Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Category: Lifestyle (page 13 of 45)

Writing Update November 2021 – The Importance of Word of Mouth & Influencers for Book Sales

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For November, the question is: “What’s harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie Lees, Joylene Nowell Butler, Erika Beebe, and Lee Lowery.

My answer to the question – What’s harder to create, your book title or the blurb?

What a great question! I think most authors struggle with both. If not, I envy them. The title (and subtitle) is of the utmost importance and is not easy to change once you commit to one. For Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary, it took me years until the one-word, punchy title popped up. I loved the fact that it was short and catchy and that it described my personality.

The subtitle was a different story – I’d made a list of about one hundred potentials and eventually boiled them down to three or so (at which point, I involved others to “vote”). None of these made it. As I hit “send” on the email with crucial information for my cover designer, I impulsively changed the subtitle to the current one. There was no turning back.

Writing a blurb is hard work; much harder and less fun than coming up with a book title. I did not enjoy this process and was glad to receive help from fellow authors, whom I thanked in my acknowledgements. It was a work in progress. I ran the drafts by many people. While it took less long than eventually creating a title for my book (one month versus years), it certainly involved more focus, frustration, and actual keyboard time to put the final blurb together.

My book news

Mark, Maya, and I have been traveling, exploring, and camping the entire month of October. As expected, not much promotion work has happened for Plunge.

  • I post the occasional promo spiel, when allowed on specific Facebook groups I’m a member of. Once in a while – even though the guidelines indicate promotion is allowed once a week (on Sundays in this case) – I get booted and my post is removed, even before it goes live. Often, these posts have to go through moderation first and either get ignored or go unnoticed. Oh well.

  • I played around with a free quotes program, but haven’t used anything yet for marketing. All Author offers free banners for certain occasions. I’ve posted a few of those in the past; most recently a Halloween one. These are fun but don’t create sales.
  • Talk about fun, look at this email I received in my inbox recently… For a company that keeps a close eye on who reviews your book and blocks/deletes what they think are inappropriate ratings (always 5-star ones), I find this hilarious.

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Five Days in the Badlands of South Dakota – A Photo Story of Spectacular Scenery & Wandering Wildlife (& a Daring Dog)

Day One

We approach Badlands National Park mid-afternoon, after crossing the width of South Dakota. The burning question: do we buy the $80 annual National Park pass (what we usually have) or a 7-day ticket for $30? We’ve been doing without a pass for over a year. We are leaving the country soon. It’s nice to be covered “everywhere” and sometimes get discounts on camping, though. But, we usually camp for free anyway. If we have to spend another summer in the US (instead of heading to South America in 2022), we will need and use the pass… “We either lose $50 or we lose $30,” Mark says, “Your choice.” Life has become very expensive on the road. Eighty dollars is a lot of money. We buy the week-long entrance ticket.

That’s when we realize we didn’t even check the pet rules… A quick search online reveals that dogs are not allowed on ANY trails. As a matter of fact, they aren’t even allowed at the look-outs. Pets are only welcome to walk around in campgrounds and parking lots. Great! Did we just waste $30?

I go for a short walk. Mark is annoyed and takes Maya around the parking lot. We drive through a small part of the park to our first free campsite for the night, in Buffalo Gaps National Grassland. Much more dog-friendly!

We crest a little hill and pick a flat spot among smaller badland humps. Because of the underground (sticky clay and sand), you don’t want to park here during rain. Many cars and campers have gotten stuck here, doing just that. But, there is no rain in the forecast, so we should be fine!

We take Maya for a walk and then this happens…

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How to Visit Chicago for Free (in a Small Camper) – Skylines & Social Times

After New York’s natural beauty, more wonder – of a very different kind – befell me when Mark, Maya, and I approached the skyline of Chicago, Illinois. Yes, I had set foot upon its grounds twice before. Once on a wintry layover from Belgium, never venturing further than a hotel room after missing my connecting flight, and once a couple of years ago, when we swung by our friends Keith and Kavita’s home on the outskirts of the city. But I had never witnessed its majestic architectural beauty, strolled its waterfront, or parked in its quirky neighborhoods.

