Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Full Moon of the Past

Full moon on our sailboat in Deltaville, VA (October 2007)

Full(-ish) moon on our sailboat Irie in Deltaville, VA (October 2007)

… to stay with the theme of our most recent summer solstice full moon. Not much luck photographing that one, so I searched my archives.

I like Wordless Wednesdays.

Because I have been known to talk and write too much (here I go again).

Because a photo sometimes says more than a thousand words (depends on those words and what the shot does NOT reveal).

Because I finally have an excuse to post pretty cool, but disregarded photos of our travels.

Did you see or photograph the full moon (also called a strawberry moon in June) on June 20th? Did you go outside and let romance overtake you? Did you see fireflies and stars, and felt many mosquitoes upon your skin, like I did?

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  1. I like looking at and occasionally photographing the moon too. Around here we’ve had a kind of mysterious moon partly hidden behind bright white clouds for the last few days. (WW sent me)

    • That is kind of what happened here on Tuesday as well. First, the full moon was bright and then, it disappeared behind the clouds. But, summer is here, and I am happy for that! 🙂

  2. I did not, but ur prose and photo r making me sorry I didn’t. I heard the term strawberry moon and didn’t know it meant a full moon.

  3. I saw it early in the morning, but didn’t look for long as the wee beasties were biting.

  4. this is gorgeous!!

  5. Full moon and a spring tide that buried the breakwater – beautiful!

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