Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Introducing our New Home on Wheels – Meet Bella, the Truck Camper

Our home on wheels has a name: Bella

This whole cow theme is Mark’s idea. I had nothing to do with it. But I am on board now. Our friend Ellen hit the nail on the head: “Mark is getting whimsical in his old age.” It’s not only Amazon “Delivering Smiles” around the world anymore. Yep, that’s why we Mark opted for a dotted camper, to spread joy along our travels. It worked with me – and we have seen the surprised looks on stranger’s faces turn into broad smiles. It works!

(As always, hover over or click on photos in galleries to read their captions.)

I will write a post about how to produce cow spots (or other adhesive vinyl creations) and attach them to a vehicle later, but here is a bit more of the inside scoop. It is meaningful to both of us that this work-in-progress (you can’t call this one an important or urgent camper improvement, of which we had many) came to completion while we were surrounded by friends, three sets of them, in three different locations.

Adding cow spots on all sides was a work in progress!

Newport, Oregon

We spent a long weekend on the hilly property of our friends Katherine and Brandon in Newport, Oregon.

Bend, Oregon

Then, we visited our friend Patti in Bend, Oregon, for almost ten days. We had our own bedroom and en-suite bathroom here. More cow spots were drawn, cut, and adhered. This time to both sides of the Lance 830.

Road trip to Southern Colorado

The front side of the camper remained white and boring on our 1,000-mile drive from Bend, Oregon, to Ignacio, Colorado, where we finished this art project.

Ignacio, CO

With every stop, we get more amenities! The property of our friends Danny and Christine in Ignacio came with a workshop big enough to fit our camper. Two major projects were completed here and the last set of cow spots were attached to our home on wheels. We could stand in the bed of our pickup truck to work, which made things much easier.

We also decided to add a personal touch to the interior of our camper. Instead of collecting “business cards” of nice people we meet along the way and adding them to the living area, which we did on our sailboat Irie, we are asking fellow travelers and friends to cut a small cow spot out of scrap pieces of vinyl, sign them, and stick them to the ceiling.

These are a few practice spots I had fun creating – for people who just want to leave their name

What’s in a name?

For a while, we played with the name “Vaca” for our camper, which means “cow” in Spanish. The name of our truck is Thirsty. Naming a truck camper is hard, because it consists of two parts. Thirsty Vaca doesn’t quite sound right. Thirsty Cow might remind you of a bar or café and is a tad too cheesy. Mark’s mom suggested naming the camper after a famous cow or using a well-known cow.

Cow names Facebook prompt

Once our camper’s transformation was complete, I posted a prompt on my Facebook profile which received a lot of engagement and voila, we have a name. It was interesting to see the cultural and international differences between suggested names. We opted to go for the Belgian version: Bella. Runners up were Bessie and Daisy, for anyone who joined in the game… 🙂

Thirsty Bella is ready for new adventures! It’s an added bonus that “bella” stands for “beautiful” in Spanish, handy for our upcoming travels in South America.

Bella – a typical cow name in Belgium – is ready to spread smiles throughout South America 🙂

Curious about a previous ten-year chapter in our nomadic lives, which includes eight years aboard a 35-foot sailboat in the tropics, check out the travel memoir I wrote:

Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary

Available on Amazon and elsewhere

eBook: US$ 5.99

Paperback: US$ 13.99

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  1. I’m curious, did anyone suggest Thirsty Jersey? Although technically your new cow is a Holstein. Just for grins I think you should install a Holstein hood ornament:-) The same location as Mercedes has always mounted their hood ornament…

    • You’re funny, John. Thirsty Jersey. It does have a ring to it. 🙂 People have made references to the Holstein. I guess I have to read up on some cow knowledge. That would be a resounding “no” on the hood ornament. I don’t even have to run that by Mark.

      Did you know that one of the first things Mark wanted to change on our Westy was the grill – from Dodge to Mercedes? Because this was not a necessary change and just a cosmetic/personal/vanity improvement, the new grill was his birthday present that year.

