This is the title of a short non-fiction book – half memoir, half sarcastic essay collection – I have been writing in my head for years. I have played with the idea to materialize those words, as the actual story unfolded with ups and hiccups and downs and betters, not quite knowing whether the “Not” would become most prominent in the title, or not. You see, this entire “becoming an American” process is not as easy as three words. At least for me. More about that later.

The Capitol in Washington DC

Most of you might know by now that I was born and raised and “supposed to be based” in Belgium. Something happened. Obviously. Yet, nothing drastic or planned or expected. I’ve traveled my entire life – solo or not – so being adventurous, curious, and a tad rebellious is part of my genes. I was a school teacher, meaning vacations abound (especially in the summer) to explore and travel. No issue there; definitely the right job choice for my passion. Yet, my inquisitive mind and restless soul wanted more.

I backpacked around Southeast Asia for a year after college. I returned to Belgium, worked as a primary school teacher for two years and set off again, for another year, adding Australia and New Zealand to the mix. I met an American along the way. Not Mark. He and his dog tried to live in my studio apartment with me. It didn’t quite work out. We had a long-distance relationship as I finished two more years of teaching at the same school. Then, I joined him in the States for an epic, open-ended road trip. I was never to move back to my home country.

What happened? Chapter one in my current memoir. I met Mark and his two rescue dogs. And that was the beginning of my long and uncertain road to US citizenship. Not that I knew it back then. This story – while partly pondered in my memoir – is too long for a blog post. It would, dare I say, produce an entertaining little book, article, or essay. It involves trouble at borders, fear and frustration, a change of relationship status, heaps of paperwork, lots of money, special road trips, tossing everything, and starting over again. “Why oh why go through all of it? Twice?” reflect I, who never had any intention to live in the US, let alone become a citizen…

For that answer, you will have to wait until the story hits the press. Use your imagination. Fill in the gaps. Meet us in person. To make it up to you, dear reader, I’ll reveal the happy ending of this unusual 15-year episode. As of October 28th, 2019, I, Liesbet Collaert, am officially an American citizen!

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you have any questions about my new status, please shoot! I’d love to read about similar experiences in the comments. What are your thoughts about dual citizenship?

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