Roaming About

A Life Less Ordinary

Annual Expense Report of a Nomad – 2024 (Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, USA, Belgium, Uruguay)

Expenses - image

Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. “The less money you spend, the less you need to make” is our motto. 🙂 At the beginning of each year, I produce an expense report for the previous 12 months. This is the most recent one, for 2024.

Our first yearly expense report (2016) can be found here, the report of 2017 is here, the one for 2018 here, our 2019 expenses are located here, our total costs for 2020 are documented here, those for 2021 are detailed here, 2022’s financial summary hides here, and you can find our full expense report for 2023 here.

These reports include ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and a 60-pound dog. We adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019. Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups, we both return to the US East Coast. The internet cost is for our Starlink’s monthly subscription fees. We bought our satellite dish in Lima, Peru, in September 2023.

In 2024, Mark, Maya, and I drove from Bolivia to South America’s tip, passing through Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina in our truck camper Thirsty Bella. We also took a three-month break from the road in Massachusetts, USA and Belgium.

On this multiple-year South American overland journey, which started in November 2022, so far we visited Colombia for six months, Ecuador for three, Peru for five, and Bolivia for a month and a half.  We continued with a couple of months in Chile, a month in Uruguay, and about eight months in Argentina. That’s a lot of driving.

So, it is no surprise that the biggest expense category for last year was, once again, our vehicle ($6,248!), with $3,587 going to fuel.

Maintaining the F350 truck cost over $2,000, since we had a $600 spark plug issue in Buenos Aires, we bought four brand-new tires in Chile, and we keep on buying new ignition coils, generic ones in Bolivia and better ones in the US.

Furthermore, liability insurance for the MERCOSUR countries, obtained in Argentina, tripled within four months ($412) and we paid $123 in parking fees and $68 for tolls. Yup, Thirsty drank a lot of money in 2024!

More than $3,000 went to groceries, which was a couple of hundred dollars more than last year. I guess we can blame the insane inflation in Argentina for that. Although, because of it, we only buy necessities. We hope that wherever we spend the bulk of our time this year, life will be cheaper.

The travel category was a big one ($2,357), because the three of us flew to both our home countries, an extremely rare occasion. We enjoyed this break from the road, since we’ve been roaming about fulltime for 21 years now. This amount bought us return flights from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Boston, MA, and from Boston to Brussels, Belgium, plus one checked bag for the last leg.

Maya had her most expensive year as well at over $1,200. Not because she got sick, however. All those international health certificates and export permits added up, especially when two of them had to be obtained in the US. Our little family flying “home” is not only logistically challenging…

In 2024, Mark and I also purchased high-quality dogfood for $300 and pet supplies for $134, and gave vet clinics $130.

Our alcohol expenses remained similar to 2023 at around $600. We mostly bought decent, local wines at $4 a bottle.

Money spent on gifts ($554) went up a bunch, because there was a wedding present involved, on top of the usual birthday and Christmas gifts. And, Mark and I offered my parents thank-you tickets for a musical as well, because they were super generous over the summer.

Computer costs ($548) include keyboards and hard drives, a new tablet for the car, another router for Bella, hosting fees, and software. Leave it to Mark to find the best deals for all of this.

We spent only 1/3 of last year’s amount on dining out ($478). You can definitely blame the insane increase of prices in Argentina for that. Plus, we received donations for this splurge as well, some of which I am saving for 2025. I have to admit that because of our frugal attitude towards restaurants, our quality of life feels like it has gone down. Way more cooking and dishes and fatigue!

Utilities, camper repairs, clothing, and household supplies were on par with 2023.

Internet, propane gas, and water are necessities in life. For our interior, we could use a new DC-DC charger and a bathroom faucet, as well as household batteries, poop bags, sheets, and wine glasses. We also bought a jerry can to carry extra fuel.