      • Thirsty Jersey rolls of the tongue smoother than Thirsty Holstein:-)
        And TJ for short has a nice ring to it as well.

        I think the Holstein hood ornament is a great idea!
        It would help dummies like me put two and two together.
        When you called them cow spots I thought you meant cow patties.
        I was wondering why would you want to splatter cow dung all over your RV?

        Don’t be surprised if you receive a Holstein hood ornament from me at some future date.
        I’ll be offended if I don’t see it proudly displayed on Thirsty the next time I see you:-)

        • Well that made us both snicker, John. We have thrown mud at one of our previous trucks, because it looked too fancy and clean when we crossed the border between Mexico and Belize fifteen years ago, but haven’t ventured into the cow patty cawmouflage. Plus, Maya would lick our rig clean. She loves the taste of cow manure. And any manure. And anything, really!

          We recently went through the first episode – and it was a bad one – where our dog finally, after three years of being with us, got seriously sick for days from eating too much of that “shit”!

          I’m now ignoring the comment about the Holstein ornament.

  2. This is awesome, Liesbet, and made me smile. And as I read further “delivering smiles” “art project”…clever and unique.???? Interesting how you came up with “Bella.” A perfect name. I also enjoy following you along on Instagram, especially your amazing photos! ????

    • Hi Erica! I’m glad you like our new name. It’s been a long road getting to where we are with the camper. I’m actually going to wrap up my Instagram account. I’m too busy as it is and all the social media, blogging, diaries, … are taking away from my time in real life. I have to start prioritizing and simplifying my life away from the computer. 🙂

      • I understand about being pulled in many directions, Liesbet, and Instagram is now the only site…fast and easy for me. Different for you with travelling. I will continue to enjoy your blog. XO

  3. I like the way you mooooo-ve!

  4. Hi Liesbet, Thirsty Bella made me smile and laugh. This is hysterical. I love it!! What an original idea Mark came up with. I love your idea too of having your friends make and sign a cow spot. How fun. You will never go anywhere in Miss Thirsty Bella incognito.

  5. Hi Liesbet! Thanks for your explanation about Bella BUT… when I first saw the spots on your camper from a FB post I immediately assumed it was to make your camper a Dalmatian! You are both so into dogs that I was sure that they were Dalmatian spots. Thom thought so too! So don’t be surprised when other people point it out and think it’s supposed to represent dogs as well! ~Kathy

    • Hi Kathy,

      Before we started adding the spots, I suggested to Mark to transform the camper into a Dalmatian instead of a cow, as that would be more fitting for our life, our passions, our interests, and on a personal level as well. Like you said, because we love dogs, but also – and this is something not a lot of people are aware of – when we adopted Maya, her records stated she has some Dalmatian in her. A previous owner had a DNA test done on her. Not that this means too much…

      I agree we don’t have any affinity with cows – yet – but what makes Mark happy makes me happy. Also, Dalmatian spots are mostly round. 🙂

  6. I admit to being mystified as to what those cutouts were – bones, bats, bows. Alas, it made me smile and I am sure it will have the same effect on everyone you meet along the way. Definitely a conversation starter! Enjoy

    • Hi Suzanne,

      When we ran this cow spot idea by friends, one of them said “Are you ready to have a lot of people walk up to you and chat to you?” Sometimes we are and sometimes we aren’t. Yes, I think this will be a conversation starter, if passers by realize we are impersonating a cow. 🙂

      To be honest, our previous truck camper drew a lot of attention (as it was so modern and streamlined looking), the van did as well, because it was imported from Germany and rare in the US and special looking. And, in the past, our two shepherd mixes drew the attention. So, it appears that people want to talk to us all the time, regardless.

  7. Hahaha love the cow idea …but I too was mystified as to what the black shapes were. And then yes it made me smile. I do have an affinity for cows. Always fun participating in creative projects. Seems you have done exciting adventures ahead!


