Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

We Have Arrived in Cartagena, Colombia – A Quick Update

Mark, Maya, and I made it safe and sound to Cartagena, Colombia, on Tuesday, November 8th. Unfortunately, with all the chaos and issues leading up to our departure, we forgot to bring our “good masks.” We did wear surgical ones from the moment we arrived at the airport.

We had booked a relatively expensive, strategically-located Airbnb for a week in the Manga neighborhood, with the idea of walking to the old, walled city a few times and visiting with a friend who lives close by. The first two days, we got settled, bought food, sheltered from the torrential rain, acclimatized to the noisy traffic and cold showers, and researched and arranged our accommodations for the rest of the month. Then, I got sick and bed bound (and still am) with the flu. Now, we fear Mark is getting sick as well. We finally got here, but are stuck inside. We move locations again on Tuesday.

We hope to get reunited with our truck camper, Thirsty Bella, the end of this month. She is supposed to be loaded on a ship this coming week.

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  1. Speedy recovery to you both! I hope the weather and flu clear up quickly and you can enjoy the city!

  2. petespringerauthor

    November 13, 2022 at 10:44

    Hope you’re both feeling healthy soon and out and about for many great adventures—Thirsty Bella awaits.

    • Thanks, Pete. We are hoping to get some rest and start exploring (without Bella for now) a bit next week. The ships keep being delayed, so we won’t be reunited with our home for at least another 2.5 weeks. Thirsty Bella is still sitting at the port in Texas.

  3. Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman

    November 13, 2022 at 10:48

    So was Maya temporarily imported?

    So sorry you are sick! Hope you both recover soon and can enjoy your time while you wait.

    • Yes, Maya can stay here until we leave – and get another document for the next country. The unfortunate thing about being sick now (can’t believe we forgot our good masks!) is that this was our chance to be able to walk into town, to our friend’s place, and to other attractions. Oh well. We will have to do it all by taxi the coming weeks.

  4. Hi Liesbet! Glad you made it but I’m not surprised you’ve gotten sick with all the stress you have both been under for such a long time now. Your bodies are surely telling you it is time to rest and chill a while. Hopefully you’ve found a quieter place to do that (although that apartment looks great from the photos it is a shame it was so noisy!) Looking forward to hearing more of your adventure when you rest and heal up. ~Kathy

    • Hi Kathy,

      I blame our sickness on not having our good masks with us. I never got sick before on planes when wearing that kind. But, you’re probably right, all the stress of the last weeks/months combined with lack of sleep for what feels like forever is taking its toll. I hope we will be up for moving with Maya and all our gear and food in a couple of days…

      One day, we will have fun and adventures again. It does feel like this road to our next goal has been a very long one.

  5. Please take as good care of yourselves as you can. Pray you’re both back to your best health!

    • Thanks a lot, Carol. Mark is napping next to me in the bed. I’m finally feeling a little bit better today (even walked to the grocery store for food), but he is getting worse. We’ve been on a diet of Tylenol, sleep, and light foods.

  6. Bienvenidos a Colombia! Let us know when you head our way!

    • ¡Gracias! And we will certainly keep you posted. We hope to pick up our camper the end of the month, then get it back to working order the following days, and then move out of the city to higher grounds! 🙂

  7. It is so difficult to be unwell on the road; hope you are both better soon.

    • Thank you for the well wishes! Ironically, our camper has comfortable pillows and blankets, all our medicines, and hot showers, just when we need all that…

  8. Glad you made it! What a trip! So they are still masked–interesting.

    • Hi Jacqui,

      Masks were not required in the US airports or on the planes (we wore ours but regretted forgetting our good ones, which might have prevented our illness). But, once we entered Colombia, masks were mandatory in the airport building and immigration and customs lines. They were distributed to passengers not carrying one. In the daily life, it’s a mixed bag. Some Colombians wear them, others don’t. Now that I’m sick, I wear mine whenever I go inside, like in the stores.