Chicago skyline

When our long-anticipated departure from Newburyport, Massachusetts, approached, Mark and I had to pick a route, or, at the very least, a first destination. We prefer a northern track across the United States for its scenic appeal, but we hate cold weather. Everything was dependent on when exactly we could start our journey. Luckily, that happened in mid-September and not October like last year, when a southern approach was required. So, we stated, “As long as the weather holds, we will stick to a northern course.” As I write this, we still haven’t made any southward progress! Soon…

Our goal was Chicago, a city I had heard a lot of positives about but never visited, and a place where three sets of friends would be located at the end of September… Our trio stayed in the city for four nights and had a jolly good time, without spending a dime!* ????

(Click on the photos or hover over them to read the captions in galleries.)

Six tips for a free “long weekend” in Chi Town:

1. Stick to outdoor sights and activities

We easily filled a few days by checking out Lake Michigan – with a long waterfront bike/walking trail – and several areas in downtown. The first day, we walked all the way from Lincoln Park to Navy Pier and returned via skyscraper heaven.

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Monthly Expenses of a Nomad – September 2021

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂

This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups, we both return to the East Coast.

Mark, Maya, and I lived in a guest room in Massachusetts for the first half of September and returned to the road, in a new-to-us camper after that. The second part of the month was spent driving through and/or visiting the states of New York, Ohio, and Illinois, arriving in Chicago by the end of the month.

Free overnight parking in Chicago, at Lincoln Park

Those first two weeks of September were quite hectic, as we prepared for our trip, installed more parts to make our mobile lives easier or more comfortable, and I aimed to get to a stopping point with my book promo. Mark added an inverter and charger to our home on wheels and rewired parts of it to suit our homebuilt Lithium battery.

(As always, click on or hover over photos to read the captions.)

The most tricky – and annoying – task was figuring out a way to bring our e-bikes with us, now that an extension swing-out hitch and our original bike rack were not an option anymore. We ordered durable hooks, a backing plate, hardware, and straps to come up with a decent solution. This configuration on our ladder had to be changed – in Massachusetts and on the road – multiple times to avoid chafing and reduce damage on our bikes. It’s been an ordeal!

We covered about 1,000 miles last month, which is reflected in the high fuel cost, but is nothing compared to this month. Our fuel economy is terrible! Even worse than we expected. This is hard to swallow for us “thrifty travelers” as we are still getting used to our new camper set-up and weigh the pros and cons compared to a campervan. That topic will be for a future post!

Now that we live in our truck camper, we needed to change its insurance policy to reflect its higher value. We also bought more household items, like an outdoor mat, shower curtain, towel bars… Our first propane refill was expensive. Hopefully this is related to us messing about with the refrigerator setting. This fridge, unfortunately, runs on propane.

Remember that pricey Mexican lunch last month? The friends we treated back then, covered our part of a take-out dinner before we left on our trip. Hence, no dining out category for September. Since we mainly drink in company these days, the alcohol cost is for beer, wine, and sangria that we brought to “parties.”

We decided to spend money on entertainment this time around, by visiting two of New York’s most iconic state parks, sporting loads of waterfalls and hiking trails: Watkins Glen SP and Letchworth SP. You can read more about those sites here.

And, some attractions are free, like Indiana Dunes National Park, where we hiked, biked, and even spent the night! 🙂

In true Liesbet and Mark fashion, we once again boondock every night. This  means camping without hook-ups or – usually – facilities. It’s also called “dry camping” or “wild camping” and is often (in our case, always) free. We use the no-cost app iOverlander (for campers by campers) to find suitable locations to spend the night. We also contribute to this service by adding new places, reviews, photos, experiences, and updates.

This expense report was a tricky one to create, because my accounting is different than Mark’s, who actually keeps track of everything in Quicken. His total expense for September 2021 resulted in a negative number, because we – finally – sold many valuable items that came with the truck and camper that we didn’t want. The idea being that this amount went towards our expenses for the truck and camper. Based on that math, the first category in my list underneath boiled down to only $20. Yes, we sold $990 worth of stuff. Most of it last minute!

