Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Writing Update June 2021 – Six Months after Publishing & Promoting Plunge

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For June, the question is: “For how long do you shelve your first draft, before reading it and re-drafting?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are J Lenni Dorner, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, Lee Lowery, and Rachna Chhabria. Click on their names to see what they’re up to this month.

My answer to the question – How long do you put your first draft aside?

Since I’ve only written one book, I don’t have much experience with shelving first drafts before tackling them again with fresh eyes. This elapsed time period for me – in the past and possibly in the future – is dependent on what I’m doing at that moment. If I’m traveling full-time, I work whenever I can and this might mean the first draft (a good stopping point) might get put aside until the next substantial slot of time becomes available.

I wrote Plunge largely while Mark and I were house and pet sitting throughout the United States (2015-2019). Since my main project then was this book (whenever we were actually living in someone’s house and not in our camper van), I immediately moved from my first draft to the second one and kept improving and condensing whenever I could. I can’t help but edit and reread my existing paragraphs before starting on the next chunk/chapter, so my first draft – which took three years – was in pretty good shape by the time it was finished.

My book news

Can you believe that six months have passed already since I released Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary? In this section, I report on what has happened in the last month, regarding my book news and promotion efforts. If you are interested in an overview of all the marketing methods I have entertained since the publication of Plunge, have a look at my post of last week: “10 Free Ways to Publish Your Book – What Works & What Doesn’t?”

How did April 2021 look like?

  • I was humbled, stunned, and excited when blogger/author Pamela Wight asked me to read her newest book, a memoir called “Flashes of Life,” and provide an author blurb, which she then added to its back cover. Wow! Such an honor. Pam recently released this beautiful collection of stories and you can purchase it here. Her other books can be found here.

Front cover Flashes of Life

Flashes of Life will draw you in and put a smile on your face. These poetic, personal, fun, and funny vignettes of life are uplifting and relatable. Love, joy, and care exude from the pages, which are beautifully written and fondly shared. By the end of this book, you’ll wish the author was your own mother, daughter, sibling, or friend!

Liesbet Collaert, Author of Plunge

Author blurb(s) on back cover of Flashes of Life – Mine is the last one

  • Another surprise email in my inbox came from Alex Cavanaugh, the “ninja captain” and founder of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG). He informed me that I had won his prestigious You Rock Award, a yearly recognition he grants to writers who have made his blogging journey “a heck of a lot more special” over the last year. In 2021, I share the podium with Mary @ Dark Thoughts and Carrie @ Welcome to my Magick Theatre. Read here what he has to say about us.

You Rock Award for Liesbet

  • Plunge made the top ten sailing books recommendation list in the Women Who Sail (WWS) newsletter of April 2021. This was a wonderful surprise as well, especially since the book reviews in this list were written and compiled by an author I respect: Janna Cawrse Esarey, who wrote The Motion of The Ocean, one of my favorite sailing memoirs. She is also mentioned on the acknowledgement page of my own book.

Top Ten list in WWS newsletter

  • I finally made a list and schedule of all the Facebook groups I am a member of that allow (book) promotion posts and when. I’m now using this “outline” to advertise my travel memoir on a semi-regular basis on social media. One of those posts looked like this:

Example Facebook post

  • I put the eBook of Plunge up as a prize for the popular We Love Memoirs Facebook group (5,800 members), which doesn’t allow personal promotion. Ten readers grabbed it in May. The idea is that they enjoy the book and post a positive review on the WLM main page, Amazon, and/or Goodreads, which – theoretically – would lead to sales.

Prize banner for May in the WLM Facebook group

  • My memoir is now available in the main library of the well-known coastal city of Oostende in Belgium (thank you for making that happen, aunt Nicole) and in the library of my “home town” Newburyport in Massachusetts. Anyone can request Plunge at their library, worldwide. I’ll post photos whenever I witness it on the shelves.
  • Pending – three influencers “promised” to read my book. I’ll provide more information about this if and when they end up reading, liking, and sharing Plunge.
  • I have sold zero copies of my book in the local, indie bookstore Jabberwocky so far. It was attained there one month ago and I posted this on Facebook.