    • Hi Peta,

      We’ve had a crazy busy summer with constant camper projects and issues, so dealing with this fun side project was enjoyable and fun to share, before I delve into more serious stuff.

      I’m curious about your cow affinity! Did you live on a farm in South Africa?

  8. I never would have thought of cow spots, but now, it does seem inspired. I like your new home!

    • I’m glad you like our new home, Jacqui. One day, I’ll do a little video tour. Once everything is finished and I find the time for it.

  9. How exciting that you’re finally ready to hit the road after all your trials and tribulations! The cow spots made me smile, too – wishing you and Thirsty Bella lots of safe and wonderful travels.

    • Hi Diane,


      I have been looking forward to these days of finally wrapping things up. We have had another unpleasant surprise, but we will deal with that in Texas in a couple of weeks. The expensive new fridge we bought and installed developed cracks on the inside after one mellow drive.

      All in all, things are finally coming together and we can actually start looking forward to our move and the logistics of it. And, buy some items that are not related to the car and camper.

  10. This is very, very cool, Liesbet. I love the name and the artwork! Both are bound to bring smiles to faces of fellow travellers!

    • And you bring a smile to my face with your comment, Donna, as often happens. I’m looking forward to more joy in our future – spreading it and experiencing it! 🙂

  11. Liesbet, how fun and creative! Great name and artwork. Definitely brought smiles and chuckles.

    • Hi Margaret,

      Welcome to Roaming About and thanks for leaving a comment. I’m glad this blog post – and the photos – made you smile. Cheers to more of that in the future. 🙂

  12. I say “Moo-ving”! to this milestone project. And I do like the name “Bella,” which I immediately knew was “beautiful” in Spanish. You’re going to South America–right?

    Happy travels, safe miles, and all that good stuff! 😀

  13. You are certainly going to draw attention with those cow spots. And of course smiles.

  14. Liesbet, Bella is a lovely name. Her cow spots are bound to bring smiles to those who meet her and you.

  15. Carol Sue Saldivar

    September 17, 2022 at 13:34

    Good Morning from Mesquite, NV, Leisbet! I’m almost halfway through your Plunge book for our Book Club, “Wondering Words” (if the title has you scratching your head, I believe that was the intent). It was a happy accident that we’re reading it, and today I wandered over to check out blogs and abouts and such, Such a fun life you’re leading! Mesquite is in the desert and gets very hot, which I love, with very mild-ish winter….no snow, yes! I am thoroughly enjoying your book and this blog and will continue to visit. Congrats on any and all successes you enjoy! Hope to Zoom with you next month when we gather to talk about your book and our ensuing discoveries about your travels. We meet Oct 3 at 2 pm ( PST ). (Referencing information regarding a possible Zoom received from Trish, contingent on your wi-fi situation) BEST OF EVERYTHING TO YOU AND MARK AND MAYA!

    • Hi Carol,

      Welcome to Roaming About and thank you for leaving a comment. I’m super happy that you are enjoying Plunge and I hope to join you virtually in a couple of weeks. I have no idea from where yet. Probably Texas…

      I love mild winters. As a matter of fact, I don’t like being cold. That being said, nowhere in the lower 48 (except Southern Florida) is warm enough for me during that season. I also don’t like sweating too much and living in a hot and humid climate, despite spending all that time in the tropics. All this is to say that we haven’t found the perfect all-year-round weather yet. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I have never settled? 🙂

      Thank you for the lovely comment and wishes and I’ll see you around!

  16. Anyone can drive a boring camper… I love how you and Mark have made yours unique to you. It will be a conversation starter for sure. Bella took a lot of work, but it appears that she is ready to hit the road. Cow-a-bunga!

    • I guess “boring” doesn’t fit our lifestyle, looks, or attitude, Janis. That’s a good way of describing it, haha. I had to look up “cow-a-bunga”. Thank you for your enthusiasm. I have a feeling I will learn a lot about cows, cow expressions, and cow references the coming months.

