People who frequently read CNN or who follow me on social media most likely saw the faces of Mark and me pop up in their feed, this past weekend. It made me happy, imagining the smiles, surprise, and recognition during those moments. Some of you subscribed to my blog because of it. Thank you – and welcome!

Lead article on CNN’s home page, this past Saturday
For Roaming About readers who have no idea what I’m talking about, this is the link to our CNN appearance; a story that you might recognize after reading my travel memoir Plunge:
Here’s what happened…
A blogging friend of mine, Annie Berger from The Adventures of Annie and Steven Berger, who was featured in the CNN Travel series Chance Encounters last year (read their love story here), and who knows Mark and my meet-up story, suggested I pitch journalist Francesca Street myself. Annie thought our “chance encounter” was unique and appealing and she was right. Thank you for making this happen, Annie!
Francesca interviewed us via Zoom in Cuenca, Ecuador, exactly one week ago, and I was to email her photos later that week. But, due to a rescheduling decision within CNN, our story would publish barely three days after the interview and I frantically selected a bunch of photos, captioned them, and sent them to Francesca. The feature went live Thursday night our time!
On Friday morning, Mark saw our story on CNN during his usual browsing of the news and I woke up to a frenzy of messages and Facebook friends posting the feature on my timeline. Over the weekend, I replied to heaps of comments, emails, and inquiries and we were flabbergasted at the press and the reactions. Friends told us we were one of the prominent stories on CNN’s homepage, Saturday night. So, Mark used a VPN to see the US version of the news channel. Sure enough, there we were, front and center among the world news. It was a bit ridiculous.

Part of CNN’s home page
Surprisingly, the feature also created quite a bit of hate mail and negative reactions addressed to me, mostly on Twitter. I plan to close my account there soon, because of it. I had no idea about its toxic environment. Running a business and writing a book have helped me grow a thick skin, so it was easy to brush the haters off. If you end up reading the following examples, I have to warn you about foul language and nastiness.
A positive effect is that my memoir Plunge – One Woman’s Pursuit of a Life Less Ordinary had a nice boost in sales, which in turn, pushed it towards Amazon Bestseller status for many categories.
The high rankings are still going strong at the moment. 🙂
And, tomorrow, I am scheduled to speak about my book and our travels at the local library here in Vilcabamba, Ecuador, because the event organizer saw our story on CNN.

Scheduled to speak at the library of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, this week
A big thank you to everyone who has been supportive during our whirlwind of “fame” this past weekend – for reading the article, enjoying our story, sending messages, buying my book, and generally having a positive influence on others and the world!

Mark, Liesbet, and truck camper Thirsty Bella in front of the Cotopaxi volcano in Ecuador
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July 25, 2023 at 13:22
So well deserved, fame or whatever good comes your way. You’ve certainly put in the work to keep us all on the ‘ride’ with you!! Congratulations !!
July 26, 2023 at 10:39
Thanks, Carol. It was a fun experience over the weekend, but the attention is wearing off now, which is good in a way. I’d love for the book sales to keep going, but it’s nice to have our life back and focus on something else than the CNN article and all the commotion it created. 🙂
July 25, 2023 at 13:37
I loved reading about your history as a couple! No wonder you can handle difficult travel so well (as in Columbia) Congratulations for a live well lived so far and continuing best wishes!
July 26, 2023 at 06:40
Colombia. The most misspelled country in the world.
July 26, 2023 at 11:22
🙂 Before I visited Colombia, I thought it was spelled Columbia as well. I think that’s its spelling in Dutch. Maybe it has to do with that outdoor brand? I also didn’t know the Colombians hate to have their country spelled wrong and there are even T-shirts about that. On the other hand, do you know how many people (even friends and family) still spell my name wrong?
July 26, 2023 at 10:41
Thanks a lot for the kind words and the support, Marie! Yes, we’ve been through a lot as a couple and faced some challenges in Colombia as well. I hope it’s “smooth sailing” from now on, but choosing a lifestyle like ours undoubtedly comes with stressful and not-so-fun times as well.
July 25, 2023 at 14:11
Dear Liesbet, what an amazing story how you and Mark met – I have tears in my eyes.
July 26, 2023 at 10:42
Dear Heinz,
I appreciate your sweet comment! Welcome to the blog. I hope you’ll keep following our adventures. The good, the bad, and the ugly! 🙂
July 25, 2023 at 14:13
Congratulations! Didn’t see it as I avoid CNN. Nice that it boosted sales.
July 26, 2023 at 10:43
Thanks, Alex. Yep, the CNN article surely helped with promotion!