Goals I set for my debut memoir

When I first published Plunge, I was asked what my purpose was. I hadn’t given this much thought – other than hoping to make my investment back and to inspire readers – but now, six months later, I have defined my goals a bit better:

  • Affect readers’ lives in a positive and inspiring way
  • Sell 1,000 copies (within the first year)
  • Garner 100 Amazon reviews (within the first year)
  • Have my book written up or mentioned in an influential publication or by a respected celebrity

Yes, I aim high! ????

Some numbers you might be curious about (as promised last week):

  • I sell my book through Amazon, IngramSpark, and Draft2Digital. Between these three outlets, Plunge is available pretty much everywhere online and/or when requested. The purchase price for the paperback is US$15.99 and for the eBook US$5.99. In any case, I earn around US$3.50 per copy sold. The rest goes to printing and service.
  • At the local indie bookstore, the split is 60/40. At a 60% share for each book sold ($15.99), I still only make $3.50 per copy, since my cost is $6 for author copies. Therefore, I earn the same amount in the store as online.
  • The best way for me to make money with my books is by ordering author copies and selling them myself for $15.99. That way, I collect $10 a book.
  • The last day of May, I reached the “milestone” of having sold 500 copies of Plunge. It is the halfway mark to reclaiming my investment!

What’s next?

I would like to alter my back cover – make the text smaller and add quotes/endorsements – and finally fix the three typos in the prose and improve a few grammatical “issues.” I’m not sure this will happen in June, however.

Back cover of “Plunge”

Based on my Facebook schedule, I’d like to keep promoting my book whenever and wherever possible. At least for a little while longer. I also should figure out how to do this on Twitter and be more involved there.

I still have to create banners that include Plunge images for this blog, my Facebook pages, and promo messages. I have shied away from this “fun” project, because I’m not a graphic designer or particularly creative in that field and I fear playing around in Canva will chew up many days, if not a week.

I hope to try a few more promotion methods that I saved as bookmarks and in Word documents ages ago. This means more reading and researching on the topic as well.

I hope to encourage readers to leave a review for Plunge on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or Barnes & Noble if they liked the book and to spread the word on their social media channels and in person. Recent research by Rachel Noorda and Kathi Berens at Portland State shows that the number-one way people discover books is by word of mouth – that is, a recommendation by a friend. Source: Jane Friedman’s website.

I just realized that this “What’s next” section might take all summer to accomplish!

Feel free to share any of your (writing) goals and/or statistics in the comments.

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  1. Congrats on making the top ten list and getting half-way to your goal of selling 1,000 books. That’s a great accomplishment. And it’s always good to aim high.

    • Hi Natalie! Thanks for swinging by and for co-hosting the IWSG blog hop this month. I am what you would call an “over achiever”. When it comes to certain things anyway. 🙂

  2. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman

    June 2, 2021 at 16:28

    I know I will never write s book now. It makes me tired thinking of all the work you’ve put into Plunge. So amazing.

    I’ve seen your promotion on some Facebook sites and wondered if it was allowed – but of course you have researched this thoroughly.

    Looking forward to the 1000 book celebration!

    • Hi Duwan!

      I actually have been yelled at a couple of times, or better, my post has been removed a couple of times, even though I followed the rules. Once Facebook refused to even post my message, because (and I didn’t know this), you are not allowed to promote digital products. My guess is that they want you to pay for ads. Since then, I’m adding a link to my paperback instead of my eBook on Amazon. And, once I asked a moderator why my post had been removed and – apparently – the rules had changed. It’s all been a tad challenging and I’d like to move away from Facebook once we hit the road again.

      You know, all that work with Plunge makes me not want to write another book, too. I have to figure out whether it is worth all the effort and time investment, which would be time that I couldn’t travel… You only live once!

      Looking forward to seeing you both again and to celebrating that 1,000th copy sold. Maybe in Baja next winter????