The second “discrepancy” (a credit of $857) came from our Chase credit card points that had a value of 1.5x the amount if we used them before September ended.  We still have another $300 (at 1x the amount) left for this month. If anybody is interested in checking out an incredible credit card offer – 100,000 free points (a value of $1,000 at 1x the points) – this is my Chase referral code:

Telling the readers of this blog that we spent -200 dollars wouldn’t make any sense, so I decided to itemize our expenses like I usually do and the credits and returns on our money will be incorporated in our yearly report. Now, let’s hope that we can finally bring our costs down to the $1,300 monthly average soon!

September 2021 Overview:

Camper (parts: $607; fuel: $364; ins.: $39):


Household (supplies):


Utilities (phone: $35; propane: $23):

Dog (food):

Entertainment (State Parks NY):

Medical (meds M):















$ 1,647

Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.

Writing Update October 2021 – Reducing Promotion Efforts and Book Dedication Soon

Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For October, the question is: “In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Jemima Pett, J Lenni DornerCathrina ConstantineRonel Janse van Vuuren, and Mary Aalgaard.

My answer to the question – In your writing, where do you draw the line, with topics or language?

This is a toughie, especially with memoir, as the idea is to represent the story as truthfully as possible in this genre, even the dialogue parts. That being said, it is easy to omit curse words or swearing. Yet, when the situation allows it or “asks” for it, I am tempted to and I do leave some of these words in the prose, since they are important to the context of those situations. Finding a balance is the solution, I think. You don’t want to put readers off, but you do want to draw them into these real-life scenes.

An author ready for the road…

My book news

Another month has passed. Can you believe it? Even though I swapped my comfortable “home base” in Massachusetts for the confines of a truck camper mid-September, I still managed to get a lot done, book-wise and otherwise.

The goal was to come to a stopping point with a few promotion tasks I still had in mind for my travel memoir Plunge. Once I moved into our new home on wheels, I knew my focus would (and should and did) shift to a life on the road, driving, figuring out our new set-up, sightseeing, hiking, taking it slower, and not being a slave to the internet and the computer anymore. But all that is for a different blog post. This one touches on what I was up to lately, regarding book stuff.

  • I finally created a book banner for Facebook and my blog, based on my Yankee Homecoming banner, leaving space for default images in the middle.

These are the quotes I decided to pick excerpts from:

Amazon editorial reviews

Here are a few photos that vied for the background:

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New York Surprises – Waterfall Extravaganza!

“Where are you going first?”

This is not a weird question at all, when you talk to people hitting the road indefinitely. And the poser of said question might get annoyed with the ever-present “We don’t know yet” answer coming from our mouths.

But, first things first; Mark and I had to take care of a few specifics before an actual destination could be determined. Once our departure from Newburyport became imminent – the truck camper was taking shape, the bikes didn’t fall of the new ladder rack, help was in place for my in-laws, ties with friends and family were rekindled, and personal projects reached a stopping point – we could finally look at a map.

Two days before we coasted out of the driveway with our dog, Maya, and our belongings, Mark and I decided to head towards Chicago, Illinois, after visiting a couple of friends in Massachusetts and New York. I contacted three sets of friends in the Windy City, aka Chi-Town, to gauge their availability and location for a meet-up. Then, on September 17th, 2021, the three of us left Newburyport for the last time with a new-to-us vehicle and – somewhat of – a plan!

A quick, one-night stop at good friends in Uxbridge, MA, was followed by a Saturday night visit to a work friend of Mark’s in New York, who cooked his staple meat-loaden pasta sauce for us, following an amazing family recipe.

It was on Sunday, when our trip west was to start in earnest, that we realized we weren’t in a rush anymore. Why hurry to Chicago? We’d returned to our own home, our own routine, our own lives, our own priorities. We were our own boss again with few responsibilities! And, the weather was unseasonably pleasant with temperatures in the mid-70s Fahrenheit (mid-20s Celsius).

“Let’s explore New York a bit,” I exclaimed. A state so close by, yet so far away, as I’d never actually ventured into upstate New York for any length of time, other than quick visits – to our friend Sean and Mark’s college town Troy once, when on one of our many road trips across the USA.

