Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂
This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups and extensive care, we return to the US East Coast. Other health issues are resolved locally and out of pocket where needed and possible.
In September 2023, Mark, dog Maya, and I explored the central part of Peru in our truck camper, Thirsty Bella. It was an eventful month – financially and otherwise – and the most expensive one this year, at around $2,300.
Note: Traveling overland in this country with your own vehicle is VERY different from flying in as a tourist, using organized transport, visiting the highlights, eating in high-end restaurants, and sleeping in comfortable hotels.

Sunset in Paracas
In Peru, nothing is easy and every event comes with a story or a crazy twist. Hence this longer than normal report. Despite extra expenses, the car category was, again, the highest one for last month, because of the high cost of gasoline (around $5/gallon), our bad fuel economy, and the tons of (mountain) driving we did. Peru is a large country, we only received three months of entry, and when we don’t like a place, we move on… so we drove a lot. Still, spending almost $600 on gas hurts. Other car costs went to parts, a checked airline bag to have a friend bring said parts to Cusco, tolls, and parking by a grocery store.
(As always, hover over or click on photos in galleries to read their captions.)
The first big and random expense was for a Starlink satellite internet system. After months of debate (it’s a pricey product and service), dealing with relatively decent cell service in Colombia and Ecuador (dismissing the purchase), and struggling for weeks to get online in Peru, we bit the bullet and decided to buy Starlink.
Except, we couldn’t. Mark tried for three days to order the product on Starlink’s website for around US$500. The price of the system and the monthly service fee depend on the country – in Ecuador, the dish was the cheapest at $300; in Colombia, the monthly service is, at $65. All our credit cards were declined, even a debit card. We tried different shipping addresses, email addresses, and local ID numbers. Several people provided info to help out, but nothing worked. We couldn’t purchase the dish.
In Lima, we searched for alternatives and found a guy who sold brand-new units for $450. We were leery about it, not wanting to meet inside his house, so set up an appointment at the parking lot of a grocery store. Junior didn’t show up on time, so we bought groceries and were ready to give up on the whole endeavor. While messaging with him, he asked us for more patience and offered a discount if we gave him another chance to show up. So, that’s what we did.
When Junior eventually showed up, three hours late, in a wheelchair pushed by his girlfriend, we felt guilty. Of course, it wasn’t easy for him to meet outside of his house (which is located in a questionable area of Lima). It took another couple of hours to transfer the Starlink account and for Mark to make sure the system worked. Well, it actually didn’t at that location and, since everyone was losing their patience, we took a leap of faith and committed to buying the system then and there.
In an act of goodwill, Junior gave us all the purchase receipts, information, and a one-week “warranty” to return the product if we didn’t get it to work properly. We paid the agreed-upon $430 (in local currency), shook hands, and moved back to our parking spot in Miraflores, where, miraculously, the system worked. We stayed in touch with Junior, recommended his service online, and helped out with questions he had for future customers.
Paying for Starlink’s monthly internet service wasn’t easy either, due to the same international credit card issues but at least, as official subscribers, we can now contact their customer support. Starlink has been a game changer for us. It provides unlimited internet throughout South America and the world, but, in the last few weeks, we did have connection issues three times: when a massive sandstorm blocked access to the satellites, when we were camped in a deep canyon, surrounded by two steep walls, and when being parked next to a patch of forest, the trees interrupting the signal…
Other costs that fall into the “computer” category were parts for a future 12V conversion for our Starlink system (a massive project), which our friend Lauren brought back from the US, the renewal of one of our internet domain registrations ($22), and, after one year of having a cracked screen on my Google Pixel Smartphone, we had it replaced in Cusco for $40, providing our own screen, which Mark brought back from the US a little while ago.
Our grocery purchases were average at $267; as usual, we cooked most of our meals at home. The next big expense was dogfood for Maya. As a highly allergic dog, she eats a special kind of fish-based food of a brand called Taste of the Wild, which is not available in every South American country, let alone, city, and is pricey, especially outside the US. We had three big bags delivered to our friends’ address in Lima, and managed to find storage for them in Thirsty Bella. Maya should be set now for another 18 weeks.
With all the eating out we’ve been doing in Lima and Cusco, the total cost wasn’t too bad at $126. We don’t eat out often and are picky about the cost – and reputations – of the places we splurge at. September offered a nice balance.