  3. alexjcavanaugh

    June 2, 2021 at 17:12

    That is all awesome!!
    Don’t make the back text too small. Reduce the blurb or your bio if you have to. My publisher allows a 120-word blurb or less just to fit in two-three reviews.

  4. petespringerauthor

    June 2, 2021 at 18:20

    Everything you are doing makes sense to me, Liesbet. I think it’s great that you aim high. A lot of people wouldn’t have the courage to state their goals publicly, and I admire anyone who just puts it all out there. Pamela’s book came in the mail last week (I forgot I had ordered it already.) She is a such a great writer with a witty personality. What an honor for her to ask you to read her book and include your blurb.

    • Oh how cool Pamela’s book arrived! You will enjoy her witty, conversational style in this one. 🙂 I was very surprised and flattered about her quote request. I guess I really have to start seeing myself as a true memoir author now…

      FYI: I was finally supposed to meet her in person – for the first time – yesterday, but something prevented that from happening. I’m looking forward to seeing her later this month!!

      I like sharing what goes on in my life, Pete, to offer people a better understanding. And, how can you do that by only revealing certain parts, like only the good stuff? Or only the bad stuff? Isn’t it fun that we can talk about whatever we want on our blogs? 🙂

  5. You are amazing with your energy and creativity. Kudos on the back cover blurb for Pam’s book and the award from Alex–neither of those to be taken lightly. You set an example for all new/enthusiastic writers.

    • Hi Jacqui! I love how you know (about) Pam as well as Alex, because you and I spend time in the same circles. Yes, I am very honored and flattered by these attentions. By the way, that enthusiasm will fade and I have taken long breaks before. We will talk again in a couple of months. 🙂

  6. Congratulations, Liesbet! Plunge is an awesome book and is well-deserving of the high praise received. 1/2 way to your 1000 copies goal! I know you will make it (plus more)!

    • Hi Donna! You are the queen of positivism and making me smile. Thank you! With the continued support of people like you, I am certain that I will get there. 🙂

  7. Congratulations on your successes so far! Your plans look great.

    Shannon @ The Warrior Muse (thewarriormuse [dot] com)

  8. Amazing. So glad you’re at your half-way mark already. Every time I read something about your book efforts I’m blown away by all the work you put into it. I’d like to ask if you realised what this side of things would be like and if it in any way detracts from the pleasure of writing it. I know all things come with ups and downs, more likeable aspects and some ‘must-do’ elements. How do you feel about where you’re at, at the moment?

    • Hi Tracey!

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment and questions.

      I’d read before that promotion can be a slug and most authors hate doing it. They’d rather keep writing. Contrary to most authors, I am not working on a next book, so I can devote my time to promoting Plunge. It would be harder if I had to combine this with writing a sequel. No pressure for that, since I don’t have an agent or a publisher. Another advantage of being an indie author. 🙂

      Here’s the thing: I actually don’t mind spending some time on promotion, because I don’t have deadlines and can do this on my own schedule. But it would be more enjoyable if I knew it was paying off. Unlike with other jobs, where you get a wage for the work you do, this “profession” is always up in the air. You have to work hard to even get a chance for reimbursement. Slacking means not selling any books.

      While I read about promotion efforts by other authors before, I actually did not realize or understand the extend of it. As with many pursuits, you have to experience it for yourself to fully grasp the meaning or feeling of something.

      At the moment, I’m fine with where I am, since I’m “stuck” in a room anyway. Once we hit the road again, my attention and focus will shift. I don’t mind the promotion – in moderation – just like I equally enjoyed writing and editing. I guess I found myself in the right “business.” 🙂 And, I like variety. Then again, it is my goal to never (rarely) do something I don’t enjoy.

  9. Liesbet, I give you high, high marks for setting and achieving goals. And congrats on the awards too.

    Some random thoughts: We Love Memoirs does not allow self-promotion, but they do feature particular authors on Spotlight Sunday. If you haven’t snagged a spot there yet, you may want to investigate. i did sell several books there and got reviews as well.