(As always, click on or hover over photos to read captions.)


Mark grew up in Schenectady. I’m pretty good at spelling, but when he challenged me with this one years ago, I miserably failed. To make matters worse, Mark also lived in Niskayuna, a town to its east. I still have to look up how to write that one. But, I’m happy to say that I finally visited both cities, thanks to our friend Sean, who offered us a quick tour, that Sunday of our “real departure.”

While both men convinced me there is “nothing to see” in Schenectady, I enjoyed a stroll through the Stockade, an 82-acre historic district located on the banks of the Mohawk River. It is the oldest neighborhood in the city and has been continuously inhabited for more than 300 years. The National Park Service describes it as “the highest concentration of historic period homes in the country.” It is here that Mark’s parents used to own a house, while their son attended college and lived on campus nearby.

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My Interview with Travel Tales of Life about Being a Nomad

A few years ago, Mark and I met Sue and Dave Slaght in Northern California at a pub serving Belgian beer. They’d arrived for a family visit from Calgary, Alberta, where they live close to the amazing Canadian Rockies. Our then house sit was nearby, so after following their informative, entertaining, and attractive travel blog Travel Tales of Life for many years (it was one of the first blogs I ever subscribed to when starting Roaming About, thanks to my sailing friend Lisa Dorenfest). The four of us had loads in common, became instant friends, stayed in touch, and kept following each other’s travels and adventures.

Dave and Sue have traveled pretty much everywhere, are avid bicyclists, and come up with fascinating angles for their blog content. Sue has an engaging writing style, great sense of humor, and an adventurous, can-do spirit, which is reflected in the inspiring and insightful questions she asked me in our interview. Check it out!

Nomadic Living Tips and Truth From an Expert

My sea sickness has finally subsided after being in the middle of the ocean, hanging over the side of the boat next to author Liesbet Collaert. Plunge left me ‘feeling all the feels’ of nomadic living. 

Through 2020, I could not settle my mind to actually read a book. Call it anxiety or being unsettled by a global pandemic, my mind refused to still itself enough to concentrate on more than a page or two.

That is until I began reading Plunge. So intriguing and honest in its telling, for the first time in 10 months I enjoyed reading again.

Looking at the glorious photo cover of turquoise water, white sand beaches and the author swimming blissfully with her dogs, one might assume the book will tell tales of paradise woven together like a mural of travel ecstasy. Instead Liesbet vividly shares the challenges of her insatiable quest for adventure along with the joy and freedom of nomadic life.

I invited Liesbet to tell readers more about the ups and downs of nomadic living.

San Blas Islands

In your book Plunge you are refreshingly honest about relationship challenges while at sea. What suggestions do you have for partners considering a nomadic way of life?

My husband, Mark, and I are in the unique situation of having been together 24/7 pretty much since the moment we chose each other in 2004, because of our lifestyle – sailing, house and pet sitting, camping. Sometimes, I think our partnership comes naturally but other times, the desire for me-time and the curiosity about how we’d do in a settled situation gets the better of me.

To answer your question, there are certainly factors that are important if you want to share a small space and a relatively challenging lifestyle with someone full-time. Compatibility is one of them, but if you have been a pair for years already, I assume that has been figured out. At least in a general sense. While you don’t have to be on the same page with everything, sharing similar interests when on the go is important. This includes agreeing on your travel style, means, duration, and comfort levels.

Liesbet and Mark on board their boat Irie in the Bahamas

Being patient and respectful about your partner’s feelings, thoughts, moods, and priorities, being grateful for his/her abilities, and being flexible when it comes to plans and ideas are other qualities that will make your relationship last. Communicating about each other’s needs is important. Even when you know your partner really well, do not always assume the next step. Talk about your differences and make sure there is enough me-time.

Each month you publish your living expenses which often are under $1,300.00 USD. What are your top five tips for inexpensive nomadic living?

Over the last eighteen years of my nomadic existence, costs have gone up, which I blame on inflation, technology, and the need for more comfort. Our biggest expense has always been maintenance on our floating and rolling homes, which partially contributes to our safety as well. Ever since my husband and I moved aboard in 2007 – and then on the road – our yearly average expenses for two adults and one or two large rescue dogs have been between US$12,000 and USD$20,000 with a steady US$ 16,000 average on land.