Our utilities were higher – and will be from now on – than other months, because we switched to Starlink satellite internet. Our monthly (Peru) fee for that is $70. Last month, we augmented that with the local Claro service before we switched over and for a bit afterwards, as it’s our only means to have cell service away from the camper and – currently – while driving, since the unit hasn’t been permanently installed yet. We hope to cut Claro – and any local service – out entirely, because we hate giving money to companies that don’t have their act together and frustrate us.
We managed to get most of our potable water for free at gas stations, confirming multiple times that the water, indeed, was okay to drink. Once, in Paracas, when we were totally out, it took an hour to find a place that sold 5-gallon (20L) water jugs, at an elevated price. We needed one to hold us over another day at the beach. Easier to fill up with our hose!
A third, unexpected expense went to a hospital visit for Mark. For many weeks, he’s been having chest pain, in between his ribs. Because of his medical history, everything out of the ordinary raises flags and has us worried. A visit to a private clinic and a chest X-ray concluded all seems fine and his body is just bruised, but the pain has not disappeared yet. An unpleasant side effect of this hospital visit is that he came home with a bug or a virus and we’ve both been sick for a week now. Wearing masks is still important!
We spent some money on alcohol in September, but didn’t really drink, apart from being with our Italian friends Valeria and Davide in Paracas and Cusco. The reasons for this abstinence: often camping at high altitude requiring lots of hydration, having frequent headaches, and being sick.
Transportation is not a usual category as we have our own, but in Lima and Cusco, we took a handful of cabs to reach places. We always used Uber or InDrive (a bit cheaper) to visit sites or people while camped at the edge of Lima, and to get to the hospital for Mark in Cusco, when parked outside of the “tight” town.

Buying a piece of plexiglass and having it cut to size in Cusco
We bought a few new items for our household (ice tray, cutting board, frying pan, toothbrush charger) and for camper projects (screws, caulk, plexiglass), went out for drinks once (the staple Peruvian cocktail, Pisco Sour), had our laundry done in Cusco, and explored a few sites.
Entertainment was provided by a guide in Lima, who we tipped at the end, and a visit to Paracas National Park, leaving Maya in the car.
Between the coast and Cusco, we stopped at several archeological sites. Mark and I enjoyed the Palpa Lines and geoglyphs more than the Nazca ones and made a little detour to the cemetery of Chauchilla.
We were annoyed by a disrespectful parking situation – and attitude of the attendant – at the impressive Acueductos de Cantallos, so I visited those by myself. And then, we headed back into the mountains, not yet paying for anything in the Cusco area.
And there was the minor accident in Huaraz, before we left the Cordillera Blanca, on the 1st of the month. Drivers in Peru are impatient, aggressive, and “unaware” of any rules. Add to that road construction and a traffic jam, and things really spin out of control. Instead of waiting in one line, like everywhere else in the world, the drivers keep going and pushing, creating five lanes in one direction, making a bad situation even worse and blocking traffic from the opposite side. Of course, there are hand signals and honking involved as well.
One guy had pulled up to our left (not a lane), inches away from our camper. When Mark moved forward a bit, following the main lane, he swung out a tad to start making a turn and our right rear camper jack crushed the mirror of said car. Not our fault, really. The man shouldn’t have been there. I explained to him the rules of the road in Spanish and refused to give him money for his mirror.
Eventually, we all calmed down a bit. Plenty of time to contemplate… Mark and I didn’t really want to involve the police (we all know how that would end in Peru) and we DID ruin his mirror, so we settled on paying $15 towards a repair or replacement. Everyone was “happy,” we waited in line for another hour, and I took up the role of traffic controller at some point, because none of the police officers did and the local drivers kept obstructing everyone else with their stupidity. If I sound harsh, I’m not. Ask any foreign – or educated Peruvian – driver in Peru about their driving experiences.
As always, we camped for free, with the exception of one night on a Belgian-Peruvian property called Casa Lena. We wanted to support the owners for what they accomplish with their education program (Oye Lena) for local, poor children. Since the nasty biting bugs (gnats, chitras, or sandflies) were awful and we don’t really get much out of paid campgrounds (when there is no potable water available), we left the following day.
Some of the other places we chose caused issues as well, not the least when we agreed with a friendly, local land owner to spend time at his peaceful riverside property and were basically chased off in the middle of the night, because his son entertained visitors with a party and campfire by the river. It was tricky to back out of the driveaway in the dark but luckily, we found a truck stop nearby and were settled again at 1am. We hate driving at night here!
