Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Wordless Wednesday – Local

I have decided to post photos of past travels in general and our eight year sailing adventure on SV Irie in particular for Wordless Wednesdays.  Also, I can’t manage “completely wordless”, but I’ll try my best at “almost wordless”. 🙂

I have archived thousands of photos over the years and can’t easily pick what to post, so I use the weekly prompt of the Daily Post to inspire my Wordless Wednesdays. This week’s Daily Post photography theme is “local“.

Since Mark and I don’t own or rent a house, our location changes with every trip we make or house sit we take. Therefore what’s local to us depends on which place we call home for the time being. For over a decade we have been roaming about, by truck camper, by sailboat and by car. “Local” has been areas in Belgium, Mexico, Central America, Texas, Maryland, the Bahamas, the Caribbean islands, Panama, the Galapagos, most archipelagos of French Polynesia, New England, and now Northern California. Home is, literally, where we are. This website and my older It’s Irie website have an incredible amount of photos of our ever changing backyard. Here are a few of them:

What does “local” mean to you?

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  1. Looks like you’ve enjoyed some pretty spectacular backyards and neighbors… love your lounging buddy.

    • The neighborhood has been ever-changing for 13 years and I love it. Too many photos to choose from though, so I just scanned a few folders on my computer for this post. 🙂 We are starting to itch for the RV life again! Looking forward to seeing more of your backyards, Ingrid.

  2. Enviable locals – particularly when you can share sun lounging space with a sealion!

    • Living with and among sealions was pretty special. Instead of going to a bar in the evening, Mark and I would buy a drink in the grocery store and sit near the beach where all the sea lions turned in for the night, and watch the spectacle. Much better than TV! 🙂

  3. Wow! That’s amazing! How awesome to able to call all these places local. (Although I don’t think this even counts as ‘almost’ wordless lol). Envious doesn’t cover it.

    • I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, Ellen. 🙂 One of the nicest things of a life on the road or on the water is the diversity of scenery, cultures and wildlife it brings. I’ll never tire of that. I think…

  4. Just curious, were you the first one to occupy the lounge chair, or the seal? I’d like to think he just decided to join you.

    • Unfortunately, you are wrong, Janis. He was there already when I joined him. The only animals that I – without a fault – attract, are mosquitoes. And sometimes dogs, cats and other domesticated four leggers. Although, seals, sharks and rays have been known to curiously check me out while I was swimming. 🙂

  5. You guys have such a great way of life – meandering from one place to another and enjoying each to its fullest. Great selection of photos.

    • Thanks, Ellen. I have so many photos (just like you), it can be overwhelming. Especially if I want to pick a few for a certain themed blog. I’d love to make some photo albums one year. Although, it would take much longer than a year to select, print and caption the highlights of all these journeys… We do love our life these days. 🙂

  6. Wonderful photographs Liesbet! The picture of you and the seal on its own would have made a perfect Wordless Wednesday post :o)

    • I used that one as my profile photo on Facebook while we were in the Galapagos islands. Hanging out with the local residents… I do like it a lot. 🙂

  7. You two are the essence of adventurous spirit! Love the idea that home is wherever you are. Wishing you happiness on your journey to each and every new home you find.

    • Thank you, Sue. We might be adventurous with our lifestyle, but we aren’t going sea kayaking any time soon! Enjoy the Bay of Cortez! I hope you will get a dolphin visit while you are out there, letting Dave do all the work… 🙂

  8. Lisbet what a great collection of incredible photographs of your “backyards”… your homes. I love the photos of the sailboats (particularly as I am not so good on boats) and the view in Barbados. Gorgeous. I also really like the photo of the truck camper in New Zealand.

    Wow, 13 years! More than a decade. Impressive!!
    I know the feeling of home being wherever you are.. we spent two years moving slowly through SE Asia (and some parts of Europe ~ wherever we could find home exchanges) and honestly I have never been so happy as when we each had one suitcase and two pairs of shoes. That was when I really realized that stuff does not make me happy, but adventures and experiences do. You two really epitomize that and is great to see how many places you have called home.

    Keep roaming!!!


    • Thanks, Peta. Roaming is in our blood still, but I have to admit that the comfort of a home, albeit someone else’s, is darn easy for now. We find that we can finally focus on something else than the daily errands to “stay alive” and get our days and lifestyle going. You must know what that feels like as well, and you found a nice solution with your nest in Sri Lanka. Having one place to call home, and decorate, be creative in and display all your souvenirs, is nice! Maybe one day we will get there (not in the US, though), but for now, we have found the right balance, until we’ll hit the road again!

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