    I remember being obsessed with checking stats on KDP, looking for opportunities to sell my memoir at Indie bookstores (still doing that), and pushing, pushing, all the time.

    A year a half out, I know I will be willing to promote Mennonite Daughter for a long time to come. But now, what I value most is the friendships made (or re-kindled) during my book launch and tour, and the digital friendships that have blossomed. It sounds cliche, but now my people connections are as important to me as the $$$ earned, if not more so. 🙂

    • Hi Marian!

      It has been my #1 goal from the moment I published Plunge to snag a Spotlight Sunday spot on WLM. That seed actually got planted when I joined in yours. 🙂 Ever since, I have been patient and interactive. Yes, by now I have my spot lined up for the end of July and I should be “book of the week” soon as well, according to Victoria. Fingers crossed!

      The pushing, pushing, pushing to promote and sell Plunge does get tiring after a while, so it is important to take breaks from it, especially when a lot of other stuff is going on.

      I’m so glad Mennonite Daughter brought you all those wonderful connections or rekindled old ones. I agree that is worth more than money or reviews. 🙂

      It’s been interesting for me in the US, as all my friends and in-law family here is so closely related to Mark. I’m sure they had mixed feelings when reading my memoir. I’m curious to see what the receival of my book will be in Belgium.

  10. You have accomplished so much these past months, Liesbet. Plunge seems highly successful and congrats on your halfway mark! I proudly added my review of Plunge today to Goodreads and Amazon! I agree with some comments of your tireless efforts to promote the book, which also makes me cringe a little as I continue to “think” about my book. We finally just got mostly reliable internet in the house, so I’m hoping for more time to write and edit. Congrats on your recent awards and keep loving what you do!

    • I can’t thank you enough for your review on Amazon and Goodreads and your kind and encouraging words here, Terri. I might share snippets of your feedback on my blog and/or social media. I wish you success with the finalization of your fitness book and I can totally imagine how relieved and happy you must be having reliable internet now. Finally… I know all about that! 🙂 Have a fabulous weekend and trip.

  11. Hi Liesbet! Congratulations on all the attention you are getting for your book. You deserve it with all your hard work. And not just that, you do it while technically on the road going here and there. May you continue to get the attention you need to meet all your goals. As always it is a pleasure to watch your progress. ~Kathy

    • Thank you for your kind words, Kathy. Sometimes it is hard to focus on those goals with Plunge when so much other stuff is going on. But, I’ll get there in the end! 🙂

  12. Wow! Lots of milestones to meet, but well done on doing the work in getting to them, Liesbet. I have a feeling that you will achieve them. You seem determined, and the love and attention you are giving Plunge is certainly shinning through in your posts.
    Congratulations on the award you were given as well. It’s nice to see that it’s not one of these ‘chain letter’ ones where you have to nominate a thousand bloggers for the same award.
    Have a lovely weekend.

    • Hi Hugh!

      Don’t you hate those “chain letter” awards? Those seem to have slowed down, though. At least that’s my experience. When I first started blogging, I participated in one (I didn’t know any better). I think it was called the Liebster Award. It was fun answering the questions, but the nomination was tough. A lot of bloggers I know would just nominate “everyone” who is reading or pass on them all together, which is what I have been doing.

      Have a fabulous weekend as well and give the pups a snuggle!

      • They seem to disappear and then come back with vengeance Liesbet. I participated in quite a few during my first year of blogging. They worked well for me. However, they ended up being a lot of hard work and became more of a nuisance. Once that happened, I knew it was time to stop participating in them.