Thus, we entered October and our third month in Peru. And, believe me, there are many more stories to tell…
September 2023 Overview:
Car (fuel: $582; maint.: $64; tolls: $19; parking: $2):
Computer (Starlink, phone screen repair, domain):
Dog (food):
Dining out:
Utilities (internet: $84; water: $4):
Medical (hospital & X-ray Mark):
Transportation (taxis):
Camper (repairs):
Drinking out:
Miscellaneous (accident):
Camping (Casa Lena):
$ 2,280
(It might be easier to read the table when turning your device in the horizontal position.)
Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.
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October 9, 2023 at 16:24
We don’t track our expenses *nearly* as well as you do but we estimate 11,000 miles per year and at 10 MPG and $6USD per gallon, that’s $6,600 per year or $550 per month = close! 🙂
October 10, 2023 at 13:18
Hi Jim,
Thanks for swinging by here and leaving a comment. Ouch about the monthly fuel bill, right? We’d drive a Prius if we could, but they’re not quite suitable to carry a camper. Yet! 🙂
We hope the $600 for gasoline last month was an anomaly. Well, last month and the previous one. We need to slow down. But, since we didn’t get that much time on our visas in Peru, it means we have to drive a lot to cover all the ground. Fuel should be cheaper in Bolivia, once we get there.
October 9, 2023 at 17:14
Hopefully, your travels during October will be more relaxing and not as stressful while driving & camping.
October 10, 2023 at 13:23
Thanks, Nancy! We will see… We have a few logistics to figure out. If that goes well, we can be a bit more relaxed.
October 9, 2023 at 17:16
Kind of crazy expensive for you guys! But hopefully the Starlink is going to make it easier for you to make money and travel. I havevlots of questions about it. Like how did you find this guy you bought it from? Where does he get them? How are you going to install it? Why wasn’t your credit card accepted – don’t you use your card for other things in South America?
Peru looks so beautiful and seems to great cultural things to see. I hope you are starting to enjoy it more. The drinks look wonderful! Did you enjoy the vegetarian restaurant? What kind of vegetarian things do Peruvian eat?
I’ve been wondering how easy it is to find flax seed in South America. I guess you are good for a while now.
And I’m so glad you fixed your phone. Are you getting used to taking pictures with it.
Miss you guys! Feel better soon!
October 10, 2023 at 13:41
Hi Duwan,
Let me answer some of your questions, so we can talk on the phone about other things, later. 🙂
We found the “Starlink guy” (Junior) on a Peru-based Starlink Facebook group, recommended to us via a Lima expat group, I believe. I’d gotten desperate – and sick of Mark’s frustrations – that I asked around on the internet about where we could find Starlink in Peru/Lima, especially after discovering there’s a Starlink warehouse in the city. One thing lead to the next…
Starlink’s website has some high-tech fraud protection, which means some international credit cards work, others don’t. Not sure why. We actually gave the Starlink spiel to Rodney yesterday (yes, we finally met up again in a campground in Cusco – wish you were here too) and he managed to immediately buy it on the Starlink site, no problem, using all the tips and info we gave him. Just bad luck on our part? That happens often.
Also, it is actually very difficult to order things online in the South American countries. None of the cell phone providers allow international cards for their pre-paid plans, to order from online stores, you need a local ID number (cedula),… but usually, with someone’s help, you can manage. Not on the Starlink site, though.
Our guy in Lima ordered the units on the Starlink site and had them shipped to addresses of himself, his girlfriend, and his family. No idea why he got them for a better price. That was a personal matter, he told us.
Mark cut the Starlink dish a couple of days ago and we are in the midst of installing it flat and changing it to 12 volt, which has been a major, frustrating, and multiple-day project, even though he planned it well and we had parts arrive from the States. The (Ethernet) wiring is a pain in the ass. We get a lot of drops and are still trying to figure out what the problem is. With our luck, one of the parts (cable, POE, …) is defective. Hard to diagnose, though.
We will integrate the sliced, now narrow dish into a plastic dome in the ceiling of our camper. I’ll post some photos on Facebook today or tomorrow.
We have actually been able to find flaxseeds (whole and ground) in each country. We bought a bunch in Colombia (cheap) and just ran out. Now, we found them in bulk, which is cheaper than in the aisles, so we are happy about that. We paid about $3 a pound for the whole seeds, here in Peru.