July 25, 2023 at 15:05
Wild! I wish I would have seen this before. I remembered reading about most of your past relationship when I read Plunge. Developing a lot of thick skin is a necessity when people are somewhat in the public eye. Humans make all kinds of generalizations and assumptions that they think they know someone through one snippet (which may be accurate or not) of information.
July 26, 2023 at 10:45
True words, Pete. Although in some situations, everything gets politicized and, since there are two main groups in the US, certain lifestyles and decisions get frowned upon, depending in which category you fall. It’s all pretty stupid. Plus, there are trolls out there who just spit out hate mail for the fun of it. One person totally changed her/his tune after taking a more human approach.
July 25, 2023 at 15:32
Glad you got this exposure, despite the haters! As to Twitter, I mean X, yeah, I feel it’s time to say goodbye.
July 26, 2023 at 10:46
Hi Margie,
Thanks for weighing in. I’ll close my Twitter account the end of the month. Have a great Wednesday!
July 25, 2023 at 17:34
Wow that is amazing. I saw this on CNN and I read it but I did not realize it was you. I was thinking it looks like you but I didn’t think it was. Congratulations on being featured on CNN. Now I know someone famous. Sorry about the hatemail/comments you received. That’s how twitter and much of social media is. Lots of nonsense and those with the least to say often say the most.
July 26, 2023 at 11:01
Haha, Thomas, I doubt I’m famous, but the temporary attention was fun while it lasted. 🙂
Yeah, that experience with those haters makes one realize what certain platforms are made of. Better to cut down on social media anyway. This gave me a good reason/excuse to close my Twitter account. I love your last line about those with the least to say often saying the most!
July 25, 2023 at 18:29
Liesbet, this is well deserved attention to your extraordinary life story. You dared to take a different path and without a doubt you have inspired others to do the same. Congratulations!
July 26, 2023 at 11:03
Thanks for the kudos and the beautiful words, Suzanne. I had been hoping to share our nomadic lifestyle story in the big press, but I guess journalists, editors, and the public prefer love stories. 🙂
July 25, 2023 at 19:17
Congratulations, Liesbet. You’ve hit the big time. WOW!
Sorry, but I won’t read the ugly tweets. Not my style!
Take time to rest on your laurels, but knowing you, it won’t be long–ha!
July 26, 2023 at 11:05
Haha, Marian. You are right. No rest for the weary. In exactly one hour, I have a presentation scheduled at the library here in Vilcabamba, Ecuador (I’m a tad nervous), then I have some paid work lined up, I’m still behind with my diaries, blogs, and emails, and I urgently have to read about Peru and research places to sleep and visit, as we are crossing the border in a few days. Phew! 🙂
July 25, 2023 at 19:17
Congratulations to you two. So well deserved!!!! Wow, the negative comments you shared. I am not sure how to even respond. We, of course, have never had the level of exposure that you two just experienced, and we have had only one negative comment. It hurt to read what they said about us and we had the privilege to simply delete it from our blog. But… even though it has been years since the comment, Carmen and I talk about it ever so often and how it hurt, in spite of it being, in our opinion, a false assumption about us. I commend you both for rising above these stupid uninformed comments and realize you two are special people, with special talents, and that your love of each other is what is important. That all being said, your recent experience scare the sh?t out of us. Laying our lives out there, like you two are doing, has risks and exposing ourselves to the public will always bring out the best, and unfortunately, the worst in folks. Bless you two and as you pursue joy and happiness in your journeys. As always, your friend, Jim.
July 26, 2023 at 11:10
Hi Jim,
I’m sorry you had to deal with that negative comment. Especially kind, helpful, caring, and generous people like you two don’t deserve any negativity. But, it happens. As you noticed.
We dealt with it when running our business, when receiving one-star reviews for Plunge (those hurt the most), and when sharing our experiences. You can’t NOT take those hate comments personally. But, fortunately, the positives well outweigh the negatives, so we keep on plugging away. And, if I really get tired of the energy, time, and effort involved with blogging, writing, promoting, social media, … I can either stop or take a break. 🙂
Keep on writing about, photographing, and sharing your incredible RV adventures on your blog, please!
July 25, 2023 at 21:50
1) What is wrong with people? Seriously, you got hate for this sweet tale where everyone came across well? Ugh. So sorry!
2) I’m grateful to CNN for sharing your story. I’m a happy homebody who likes reading about people who are different in outlook.
3) As I commented before I loved Plunge and had a great time reading all of it over the weekend. So happy to hear sakes have boosted a bit. It’s well deserved!
July 26, 2023 at 11:14
Hi Arden,
I have no idea what is wrong with people and why they would even waste energy on leaving comments like those. Something strange in their brains if that gives them pleasure. But also sad and pathetic, so I actually feel sorry for them! That they don’t have anything better to do and that they – obviously – are not very happy with and in their own lives.