        • You are very good at making decisions like these and prioritizing your time, Hugh! Blogging has to remain fun. Your words. 🙂

  13. I continue to learn from you, Liesbet. Yes, this is your first book, but you have studied your craft, researched the “how to’s” of promotion, and reached out on social media. I’m awe-struck at your pizazz and stick-to-it-ness (a weird word that you can’t look up in the dictionary but one I’ve heard throughout my life). I think your goals are high, but without them, what else would you reach for? THANK you for starting this post with the wonderful author blurb you wrote about my book. I highly value your opinion and your review, because your memoir Plunge is exceptional. Now I think I better check out We Love Memoirs on FB – I didn’t know about it. Also, I really like how you show what an author makes (ie, how little she makes) on book sales. Amazon calls itself a ‘retailer’ so gets 40% discount on our books. That’s a lot of money! That’s why I encourage readers to buy my book(s) through my Indie publisher, who gives me the full royalty (after shipping and printing costs). I wonder how many sales you have with e-books versus the soft back? I have both of yours, and personally (speaking about my book as well) I think the softback is the better way to go. But I know many readers prefer an e-book. You DO Rock, Liesbet! <3

    • Hi Pam!

      I’m glad you keep learning a bit more by following and reading my blog. I think the reason that I can focus on promotion now is that I have the time for it. A lot of authors don’t, either because they are working on another book or because they have a rigid day job. I love that word stick-to-it-ness! Maybe that’s the road to success? 🙂

      I have added the review/author blurb of Flashes as a separate quote to this blog post, Pam. This way it stands out more and people will be able to read it easier. I was hoping to do this before you read the post, but you beat me to it this morning.

      It’s so nice to have a publisher for the reason you mention. It seems like most of your trusted (blog) readers are ordering your book that way. I checked Amazon recently and I don’t think Flashes is available there (yet). Nice to be able to keep all of the royalties.

      Based on the Amazon stats, I’ve sold many more eBooks than paperbacks. I’d have to look into it more to tell you exact numbers, tough. Maybe food for thought in an upcoming IWSG post.

      Thanks for the lovely comment and have a wonderful weekend, Pam!!

  14. Wow! You’ve been working really, really hard. 🙂

  15. Your success with Plunge is awesome! I admire your high energy, high goal approach to the craft. And congrats on the top ten listing and Alex’s awesome award. You do rock!

    • Hi Lee! Thank you for the compliments and well wishes. That positive energy that I sometimes exude is quite temperamental. As you know, we all have ups and downs, especially authors. I’m trying to take advantage of living in a house right now to get a few things done. Once my life returns to normal again (my normal), all my energy will have to go to “survival” on the road. 🙂

  16. Victoria Marie Lees

    June 4, 2021 at 14:21

    Seriously, Liesbet, you’ve got this down pat. Bravo! I will try and learn from you, but I worry I don’t have the connections and/or interesting topic to connect to sources as you have. Again, many congratulations, my dear! More power to you! I enjoyed Plunge.

    • Hi Victoria! Thanks for the kind words. I think we both made connections in the past by submitting articles to publications, right? Other than that, it’s been years of social networking and making connections online. Very time consuming, but maybe it pays off over time. 🙂

  17. Wow, I just found my way here from Retirement Reflections, and I look forward to reading about your adventures! Congrats on the success with your book!

    • Thanks for swinging by and leaving a comment, Bethany. And, welcome! Donna is an amazing woman, but I’m sure you know that already. 🙂 I had the pleasure of meeting her in person on Vancouver Island as well. Have a wonderful week!!!

  18. Congrats, Liesbet, on getting half-way to your goal of selling 1,000 books! When one of the influencers recommends your book, you may have to print more! I hope your weekend is going well. Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    • Hi Natalie! I’m learning from you, setting goals – and making them happen. 🙂 My books are sold through POD (print on demand) services, so I never have to worry about running out. I also have a pile of paperbacks here in the room with me and need to figure out what to do with them. We went from a rainy, icy weekend last week to a hot and humid one, this weekend. Crazy weather!