It’s not easy to find vegetarian dishes here, but cities like Cusco and Lima, the choice is diverse. And, yes, we enjoyed the meals at the vegetarian restaurant here in Cusco and even went twice so far. They have soy/lentil burgers, Chinese-inspired dishes, omelette, and a whole array of different dishes – many pages in the menu – that all sound good. It would be nice to go there with you both, if our timing works out.
And, yes, I’m fine taking photos with the phone. It’s easy. But I do get annoyed when I want to snap a quick shot and I have to get through a few steps before I reach the camera setting. The only reason I use this thing is to be able to post my photos directly to Facebook. If it wasn’t for that, I’d stick to a normal camera.
October 28, 2023 at 16:22
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back here to read your comments. Thanks for answering. So glad you found a better solution for your internet. We just bought more lithium batteries from Singapore and couldn’t use our credit card. Maybe it was the same sort of problem. It was very frustrating. We finally sent a wire transfer. I’m pretty sure the whole world is going to shit so I wanted to go ahead and get the batteries now for the next van.
October 29, 2023 at 21:57
Good idea about getting more lithium batteries. Did you order the cells again and will Greg build another one. Two? Yeah, the world doesn’t seem to be doing too well these years. We certainly love being flexible and mobile!
October 9, 2023 at 17:21
You say this is your worst month, but I see some bright spots: your Starlink satellite internet system, more scenic sights, socializing with Italian friends, and Mark’s beaming face eating rooster soup-ha! Brava to you, Liesbet, for being able to converse in Spanish and offering to negotiate. What a woman! 😀
October 10, 2023 at 14:18
Hi Marian,
Yes, there are always bright spots! I think we are just too exhausted to see them these days. Thank you for pointing out the positives. Starlink should be awesome – and our savior in many cases – and, yes, we enjoyed getting to know and hanging out with our Italian buddies. They’re already in Bolivia right now.
I guess if you manage to be mad in a different language, it means you can speak that language okay, huh? 🙂
October 9, 2023 at 18:27
Honestly Liesbet, I know you are a bit behind in your posts, and I keep hoping against hope that you two have finally found something positive about this god forsaken country. Please tell me that it gets better.
October 11, 2023 at 11:06
Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for your good and positive wishes.
Peru remains a struggle somehow and the interesting part is that we are not the only ones thinking so. Most overlanders are quickly rushing through, because “Peru is wearing them out”. And they have less time than us for this trip.
We think by slowing down, we might find some peace. Time will tell. We are finally recovering from being sick for over a week, while still running errands and doing big projects (since we need to keep making progress and are currently paying for camping).
This week, we hope to do some sightseeing, so the moods and energy might turn for the best. 🙂
October 9, 2023 at 18:38
How is the ceviche in Peru?
October 11, 2023 at 11:07
The two times we had ceviche – at a small fishing village and in Lima – it was really good! 🙂
October 9, 2023 at 19:10
You see some amazing places there. But after your issues with the Internet, gas prices, and everything else…I’d still pass. Or pay for first class all the way. At my age, that’s the best deal.
October 11, 2023 at 11:09
Haha, Alex, you are so right. And, you know yourself! Doing these overland trips is not for people who enjoy and/or crave creature comforts! 🙂
October 9, 2023 at 20:28
I continue to be amazed by how you have to figure out everything by yourselves. The original generalists. Kudos!
October 11, 2023 at 11:10
Hi Jacqui,
Being flexible, creative, resourceful, patient, determined, tolerant, open-minded, and adventurous are all qualities that are essential for this kind of lifestyle. Especially when you are on a budget and aim to be self-reliant. What’s life without a good challenge once in a while? 🙂
October 9, 2023 at 21:46
I would imagine that Starlink was one of your best investments. As expensive as gas may seem in Peru, it was only a few weeks ago I was paying $6.50 per gallon for gas in California. Who knew that the current price of $5.75 would seem like a relative bargain?
October 11, 2023 at 11:13
Hi Pete,
I think you’re right. Starlink will “pay for itself” over time, not in the least by making our lives easier and less stressful in that field. Imagine being able to use the internet as if you are in a house.. 🙂
Gas has been crazy expensive in California! In general, people’s income matches the high cost of living in the US, though. I find that quite different here in Peru. Many Peruvians have converted their cars to drive on propane gas.