Continue reading the interview here. And if you’re not subscribed to Travel Tales of Life yet, I highly recommend following along with Dave and Sue’s travels and stories.

Back on the Road, Heading Southwest – The Reward for a Summer of Complexities

Mark, Maya, and I have moved into our new-to-us truck camper and are back “on the road.” This is not the start of a new adventure yet. We are merely picking up where we left off in April of this year, with a different vehicle and set-up, which will take a while to get used to. We have yet to choose a name for our camper, as other priorities prevailed this summer.

(As always, hover over or click on the photos to read the captions.)

Ready to leave!

August was an eventful month. We were crazy busy – with my book, the truck camper, the in-laws. Mark and I worked hard, without earning (much) money. It’s what we seem to do. But, it’s time to hit the road again and relax about projects, researching, book promotion, taking care of people. We are rekindling our nomadic lives, indefinitely.

For the last two years, we returned to Massachusetts for the spring and the summer. Six months in 2020 and over five months this year of being stationary. I can’t say it’s a bad thing – luxury for us comes in the form of running water, unlimited electricity, and pressurized, non-military showers – but our hearts crave adventure and experiencing new places, cultures, scenery, and activities. So, here we go. With no plans to ever drive back to Massachusetts.

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Live Anywhere on Airbnb – Who Won?

On June 18th of this year, I received an email from my virtual friend, blogger and artist Peta Kaplan of Green Global Trek. The message read “Had to forward you this, because, well, yeah DUH! Good luck!” and was followed by the link Well, that encouragement sounded intriguing enough, so upon checking out what the link was about, I was enthralled.

The company Airbnb was giving 12 individuals (and up to three companions each) the opportunity to live around the world – anywhere – for an entire ten months for free, including traveling to and living in listings on Airbnb. They were looking for candidates resembling remote workers, creatives, empty nesters, young families, staycationers, and digital nomads. This contest had our name on it! Especially since Mark and I didn’t have much luck finding a used pick-up truck, the program would start in the summer, and departure was planned early September. Perfect!

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Monthly Expenses of a Nomad – August 2021

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂

This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups, we both return to the East Coast.

Apart from two days with friends in Vermont (picking up our camper), Mark, Maya, and I lived the entire month of August in Newburyport, MA, in our room above the garage at my in-laws. We had a busy month with work and prep of our new camper set-up (see this post for more project photos and this post about how we found our pick-up truck). Just like with Zesty, the camper category is often the highest expense, especially when first equipping our vehicle and living space. That’s also why the household amount is high.

Everything else is pretty much “average,” except for the renewal of my driver’s license, I bought the book of my colleague at the Yankee Homecoming event, and dining out. We did our best to keep last month’s expenses reasonable (other than camper necessities), but then decided to treat good friends for lunch.  Who would have guessed a simple Mexican meal (burritos and tacos) costs over $100 for four people? Newburyport is super expensive – another reason to leave soon.

On the positive side, a few months ago we decided to obtain a new credit card to benefit from Chase’s generous offer: receive 80,000 points (which, when transferred to Mark’s account rewarding us 1.5 times the points, means a value of $1,200) if you spend $4,000 the first three months. We had trouble getting there at first (in Belgium multiple places didn’t accept Visa), but once we found our truck and bought car insurance, we were all set! During the summer, the extra points (money) could be used towards groceries, hardware, and dining out as well. so, of the $1,200 we received, $434 went to last month’s expenses, so theoretically, we spent $1,093 instead of $1,527. 🙂

If anybody is interested in checking out this offer, which – believe it or not – they have since upped to 100,000 points (a value of $1,000 at 1X the points) – this is my Chase referral code:

August 2021 Overview:

Camper (parts: $584; fuel: $137; insp.: $36; license L: $50):


Household (supplies):

Dining out:


Health & Fitness (vitamins M):

Utilities (phone/internet):

Medical (meds M):

Dog (supplements):

Entertainment (book):

















$ 1,527

Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.

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