  19. Congratulations on 500 books sold – well done! Here’s hoping the rest fly off the (virtual and real) shelves. 🙂

    • Now that would be pretty awesome. I think it will take much longer than another six months to sell another 500. Unless I find that magic bullet! 🙂

  20. HI Liesbet, I am reading Plunge now and loving it. I am just starting Chapter 27 and expect to finish it soon, tonight or tomorrow. I am trying designated reading hours, but that is a story for an upcoming blog post. I bought your book on Kindle sometime after reading your comments on my blog and vice versa. I was interested because it is memoir, which is what I write, and having had a “comment conversation” with you, I thought how cool to read a book written by an author I have connected with through a Link Party. I don’t do book reviews, but would like to mention Plunge in that upcoming post I mentioned. Wasn’t sure if I needed permission, but this is just as easy a way to ask for it. I am a relatively new blogger (18 months 250+/- followers) so not an influencer by any stretch. I did mention your book to a friend on Facebook and wondered why a picture did not automatically pop up. Congratulations on all your hard work. Following your blog. Best and blessings, Michele

    • Hi Michele!

      I’m so glad you are enjoying Plunge right now. Or, you might have finished it already. 🙂

      Your designated reading hours sounds like that might work for me, too. I haven’t tried it, but not having a schedule definitely does NOT work. I’ve been reading the same book for almost three months. And not because it isn’t any good. Sigh! Priorities… But, we have been consumed by a few things that have drained us and demanded all our time the last few months. Hopefully this comes to an end soon and we can focus on “normal” life again.

      Of course, you can mention Plunge in an upcoming blog – any blog post now and in the future. Thank you for giving it a shout-out, regardless. Sometimes, names come up on Facebook if you are friends with the people. I see a few Michele Somervilles and don’t know which one is you, so feel free to type my name (Liesbet Collaert) in the search button and send me a friend request. I’m pretty sure there is only one of me. 🙂

      My book only pops up if a link is attached to it. If you ever want to mention Plunge again, copy and paste this link into your Facebook post and a “preview” should appear:

      Thank you so much for your support and happy blogging! You are doing just fine!!! I look forward to your next post and have your current one sitting in my inbox right now. I hope to catch up on blog reading this evening.

  21. Perhaps get a professional to do a glamor shot for back cover and other uses?

  22. Hi, congratulations on 500 books sold. Here is to more success and more book sales. I envy you all your travelling.

    • Thanks, Rachna! The traveling lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. It can be fun and it can be challenging. Usually, it’s something in between. 🙂

  23. Congratulations. How exciting. I’ll need to check a few of those out.

    • Thanks, Kristin. Promoting is a lot of work and certain approaches work well for some people, but not for others. It’s all about what we personally feel comfortable with and how much time and energy we have to invest in this pursuit of selling books! 🙂

  24. Liesbet it seems like you have made huge progress and well deserved recognition. I have ordered Pam’s book however here in Canada apparently a significant delay in delivery.

    • Pam is a really good writer, witty and entertaining. I’m sure you will enjoy her little vignettes in “Flashes.” By the way, she and I just met in person last Sunday. 🙂

  25. Wow, six months since “Plunge” was published! I have “Flashes of Life” on my ereader and I look forward to reading Pam’s book. My granddaughters still love her book “Molly finds her purr.” Thank you for sharing your review here. You and I have had a past discussion on how I find writing reviews daunting, especially when I know the writer. I see what you mean by your one paragraph. Congratulations on the You Rock Award, Liesbet. No surprise here.????

    • You’re too sweet, Erica! I’m sure you will enjoy Pam’s book. She writes really well and touches on a few episodes in life we can all relate to. I just purchased “Molly Finds Her Purr” and “Birds of Paradise” in person from her. It was nice to finally meet her (and her hubby) last week. The books will be wonderful birthday gifts to our twin nieces in August. 🙂

  26. Like I said, our work is never done. 🙂 xx

    • Until we decide to quit. Or, let the book(s) ride their course. I’m not there yet, although, I’ve had my moments of despair, haha.

  27. Liesbet, I love the way you have stated your goals so specifically, and shared them with us. And you’re moving along toward achieving them, as well as getting awards and recognition. Way to go! I can’t help but think that COVID restrictions have really limited promotional opportunities at present.


    • I’m doing my best with promotion, Jude. Sometimes, I lack the energy, time, or internet, but whenever I have a moment or a chance, I will push Plunge as hard as I can, until I’m sick of it or hit the road again. 🙂

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