October 10, 2023 at 00:13
Hi, Liesbet – Starlinks does sounds like a good investment. I hope that you and Mark are both feeling better soon and have a smooth month ahead! <3
October 11, 2023 at 11:16
Hello Donna!
I hope Richard is recovering nicely…
Yes, Starlink will be – and has been – a game changer. It’s almost like using fast and reliable internet in a house. 🙂 And, to be honest, at a cost of about $500 for the system, extra parts, and installation and five days of intensive work, it surely appeared like one of the many projects we tackled on our boat, but still much cheaper! 🙂
Mark and I have finally turned the corner during this illness! Every day now, we are feeling a little bit better.
October 10, 2023 at 11:32
Travelling through Peru always has its highs and lows. We were robbed in Chiclayo and had a pick-pocket incident there, but travelling overland by bus was an experience.
Ouch, that’s expensive for fuel and bet that you wish you had a sailing boat right now. 😉
Just watched your video of your Thirsty Bella walk-through – she’s exactly what we want to buy when we return to Australia from this travel jaunt in 2025. Although, probably a single cab ute (truck) as it’s just the 2 of us so hoping this would give us a slightly bigger camper.
October 11, 2023 at 11:21
Hi Nilla,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences about your visit to Peru here. It’s nice to have people be objective and see things in perspective. Yet, I’m so sorry those criminal events happened to you. While talking to other overlanders, we have noticed that every single one of them has had negative experiences in some Latin American country. It does happen, sadly enough.
I love your statement about the boat. Haha. Yes, for fuel cost reasons, we’d love to be sailing right now. But, still, traveling overland is so much easier than on the oceans!
Thanks for watching the camper video. We do love this set-up, especially for rougher terrain, where high clearance and 4WD comes in handy. A good vehicle for Australia, but the fuel efficiency isn’t great… That’ll be a cool adventure that you have ahead of you!
October 12, 2023 at 06:32
Yeah, after travelling overland in several South American countries in 2011, everyone we met (and met loads of travellers) had a negative experience. I think if you’re on an organised tour, this doesn’t happen as much, but as independent travellers, it’s a different story. I’m surprised to hear that 13 years on, nothing has changed.
Agree that travelling overland is much easier than on the sea. 😉
We bought a motorhome in the UK and did some travelling through the UK and Europe. After living on a boat for 21 years, I was particular about what space would be best in a motorhome, and we found Reg (1997 Fiat Ducato with a French coach (Chasson). It was perfect but not 4WD. Also, you don’t have wheels once set up with a motorhome. Everything is a compromise.
October 13, 2023 at 22:27
Hi Nilla,
It’s so strange that independent travel is less safe than organized tours. We are all contributing to the economy here and supporting the locals. It does sound like not much has changed in twelve years from that perspective!
I’m glad you managed to experience some motor home travel before as well. We used to have electric bikes when “overlanding” in North America, to give us flexibility visiting national parks and going grocery shopping. Although, after adopting Maya, we used them less. The truck camper set-up we have now allows us to separate the two, but you need a safe and level place to leave the camper behind. When boondocking the way we do, this is rarely possible.
Every continent seems to have its ideal rig, although, like you say, everything is a compromise! On boats and campers. 🙂
October 10, 2023 at 17:25
Wow, I’m exhausted after just *reading* about your adventures. Actually experiencing them must be something else again. How much longer do you intend to explore South America?
October 11, 2023 at 11:24
Hi Diane,
We are long not done here, so I hope you will keep reading from your safe and comfortable couch. 🙂 Peru is particularly tough and we expect more positive experiences once we head further south. But, to answer your question, we are about one year into our South American travels now and expect to stay at least another two years. Hurray! 🙂
October 11, 2023 at 13:44
Two more years under the conditions you’ve been experiencing would seem like a life sentence for me. But of course I’ll keep reading – I’m still fascinated by your journey, even though it makes me shudder sometimes! 🙂
October 13, 2023 at 22:20
It’s good to be an armchair traveler sometimes! 🙂 Peru is a challenging country for us, although I have to admit that our time in Cusco and the Sacred Valley has been more pleasant, especially since we are feeling better now. And, I have to believe that some of our future countries will bring more joy!
October 10, 2023 at 17:39
Well, the scenery looks beautiful, but life sounds exhausting! Hope you are both over your illness.