I’m so glad you read the CNN story, enjoyed my book, and subscribed to my blog. I wish you many armchair adventure years ahead. 🙂
Thanks again for your support and enthusiasm. And for leaving a review for Plunge already as well. It hasn’t posted yet, but I’m only checking the US market. Maybe you are located elsewhere?
July 26, 2023 at 20:57
I got a message from Amazon that it posted today ( under my Amazon user name Maya). I am in the US.
July 27, 2023 at 11:50
It posted on Amazon!!! Thank you so much for your great Plunge review. It really helps me as an indie author. Have a fabulous end of the week, Arden/Maya! 🙂
July 25, 2023 at 23:53
“The heart knows” is a proverb I often hear in the Deep South which overides all conventional rules and norms. Adventure has no room for skeptics. They’re too bulky, too heavy, make too much noise and eat way too much. Throw them overboard and sail on, roll on, rock on … whatever it takes.
Well done.
July 26, 2023 at 11:16
Haha! You sure made me laugh with that comment, Carmen. I can count on you to pick up courage again and turn my mood around! Let’s go! Thank you for this wonderful statement.
July 26, 2023 at 05:57
Continue to Live !!! Hell, after 20 years of LOVE people still have something to say. Perhaps they missed the part of the story that mentioned your ex also got married. I pray that guys have another 20 plus years. Thank you for sharing your story. I read everything and I am most excited about your travels. Have fun. Be free. And just BE!!
July 26, 2023 at 11:18
Hi Tania,
Thank you for reading our story, for leaving a beautiful comment, and for following along with what comes next. The future is (always) unknown to us, but we do hope to cross the border with Peru in a few days. As we round up our months in Ecuador, we have been a tad nervous and stressed about what’s to come, but we do know love prevails!
July 26, 2023 at 09:51
Check out Olon, Ecuador it’s a quiet beach town you might enjoy
July 26, 2023 at 11:24
Thanks, Craig. Someone else – or was that you, too – mentioned Olon on Facebook. We decided to skip the coast based on increased reports of criminality in that part of Ecuador and because we were running out of visa time and it would have been a huge detour. Maybe next time around… 🙂
July 26, 2023 at 13:55
I enjoyed reading your article when you linked it from Facebook, and I read a few of the other stories too. And, it’s fabulous that you got a good bump in book sales.
I’m sorry you got some hateful comments. It’s sad when relationships (like yours and Karl’s) don’t work out, but that happens all the time. No one should be forced to stay with someone just because others think they should. You met a better match in Mark and it sounds like Karl did well also. I would X-pell myself from Twitter… lots of toxicity there.
July 26, 2023 at 20:03
Hi Janis,
Yes, I am X-pelling myself from that social media channel. 🙂
I agree with you regarding relationships. So many people stay in a relationship that they are unhappy with, just because they want to stick to their vows, because they feel they have to, because others tell them to, or because they are scared to leave a familiar situation. We only have one, precious life. We better make it count and (try to) be happy.
July 26, 2023 at 16:21
This is so very cool that you got such great exposure. I read the CNN article about Annie and Steve (another great love story) and thought this might be part of the same series.
The haters are amazing. Apparently none of them read the whole story. It’s tempting to strike back at them but obviously they are already miserable and living in a deep dark hole somewhere.
So happy about more book sales!
And really it is a great story. My favorite part is, “It was like she’d opened up a window to a life he’d never even considered, but was immediately enthralled by.” Life doesn’t have to have a formula that everyone follows. You can make it up as you go along. You never have to follow the beaten path.
July 26, 2023 at 20:07
Hi Duwan,
I’m glad you read Annie and Steve’s story as well, since you follow their blog and they comment on yours. 🙂
Yes, the book sales have been great and the haters, really, have not affected us. Mark and his college friends are having a ball with all those statements. We did learn a new word from it: hobosexuals! People who get in a relationship to not be homeless anymore, haha. The funny thing is that with Mark and I it worked opposite, instead of me choosing him to not be homeless anymore, he became homeless!
You two and us obviously do not follow a beaten path. We love making it up as we go. Is there anything else that offers more freedom? 🙂
July 26, 2023 at 16:27
Congratulations on your “15 minutes of fame”. 🙂 It’s great that it resulted in some sales of your book, too – win!
July 26, 2023 at 20:09
Hi Diane!
Oh, how I enjoyed those 15 minutes of fame. It was nice as long as it lasted. My favorite part was friends and family stumbling across our faces on the homepage of CNN and not believing their eyes. 🙂
July 26, 2023 at 16:30
Hi, Liesbet and Mark – This story was the top article on our CNN feed last week. Richard saw it first and thought ut must be a different Liesbet and Mark!
