Every first Wednesday of the month, the IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group) engages writers to share their fears, thoughts, progress, struggles, excitement, encouragement, or anything really, about their writing. A different question is posed each month as a writing prompt. Answering it is optional. For September, the question is: “If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?”

This amazing, supportive group of writers was founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Today, the co-hosts are Gwen Gardner, Doreen McGettigan, Tyrean Martinson, Chemist Ken, and Cathrina Constantine. Feel free to swing by their sites and see what they’re up to.
My answer to the question (If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?)
I love this month’s question! Mention “the world” and I’m excited. One place I would never pick to do such a thing would be… a camper van on a discovery trip of the Canadian Maritimes. ????

Picturesque Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia
Even before I became a writer, I said to myself: “One day, I want to write a book from a self-contained cottage in Hawaii!” This has not happened (yet); I’ve never even been to this tropical US state. I have, however, lived and traveled in self-contained units, like two sailboats and three campers. The part of using nature for resources like electricity, water, and propulsion (in the case of the sailboats) thoroughly pleases me and basic living off the grid surely is my thing. But the absence of a dedicated desk, internet, and the word “unlimited” in the above list makes writing difficult. I guess I could always use a notebook!