The entertainment category wasn’t high, at $234, since we’ve been avoiding the steep national park entrance fees in Argentina and Chile and focused on free activities, like hiking, and more affordable visits. The most expensive excursion we booked in 2024 was an amazing day trip on the Salar (salt flats) of Uyuni, Bolivia.

As far as yearly clothing for two people, we didn’t go overboard. New hiking shoes, shorts, and jeans for Mark and two pairs of pants for me cost $134 in total.  The only reason the “Health & Fitness” category went up was our increased awareness and actions towards improved dental hygiene. We bought a water flosser, an electric toothbrush, and better toothpaste.

Transportation covers the use of Uber, cable cars, and taxis when we were camped on the outskirts of cities and our annual bank charge was a bit higher than before, because of a mistake with a (usually free) ATM fee.

I’m not sure if $100 a year for laundry is expensive, but, since drop-off prices in Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay are super high, we have been washing more and more clothes by hand, saving a lot of money. Self-serve machines in South America are very rare.

Mark and I only paid for camping once in 2024, which is hard to believe. Ten nights of fees went to Zapparancho ($83) near Buenos Aires, Argentina, because we needed a base to get ready for life on the road again after our summer break. And, we needed to fix a few things in a convenient location. This was also a good place to donate a lot of clothes and gear we didn’t use anymore.

Mark and I had bloodwork done in Bolivia, which makes up the $74 for medical costs. The miscellaneous category includes things like a voluntary contribution for being towed out of the sand in Northern Chile and an assortment of copies.

Getting towed out of the sand after a frightful twelve hours in Northern Chile

Another amount that has decreased a lot in 2024 is “drinking out.” Again, with current prices in bars and restaurants soaring, we are just as happy to have a drink at home. Especially since, surprise, decent bottles of wine in Argentina have remained very affordable.

I want to mention two more things in this expense report. First, thank you to everyone who has contributed a donation. We really appreciate this. Not only does it lower our annual costs, but it makes us smile and realize that you appreciate these blog posts and following along with our adventures.

Our only dinner out (with a friend) during our five weeks in Ushuaia

And, to be completely transparent, there was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and cost for me, Liesbet, at the end of 2024. I paid for a ten-day trip to Antarctica in January, which I will report on soon. It was super expensive, but as cheap as possible. I spent $5,752 on the “cruise” ticket with money I had saved up in Belgium, which is why it’s not reflected in our annual budget. This includes a $15 bank fee and $37 for mandatory insurance.

In conclusion, our 2024 total of $16,661 is a little bit higher than our $16K average of the last two decades. This boils down to just under $1,400 a month. Let’s see what 2025 brings!

2024 Overview:

Car (fuel: $3,587; maintenance: $2,057;

insurance: $412; parking: $123; tolls: 68):


Travel (plane tickets):

Dog (permits: $658; food: $299; supplies: $134; vet: $130):


Gifts (B-days, Christmas, wedding):

Computer (hardware: $355; hosting: $127; software: $66):

Dining out:

Utilities (internet: $336; prop.: $73; water: $13; Skype: $5):



Health & Fitness (haircuts, vitamins, teeth hygiene):



Transportation (Uber, taxis):

Bank fees (Chase visa card):




Drinking out:

Miscellaneous (towing, copies):






























$ 16,944

– $ 283


$ 16,661

(It might be easier to read the table when turning your device in the horizontal position.)

And that’s a wrap! If you are enjoying these posts and would like to help out with our expenses maintaining this blog, please click on the donate button underneath, in the side bar, or in the menu bar on top. I promise Roaming About will remain an ad-free website. Thank you!

Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend each month, check out the blogs of our vanlife friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.

Next up: Antarctica! (Or the January 2025 expense report.)

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  1. You three have an eventful, if challenging, life for $ 16,661!

    Watch for my Wednesday blog post–you’re in it!

    • Hi Marian,

      Sometimes, it feels like we are just paying money on fuel and food to be uncomfortable, overwhelmed, and constantly on the go, haha. Luckily, the amazing sights and experiences along the way make it all worthwhile. And, our freedom as well.