  9. Thanks for the update. Glad you are there safely, even though not well. The journey begins….well, almost.

    • Haha, Suzanne. Yes, almost… I’d like to say “I can’t wait for that journey to begin,” but at the moment just resting and feeling better sounds more appealing. 🙂

  10. Finally! So sorry that you are sick and that Mark may be headed there too. Not a great way to start your new adventure but I know you two are very resilient and will soon get over this temporary setback.

    • Resilient! That should have been our word of the year. 🙂

      I think Mark and I will take turns now – I’m feeling the slightest bit better this afternoon and Mark is wiped out. My turn to take care of Maya and ignore the fever, throat ache, muscle soreness, nausea, and fatigue. Yes, we will get there!

  11. Sorry you got sick! Not a fun way to start this adventure.

    • It’s not, Alex, but I’m glad Mark and I visited Cartagena in the past already, when sailing our catamaran Irie. So, there’s no rush to explore quite yet. We will have to do so from a less convenient location the coming weeks.

  12. I’m glad you finally made it; but so sorry to hear you’re both sick. What a crappy run of luck you’ve had! Here’s hoping you’re both soon back on your feet and ready for your new adventures.

    • Thank you for the well wishes, Diane. We’ve been feeling like “it just never ends.” The bad luck and struggles that is. I was thinking in the US “Maybe it’s good that all our bad fortune happens while we are still here and this way life in the next country will just work out…” And then we get here and we are sick. Oh well. We will figure it all out. 🙂

  13. Hi, Liesbet – I am glad that you all arrived safely but am so sorry to hear that you and Mark are wiped out. Hope you are both feeling better soon and can enjoy walks in the city.

    • That would be nice. But we will have to take a cab – with Maya – to the walled city if we ever want to walk around there during this visit. Oh well. Maybe I’ll venture out for a bit today after loading up with Tylenol. It’s our last day in this area.

  14. Glad you’ve arrived but sorry you are sick! Here’s to a quick recovery and happy adventures. 😀

    • Thanks, Marian. We will get there. And, thank you again for your sweet gesture with the get well card. That made our evening. We love wagging tails! xox

  15. Hi Liesbet, I’m glad you all arrived safely and am sorry to hear that you and Mark are sick. I hope you get well soon. Take care.

    • Thanks, Natalie. I’m feeling a hint better today, but Mark still has to get through the worst of it. It’s my turn to take care of Maya – and food – now. 🙂

  16. Welcome to Columbia! You guys are amazing. I’m sorry you got sick, but not surprising as there is so much of everything going on now. I hope you had your booster shots for Covid before you left. Happy new adventures! <3

  17. Well the good news is, you’re there! Hope you feel better soon, Liesbet! I just got my flu shot and have been taking extra Vit C!

    • I’ve been craving vitamin C, Terri, and have enjoyed drinking fresh juices these days. We didn’t get the flu shot before leaving. Maybe that was a mistake…

  18. Ugh… Sorry you are sick. It’s the pits… especially when you’re not in your usual home. I hope you guys get better quickly and things finally smooth out.

    • Thanks, Laura. The end of our transport issues is not in sight yet but we are finally feeling better. My week-long flu got topped with migraines and nausea because of that time of the month, so I can’t tell you how glad I am to finally feel a bit better. Still extremely tired, though. But, we at least have time to recover now.

  19. Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear you’re both unwell. I hope you’re feeling much better now?

    Cold showers? Is that because the airB&B has no hot water? Of are you referring to the rain showers?

    And what a rotten thing to do by that taxi driver for charging you extra to take Maya in the taxi.

    Glad you hear you’ve arrived safely though, Liesbet.

    • Hi Hugh,

      Being back in a developing nation is something we have to get used to. The chaos, garbage, and noise came relatively easy (but is getting old already again), but the cold water is something I’d forgotten. There is no hot water in Colombia, so laundry, showering, dishes, … is all done with cold water. 🙂

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