than it is, as the first eight years on our boat, I only blogged when I wanted to and had something to share. Back then, comments and reciprocating blog visits weren’t what they are now, so much less time was invested.

  12. We will miss your posts. Do hope you share some photos on FB. We loved visiting all the places you have on your agenda and hope you do too!

    • I’m sure we will enjoy those places as well, Leslie. Facebook requires a lot of data, but I hope to share some of the pics along the way. 🙂

  13. Will miss your posts, but so happy for you to be exploring as summer goes into autumn. Enjoy every bit of your time to “gaze at rushing rivers, smell pine trees, marvel at sunsets, and watch chipmunks chase each other.”

    • Thank you! Summer is dwindling down so fast that we have to set some priorities if we’d like to bask in the beauty of this country. 🙂

  14. Have a wonderful time and seek new inspiration, Liesbet! I’m posting next week the theme of “Lazy Days” for Sunday Stills and I envy your time and vacation and hopefully some lazy time for yourself–you and Mark certainly deserve some down time! And yes, after 11 years, a few weeks off is a drop in the blog break bucket 😉

    • Thanks, Terri. Some down time would be good, but it’s hard to achieve when there is so much beauty and nature awaiting us. 🙂 I hope we will find a balance soon between errands, sightseeing and sitting on our bums.

  15. So sorry about the rats!

    Enjoy your blogcation and your travels!

    • Thanks, Duwan. I forgot to mention before: congrats on the offer for the boat. I hope all that goes smoothly and is completed swiftly.

  16. Wishing you a good break Liesbet. You two have had quite the year. Happy travels and may your road be obstacle free.

  17. Wow 11 years??!! Medal deserved!! Sounds like you deserve a break too Liesbet, have a lovely restful time see you in September ????????

    • Thank you, Sam. Officially, I feel the blogging has only been going on for three years, since the eight years before was very low-key! 🙂

  18. I am so happy you’re taking a break! Enjoy yourselves. Yes, you’ve had a handful this year. Savor the timeout before you come back and think about publishing. 🙂 And omg, rats ate part of your vehicle? Zesty? <3

    • Thanks, Debby. I think this weekend we will finally be able to take a break, relax a bit, and go for a hike in the Grand Tetons. No more internet for a bit… 🙂

  19. Enjoy – you know we are envious of all you will see and do until we see you back in Reader. Safe travels.

  20. Hey, Liesbet! I really hope that you’re having a wonderful summer and you deserve to enjoy! I can’t wait for September and you to be back. 🙂

  21. Happy blogging break – hope you get those batteries recharged.

  22. Hi Liesbet! Hey! how did I miss reading this post until now. I totally understand why you (and we all need a break) especially while traveling. But no worries…your friends AND fans will be here when you return. And I guess if you’re going to be on Vancouver Island in September that probably means you won’t be back in So Cal in October when she visits here????? ~Kathy

    • We have a loose plan to be in British Columbia in September, with hopefully a multiple-week visit to Vancouver island. After that, we will make our way down to Southern California again by the winter. I have no idea yet whether I’ll be able to make “the meeting”, but if it fits in our route and schedule, I’d love to meet up again! 🙂

  23. I’m looking forward to meeting you and Mark in person when you get to Vancouver Island, Liesbet. I know from my own experience that it is not totally a holiday, because when you work online, your work follows you everywhere. As for blogging, I have been blogging for ten years, and I think the only reason that I have continued so long is that I pace myself, posting not very often, and only when I feel like it.


    • That’s the spirit, Jude, only blogging when you feel for it and about what you enjoy most. I used to do this with my first blog, It’s Irie, and it amounted to about a post a week as well, unless we were on long crossings or didn’t have internet. Blogging takes much more time now, because comments and reciprocation are a part of it. And, I have so much more to share. 🙂 But, it’s nice to focus on some sightseeing and camping these weeks. Then, hunting for internet after two absent days and returning to chaos. Looking forward to telling you all about it in September. 🙂

  24. Am delighted to hear that you are taking a break to immerse yourself is some fantastic adventures. Well deserved and much needed. Enjoy your travels. Big hug from Mada.

    • Thanks, Lisa. Keep enjoying the paradise called Madagascar, and have fun with Lexie. Wish I could be an African fly. 🙂 And, looking forward to hearing all about the fun times together.

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