      I wonder what your blog post will be about… Does it involve laundry? 🙂

  2. You guys know how to live on the cheap.
    Those are some really interesting pizzas.
    And being so close, you couldn’t pass up an excursion to Antarctica.

    • Hi Alex,

      Other than the meals out being expensive in Argentina, they are rarely satisfying. Even the pizzas. We haven’t often ordered one that we liked, but they do look – and taste – interesting! 🙂

  3. Your frugalness continues to amaze me. Kudos to you for living life on your terms.

    • Hi Ingrid,

      It is incredible how long we’ve been living like this – frugal and free – but it gets exhausting and uncomfortable at times. The trick is to fit in breaks, which I seem to be ready for every six months in these underdeveloped countries. Yet, we only seem to take a it easy for a bit after every two years.

  4. You guys still seem to enjoy this nomadic life. That is wonderful. Masks on international flights–didn’t know they were still required.

    • Hi Jacqui,

      We mostly still enjoy this lifestyle, despite the challenges and the fact that I often feel exhausted and uncomfortable.

      Masks are not required anymore on international flights; we decide to wear them. While uncomfortable and annoying, they prevent us from getting sick. Not necessarily Covid, but any diseases floating around the plane that we usually succumb to. The only times Mark and I get sick, usually, is after a flight. Now, we can avoid that. 🙂

  5. I always enjoy the monthly recaps, and also the annual one, too!

  6. It’s very impressive that you’ve managed to keep your annual costs so close to the same over two decades! I can’t think of anything that hasn’t gotten (much) more expensive during that period.

    • Hi Diane,

      I think you’re right, everything has gone up in price over the years, especially the usual cost of living. I do think, in general, electronics have come down. Not that we buy or need a lot of that!

      Luckily, most countries have grocery chains that seem to be a bit more affordable than the rest. We just need to seek those out in every new country. And find the deals and generic products. I’m sure you can imagine that every shopping spree comes with its challenges for us, as every store is new! So, it always takes a while to find the items we need – or their prices! And we hate shopping in general…

      In the past, especially when sailing, we had steep years (around $20K a year) and affordable ones (at half that), depending on the boat projects needed. The last decade, when traveling overland, our yearly totals are closer to each other, ranging between $14,000 and $17,000.

  7. Hi, Liesbet – I continue to stand in awe of you, Mark and Maya. You prove daily that incredible adventure is possible without an insane amount of cash. Thank you for all of the details. They were very interesting. I also admire how generous that two of your are!

    • Hi Donna,

      I feel this last year we had to be extra careful with our expenses, because Argentina went from being one of the cheapest countries on the continent to the most expensive one. And it’s a big country. I can’t believe that Chile is actually cheaper and Uruguay is getting there as well. We do look forward to more affordable countries so we can eat out more, though!

      Thank you for the compliments and for the continued interest in our lifestyle, adventures, and finances. 🙂

  8. I think your numbers are amazing. We spent little less than twice what you did last year. We could probably do things a little cheaper – but I think we do things as cheap as we can without sacrificing comfort ($900 a month lodging budget). If you add up our expenses for accommodations and transportation, they are way more than your camper, truck, camping expenses!

    I’m glad you got to splurge a little. It makes being frugal worth it. And the trip to Antarctica. I’m not sure if I would spend the money on that, but I’m glad you did it. And you did it at the right time – while you are still young!

    What a great year! Wine, penguins, a giant Maya, and living a life out of the ordinary.

    Here’s to a great 2025!

    • Hi Duwan,

      I’m looking forward to your yearly expense report. Yeah, I’m super aware that accommodation takes the biggest chunk of money in your lifestyle right now. Just your transportation costs for 2024 will be less than our camper and car expenses. But, I guess accommodation is part of those expenses for us, in a way.