October 11, 2023 at 11:26
Hi Anabel,
Exhausting is the perfect word for how we feel right now. Combined with being sick, it creates desperate feelings and moods. But, we are on the other end of this super cold, flu, or whatever it was, so everything is looking up again right now. We had planned to rent an apartment in Cusco for a month or so, to take a break from the road, but logistics don’t allow that quite yet. We will see what the fixture brings.
October 11, 2023 at 15:58
Hope things get better soon!
October 13, 2023 at 22:21
Thanks, Anabel. We’re both feeling better now, but still producing a lot of slime… Being in the Sacred Valley these last two days has been amazing!
October 13, 2023 at 13:19
????Sad to hear both of you got sick. Hospitals really are the easiest places to get viruses! Hopefully you’re feeling better now. Your post made me nostalgic for my time spent in Peru…still remember getting terrible altitude sickness and drowning in coca leaf tea to cure it. Sending you all the best as October flies by! Take care.
October 13, 2023 at 22:38
Hi there!
We usually never get sick, unless after a flight. Or a hospital visit, apparently. I think we have learned our lesson about wearing a mask again in those places. I’m so annoyed we forgot about that. Already! Luckily, after a good week, we are starting to feel better. Apart from the never-ending snot! 🙂
October sure is flying by! And, we are changing altitude a lot. Each time we go down to 10,000ft or less, we have to acclimatize again at higher elevations. In general, I feel I’m doing okay with it, unless certain times of the month, when my headaches always get worse, regardless. And the climbing on foot is tough. Or being sick at 12,000ft!
Did you feel the coca leaf tea helped? I’ve been drinking it heaps in our camper. Not sure if it helps and I do like the taste of the green tea with coca flavor better than the “pure” mate de coca.
October 16, 2023 at 23:05
You do realize this journey will make for a great book! You guys are so brave. And I’m so happy you got Starlink! Stay safe! <3
October 19, 2023 at 15:48
Hi Debby,
I have so many new stories and experiences to write about, but – as you know – don’t find the time and energy for that. Let alone another big project like a book. One day. Maybe. Part of me thinks: “Who cares?” I can’t even keep up with this blog, Facebook posts, my diary entries, and return emails to friends and family. Starlink has been a serious game changer. One less frustration to deal with or reason to move spots! 🙂
October 19, 2023 at 16:30
Just food for thought. I know your life is hectic. Just keep notes on daily events so you have something to recall from. 🙂 And thank goodness for your Starlink! <3
October 20, 2023 at 11:57
Thanks, Debby. Yes, Starlink is our saving grace! Mark is currently working and I’m using it for all my internet “needs”. We are currently camped in the middle of nowhere in an area without cell service but with awesome rock formations resembling a mini Monument Valley! 🙂
PS: I write notes every day for about an hour! Wish my life was more boring with less to report, at times.
October 20, 2023 at 15:18
Lol Liesbet. I hear you. 🙂 x
October 20, 2023 at 21:33
October 18, 2023 at 10:09
I’m so sorry you guys got sick after that hospital visit Mark had. How is he doing now? Has the pain eased?
Glad you got set up with good wifi through Starlink, though. I’d have been the same with not wanting to have met Junior at his house, especially given you said it was not in a very nice part of Lima. But how nice of the guarantee he gave you in saying he’d give you your money back if it did not work.
Driving in Peru sounds horrendous, Liesbet. No wonder you let Mark do the driving. I don’t think I could cope with what you guys have to put up with on the roads in Peru.
Glad Maya is all set up with her food. But I bet those 18 weeks will go quick, so keep looking for the next batch.
October 19, 2023 at 15:57
Hi Hugh,
Mark’s chest pain is slowly easing. Thanks for asking. And, other than some remnants of a cold, we are both feeling better in that area as well. Regarding Starlink, we are still a little weary about the entire exchange with Junior, but all seems fine so far. After we will have paid for two monthly billing cycles without issues, I think we will be able to relax about that episode.
You are right about driving in Peru; it is horrendous. I might write a separate blog post about that (it deserves one), if I find the time and energy. Regardless, in my next blog, I will post a few photos showing some of the driving habits in this country… Because it has such a big impact on our travels here.
Yes, those 18 weeks of having food for Maya will go super quick. We might grab another bag somewhere before we cross the border into Bolivia. At the moment, we are mixing her last bag of perfect food (which they have in Colombia) with the first one we found here, which is okay, but doesn’t have any grains. Once we are completely on her new food, we will probably substitute some of it with cooked quinoa. That will make the bags last longer as well, but is more work for us.