      And, yes, Bella is almost completely ready for South America. And then we have to figure out all the logistics, general to-do lists, and extensive to-buy list!

  17. Enjoying this immensely ❣️???? Thank You!

  18. Hooray for Bella, Liesbet! Glad Mark got cute and wanted to have fun and spread joy! It looks really nice. Looks like you had some great adventures. Safe travels to your next destination!

    • Hi Terri,

      It’s finally time to have some fun again. We’ve had a relatively tough year so far. But, we are making heaps of progress towards our next goal and destination. Fingers crossed we can get Bella on a ship (and us on a plane) in five weeks…

  19. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman

    September 18, 2022 at 20:41

    I think you should have named her Tippy. Thirsty and Tippy. But, of course, then people might think you are drunks. And who wants a tippy camper.

    I love that Mark is becoming whimsical.

    You will have to do a photo series of Bella and the cows she meets on the road.

    And I do hope we get to sign a spot before you travel to another hemisphere.

    • I love the name Tippy. I often feel like that, especially at high altitudes and when I’m suffering from migraines and nausea… Good point about the combination Thirsty and Tippy (we could have kept the T&T moniker that way, too) – people might think we are drunk all the time. I’ve barely touched alcohol these weeks as I haven’t been feeling great.

      Bella has met a few cows already in her short existence. We’ve also had heaps of flies as visitors and we wonder if the cow personification has anything to do with that.

      I would looooove for you two to add your spot to our ceiling. This way you get to travel with us, regardless. Of course, you can come visit us in person – or join us for a bit – in South America as well.

  20. Lol, love how you got to the name, and love the cow decor. I sure hope things are settling a bit for you now Liesbet <3

    • You know us. And you know life. Things won’t be setting until we reach the continent south of us. At least I hope that’s when things will finally quieten down a bit. It’s been a busy year. 🙂

  21. I love the cow spots and the name. It’s perfect. You must be getting closer to the start date of your South American trip?

    • Hi Deb,

      We are in the midst of figuring out a warranty issue regarding our new fridge and heading to Texas for that. And, we are dealing with all the logistics to get everyone and everything down there. So much work, time, and effort. But it will all be worth it in the end. So, to answer your question: yes, we are getting closer to a departure date. If all works out and we get our act together in time, we will be leaving the country the end of October.

  22. I love it! It would certainly make me smile if I saw Bella coming around the corner. Are those spots easy to remove, though, Liesbet? I was wondering because of people trying to peel them off when you’re away from the vehicle, or when it comes to a resale value much later on (I hope).

    For some reason, the photos of Bella inside that huge workshop reminded me of the retro TV show Thunderbirds when you see the rockets and other vehicles inside a huge warehouse type building on Tracy Island.

    • Hi Hugh,

      I figured you’d get a little kick out of our set-up! Ermantrude and Daisy were suggested by your countrywomen. 🙂 But, we went with the Belgian favorite of Bella.

      The cow spots are not easy to remove. The next owner of our camper will need a sense of humor – or work hard to get rid of them… We are not thinking about that yet, as we plan to live and travel in our Bella for multiple years. We are busy figuring out how to prevent people from stealing our license plates and the like.

      I’m not familiar with the TV show Thunderbirds, unfortunately. Was this a British programme?

      • I like ‘Bella’ much more, Liesbet. Daisy is to cliché for my liking.

        Good to hear those spots are not easy to steal. And I hope you find a solution for ensuring nobody can take the license plates.

        Yes, Thunderbirds was created by Gerry Anderson. It was a children’s TV show from the 1960s and 70s and had characters such as Lady Penelope and Brains.

  23. The camper looks great! Hope it’s been easy and fun to drive as well.

    • So far so good! Still a bunch of stuff to take care of, but we are happy the fridge replacement has been taken care of in a (so far) successful manner.

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