Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Three Dogs and a Lake – #WordlessWednesday

Maya, Dixie, and Max cooling off in the lake of Island Pond, Vermont

Maya is still learning how to swim – awkwardly

Max LOVES retrieving balls – ashore and in the water

Maya, relaxing in the sand

Did I mention that Max is eager to play ball, all…the…time?

Practice makes perfect!

Wet and cooled off, but done playing with the ball

Just because I love sunsets, with or without dogs…

Until next time…

This is my contribution to this week’s (mostly) Wordless Wednesday.

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  1. I love dogs! My dog Casey is afraid of water–can you believe it? Won’t even go in our pool to scare away the ducks!

    • Some dogs are indeed afraid of water. Have you ever seen Casey swim? When we first adopted Maya, she wouldn’t come close to lake or ocean edges. I think it was more the waves she was scared off. One of our previous dogs LOVED to swim, but avoided wet grass. He didn’t like to get his paws wet. 🙂

  2. I think Maya was a duck in another life! Great photos, Liesbet.

    • Imagining Maya as a duck is a bit hard to do. But you might be right. Funny thing you mention ducks, Jill, as that’s Mark’s favorite bird. 🙂

  3. Now I know why Maya is a) covered in sand and b) exhausted! Funny girl.

    • Maya sure is a funny girl, Anabel. It makes us so happy to see her have fun! We all did at that lake, over a month ago, and hope a repeat is possible before we leave New England.

  4. Hi, Liesbet – I’m a huge dog fan as well. Whenever they are included in a post — you have my complete attention!
    I hope that you are all doing well.

    • We are all doing well, Donna, but long not as active as you two! Thanks for asking. I know you love dogs (I’ve been wanting to find out how things went and ended with your foster), but I should keep that in mind more. I have many cute Maya photos! 🙂

  5. Funny how you say Maya is still learning how to swim, Liesbet. I always thought dog paddling is innate (almost). All of the photos of the dogs made me smile. Your last two photos are breathtaking! Wow! Beautiful post. xx

    • Romance at the lake, Erica. 🙂 I’m sure if you throw a young dog in the water, it will manage to stay afloat and swim. (I hate to think about this practice, though.) Yet, we’re pretty sure Maya never or rarely swam before we adopted her. She was so awkward – her front paws splattering on top of the water surface and her neck sticking up. Not very natural. But, she is making good progress.

  6. Hi Liesbet, I love Max. We used to have a poodle-airedale that looked just like him. He looks so cute looking for the balls. 🙂 BTW, I’m a friend of Terri W. Schrandt and we are at my house checking out websites and talking about our blogging friends.

    • Hi Marsha!

      What the photo of Max doesn’t show, is how he used to jump up and down, next to that wooden “table” with the balls, in order to reach them. He didn’t succeed, but it was oh-so-funny to watch!

      How wonderful you, girlfriends, got to spend some quality time together. If I’d known ahead of time, I’d asked you to give Terri my love. She’ll be moving away pretty soon. I’ve seen you around the blogosphere a bit (I’ve been following Sally and Debby for a while now), so I’m happy to have you swing by here. Have a great weekend!

  7. What a lucky dog Maya is, landing in your laps.I love the photos of her being frisky near the lake and then the serene sunset at the end. You remind me that I should do a “Wordless Wednesday” soon, Liesbet. 🙂

    • We love our girl, Marian!

      You know why I do a Wordless Wednesday once in a while, right? When I have no time (or desire) to create a longer post. And, I have heaps of photos (and photo stories) to share. 🙂 You are so good at blogging around themes, that another WW post might be right up your alley!

  8. How nice that Maya had doggie friends to play with… and no need for physical distancing! Good to know (I assume) that the water and sand doesn’t aggravate her skin condition.

    • Hi Janis!

      The dogs didn’t interact much (very different personalities), but they had fun nevertheless and I love to call them Maya’s friends. 🙂

      No issues with the lake water and her skin, although we did rinse her off the last day, before moving into our van again. Not sure how salt water would treat her… For our other dogs, it wasn’t an issue – they lived on a boat and we would never have enough fresh water to rinse them each time they went for a swim. In the camper, the fresh water rinse would be an issue as well, although we have given Maya quick baths from our outside shower in the beginning of her itchiness, thinking the special shampoo would help whatever allergy we thought she had. She’s doing great this summer in MA.

  9. Ah, beautiful photos…especially the last two. Tres romantic!

  10. I can tell from the pictures they are precious souls and full of fun.


    • Hi Teresa! They sure are precious creatures. We love dogs! Yet, us being nomads, they do restrict our freedom some. It’s all worth it, though. 🙂 Thank you for swinging by and leaving a comment.

  11. I love the first photo with the three dogs in formation. And the video made me grin from ear to ear. It always gives me a smile to watch dogs having fun! 🙂

    • Hi Diane! I have often made that statement as well: seeing our dogs have fun, makes me incredibly happy and it’s sure to produce a smile on my face too. 🙂 In Maya’s case, we are still discovering new things about her. In the video, I think it’s the first time she ever dug a hole in the sand. It was so funny how she covered her face in the mess!!

  12. Swimming dogs are always fun photos, Liesbet. Brodie was diagnosed with hip dysplacia, mild now, but the vet prescribed lots of swimming for him. Of course he loves it. Love the sunset and you two lovebirds enjoying the end of the day!

    • Those sunset photos came out better than I thought, Terri. I never planned on doing anything with them when I first transferred them onto my computer. That would have been a mistake. 🙂

      I really love the shots you take from your pups in the water. I haven’t been able to capture the sparkles of the water coming off Maya’s fur or out of her mouth yet… Yep, swimming is good for dogs, and people. But man, is the water cold in New England.

  13. Lol Maya is so cute in that sand and as a drowned rat. The sunset pics are spectacular!!!! <3

    • I’m glad you liked the photos, Debbie. Anything that can put a smile on our faces these days is golden. 🙂 Maya sure is a funny (and cute) one. She easily provides the smiles for us.

  14. So glad Maya has some friends to play with. She seems so happy! Love the sunset pics!

    • Those sunset photos came out better than I thought. Yes, Maya seems to love the water now. The dogs kind of did their own thing, but that’s OK. No friends and no enemies. Acquaintances, I guess. 🙂

  15. Loved the sand digging video Liesbet. Just trying to get comfortable? Beautiful sunset photos.

  16. It’s so funny watching Maya dig a little dirt bed for herself. Kate, and our other dog before her, Sophie, also loved to dig dirt beds.


    • It must be a typical dog-thing to do, Jude, digging holes in the sand to be cooler. One of our two previous dogs did this as well.

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