Congratulations on this feature – it is very well deserved. Ignore the trolls and don’t let them get to you.
July 26, 2023 at 20:10
Hi Donna!
How I wished to be a fly on your wall when Richard saw our faces and names and told you about it. 🙂
Oh, the trolls are ignored. But, you know me, I always have to show both sides of each coin!
July 27, 2023 at 09:34
Thanks for sharing this CNN feature with us, Liesbet. Congratulations on being featured. We don’t get CNN in the UK, so I’d never have known about it, although you did mention in your guest post on my blog a few years ago about how Mark and you met. Strangely, that post had a surge in views earlier this week. Now I know why.
As for the trolls, unfortunately we put ourselves in their line of vision when we go online. I’ve had more trolls visit me on my blog than I have on any of the social media sites. Once I know it’s a troll comment, I stop reading it, mark it as spam, and delete it. They’re not worth a second of my life.
Anyway, it’s great you were featured and I’m so pleased it’s sent Plunge to the top of the book charts.
July 27, 2023 at 11:56
Hi Hugh,
Finally appearing in a big news outlet was super rewarding and fun. I’ve pitched a lot of them over the last three years, to no avail. Interesting that my guest post on your blog received increased traffic. I guess quite a few people did a Google search for “Liesbet and Mark” or something like that! 🙂
Some people must get CNN in the UK (the digital version), since I thought it is an international online outlet and the journalist of our feature is based in the UK.
Yeah, when you “go public” with a blog, article, or book, you expose yourself to a lot of different people – the good, the bad, and the ugly ones! Luckily, over the years, I’ve learned to grow thick skin and now, we just laugh at the stupidity of it all. Like you, I delete those troll comments (except on Twitter, where it just posts and can’t get deleted), but unlike you, I do read them all, because I’m just too curious.
The book sales have been great this month. I’m very thankful for that, especially since I was about to give up on all my promotion efforts…
July 27, 2023 at 12:49
I know you and I already discussed this. See what I told you then? All publicity is good publicity! No doubts the article helped sell books, and who knows what more come from it? As for the haters, you know it girl, the world is full of them. Just don’t reply to them, let it roll and take in all the good from it. <3 xx
August 4, 2023 at 08:49
Wise words, dear Debby. I take them to heart. And, yes, I did sell a bunch of books because of the CNN article. Yay. Have a wonderful weekend! Xxx
August 4, 2023 at 09:00
Go you!!! Thanks Liesbet. Wishing you too a wonderful weekend. Hugs xx
August 4, 2023 at 09:03
July 27, 2023 at 13:56
Congrats, Liesbet! Enjoy your fame and success. I wouldn’t waste my time and energy on haters.
August 4, 2023 at 08:50
Hi Natalie,
My fifteen minutes of fame were fun, but also a bit busy and overwhelming. Life is back to normal now – exploring, working, taking care of our lives on the road. We just crossed into Peru. 🙂
July 29, 2023 at 21:15
conheci sua historia pelo cnn brasil , parabens pela coragem que voces tiveram e que historia linda de amor de voces , Beijos do Brasil.
August 4, 2023 at 08:54
Oi Charles,
Estou tão feliz que você descobriu nossa história e gostou de ler sobre isso. obrigada pelas palavras gentis e espero que continue acompanhando nossas aventuras aqui no blog. Há um botão de tradução à direita da página, caso você queira ler sobre nossas experiências em português. 🙂
Estamos ansiosos para visitar seu país em um ano ou mais durante nossas explorações na América do Sul.
July 30, 2023 at 23:49
CNN was a good leaning experience. I enjoyed reading the article. I don’t follow CNN so was glad to read the link you created. I bet the CNN link could bear more fruit internationally homehow.
August 4, 2023 at 09:00
Hi Ann,
Thanks for reading our love story on CNN. Just as you mentioned the international coverage, I received a nice email from a newspaper reader in and from Brazil! In Portuguese. It’s been an interesting ride, for sure.
Every morning, Mark scans CNN’s home page to quickly catch up on the news. It was cool he saw our faces on there, whenever the article had been published. 🙂
August 1, 2023 at 19:05
Congratulations on your CNN coverage, Liesbet. I don’t subscribe to CNN, so only found out through your blog. I’m sorry to hear about the negative stuff on Twitter. It’s so disheartening that online tolerance and kindness is hard to find.
August 4, 2023 at 09:02
Hi Debra,
Thanks for checking out our story on CNN. It sure gave us, our blog, and my book great exposure.
Regarding the hate messages – it’s just too easy for people to anonymously be jerks online. I’ve closed my Twitter account and will focus on the good. Too much time spent on social media as it is anyway.
Have a wonderful weekend!