Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Category: Ideas (page 20 of 20)

S is for Sailboat

Day 19 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

Readers of my blog during the A-Z Challenge have probably noticed by now (as friends, family and loyal readers of Roaming About have long known :-)) that my husband, Mark, and I were living on our own sailboat Irie not too long ago. The summary can be read elsewhere on this blog and the entire eight years of our cruising life is documented on my other (sailing) blog It’s Irie, but, this is the gist of it…

Anchored in pretty Moorea, French Polynesia

Anchored in pretty Moorea, French Polynesia

A sailboat is the perfect way to travel to remote places (like tropical islands in the middle of the ocean), inaccessible – or exorbitantly expensive to visit – with other transportation methods. Continue reading

R is for Relationships

Day 17 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

While it is healthy to be by yourself once in a while – a little me time boosts confidence, brings inner peace, focuses on what it is that you want and allows you to reflect and prioritize as you see fit – humans are social creatures. Experiencing life with someone else to share the good, the bad and the ugly is much more rewarding, meaningful and satisfying than going at it alone. Of course, there are exceptions, but when I look around me, whether it is here in small town USA, on a boat surrounded by tropical islands or from a camper in lush Central America, people prefer to do things with a mate or as a family.

All of our parents visited (and first met each other) in St. Martin in 2009

All of our parents visited (and first met each other) in St. Martin in 2009

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Q is for Quality of Life

Day 16 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

You only live once, so you better make the best of it. During our limited time on earth, it is important to enjoy life and improve its quality in any way we can. The goal is to generally do what you wish with all the benefits of that choice and the lifestyle itself. For some people, that means buying a bigger house or purchasing the latest gadgets, for others starting a family, adopting a pet or changing jobs. For nomads, traveling extensively provides the best quality of life. We all have different values and what defines quality for some, might cause grievance to others.

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P is for Plans

Day 15 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

This is a post about plans, or, better, the lack thereof. As I quickly mentioned yesterday, when being a nomad, plans can be more of a hinder than a help. I know that sounds counterproductive, but I have learned from experience that it is better to not have too many plans when roaming about the world.

We only planned to visit Mexico by camper...

We only planned to visit Mexico by camper…

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O is for Open Mind

Day 14 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

The definition of open minded is a willingness to try new things or to hear and consider new ideas, something that is a constant necessity and required quality in the life of a nomad. In order to travel extensively, one needs to possess an open mind towards anything that might be encountered – good or bad. Narrow mindedness will only leave a tourist frustrated, uncomfortable and at a loss. At which point, he/she might as well stay home.

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M is for Money

Day 12 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

“Money buys freedom,” one of Mark’s friends claimed when I first met him and was boasting about how I managed to travel the world on a very tight budget. Of course, I did not agree with him. After all, I felt free and able to do what I wanted, with less than $400 a month to spend. What I failed to mention was that, in order to achieve this goal, I restricted myself to buying the bare minimum to survive, never spoiled myself, moved around countries on the cheap (which usually correlates with the least comfortable way) and missed out on sights that would set me back too much. But, I still kind of did what I wanted to do, and I was proud of that.

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F is for Freedom

Day 6 of the A to Z Blogging Challenge – Thoughts on Being a Nomad

Freedom! This big word and all-encompassing description of the nomad life is what attracts me to it the most. Freedom might mean something different to other people. I see it as being able to (mostly) do what I want and what I like, to choose the way I live without too many restrictions. I feel free to roam about, explore different countries, travel across oceans, try out different lifestyles, expand my horizons, and focus on what I deem important or interesting. In a way the small budget allows for it, of course.

The freedom to roam, in Barbuda

The freedom to roam, in Barbuda

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Six Word Saturday (3)

Often We Create Our Own Issues


Instead of creating joyful experiences

Doing the things we love and appreciate most

At our own pace; without stress and pressure

Savoring those unique moments

Embracing the wonderful things of our world

Don’t forget: we have a choice,

And life, while precious, is pretty short!


Irie in peaceful Taravai, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia

Irie in peaceful Taravai, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia

A Crisp and Tick-free Walk Today!

I have been known to write long blog posts. The Six Word Saturday initiative  conflicts that habit: in six words, you describe your life. The perfect posts for blog visitors who don’t like long stories, but do appreciate a quick update. This is my first try – hence the quick explanation – and I might make it a habit, if readers like it. As a bonus, I’ll throw in a few photos to brighten the words up a bit! 🙂

The Idea of a Book

DSC03792I have always – jokingly – said “One day, I will write a book”. When people suggested “You should write a book,” I laughed it off with a “suuuure!”  People say a lot of things. Everyone who travels frequently or extensively has friends suggesting the book idea. And, a lot of people do write books! If you want to dive into a book project, you have to at least like to write, and, ideally, you are good at it as well… Continue reading

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