      Thanks for the 2025 wishes. I think – and hope – it will be a better year for the three of us, as last year was quite challenging and not very exciting or rewarding. I think this year contains way more highlights and world wonders. And, we will see you and Greg! 🙂

  9. Hi Liesbet! I tend to think that Thom and I are fairly frugal in comparison to so many people we know. But we can’t hold a candle next to you and Mark!!! It is a reminder that we all choose what is most important to you and like you said, freedom and adventure are obviously very high on your list. I along with everyone else, enjoy reading about your choices and how you continually overcome what I consider to be very challenging circumstances. I always look forward to seeing what comes next! ~Kathy

    • Hi Kathy,

      You and Thom are very aware of your finances, priorities, and personal life enhancements. I think the difference with us is that we HAVE to be this frugal, as we aren’t retired, don’t make much money, and (me anyway) never held a well-paying job, so don’t have many savings. I do hope I’ll be able to splurge more and be more comfortable in the foreseeable future. 🙂

      Your comment about looking forward about what comes next made me smile, as it does appear easier to read about our adventures than living through them, sometimes.

      • Oh I totally agree Lisbet! Just about every post you put out Thom and I talk about it and say to each other, “Can you believe what they are doing now?!” Not only is it much easier to read about your adventures it also helps us decide what we will do–AND DON’T DO!!!–ourselves! Thank you for that!

        • Haha, Kathy. I’m glad I can help with the weeding process of where to travel and why – or not. And, how. Or not. 🙂 I swear, one day Mark and I will be able to travel in comfort and with ease and pleasure. At least, mostly.

  10. What a fabulous photographic and travelogue capsule of your year – with expenses. I enjoyed looking at and reading it all. Mouth open, impressed, as always. <3

    • Hello Pam,

      I’m glad you enjoyed this recap. Most people don’t like to talk about finances or expenses, but we feel it’s a big part of what we do and who we are and it might inspire others to hit the road, without being rich or retired. That being said, we do crave an easier and more comfortable life at times. As we get older, these times seem to present themselves more often!

      • I understand, and yes, I think you do a service by sharing your expenses/finances. Most of us read this post and (at least I do) feel guilty when I realize how I overspend. I think you help us all simplify our expenses where possible. And yes, keep up with your love of roaming until it’s not enjoyable. Then, a change will come, and you’ll know when that is, and what it will be. (from your sage blogger friend). 🙂

        • Thank you for those wise words, Pam! It’s kind of a toss-up for me and our expenses. On the one hand, I am proud we can accomplish this much (seeing and experiencing the world) on a tight budget but on the other hand, I feel like we have to since we are (long) not retired and need to make money to survive – and travel. Yet, when you live on the road, there is less time to work. So, we have to do this cheaply, even though I wish we didn’t have to. If I would have “worked my whole life” at a decent salary, I would probably be less careful with my expenses also.

          • Interestingly, my guy and I watched friends who chose to work with ‘big corporate’ and made lots of money and a great pension, while we chose a more independent (working for ourselves) way. So yes, we don’t have a pension, and we watch our pennies, but I still feel we made the right choice for how we wanted to live. You two have done the same thing, only in an even more intensive way. But you would have gone crazy, not listening to your travel lust.

            • Great insights, Pam. I think you made the right decision. Being a slave of work and money is not the way to enjoy life in my opinion. But, when we get to a particular age and we realize how our peers now have plenty of money to do what they want and enjoy comfortable and relaxing vacations, thats when certain doubts set in. I think you’re right that we wouldn’t (have) fit well in a settled lifestyle.

  11. Well done. That makes it interesting reading. Most importantly, you guys are enjoying the adventure of spending what you are spending and living a great life based on what you want to do and how you want to live it.

    Thank you for sharing it all with us.

    • Hi Hugh,

      It’s a big job putting our annual expenses together, so I’m glad you enjoyed the read and the photos. Yes, in general, we love our life. But it can be so challenging and exhausting. Then I think about what would make this lifestyle a bit easier and there are no good answers.

      Living in a house would give us the break we sometimes need, but that comes with other challenges and, surely, extra costs. Plus, it does seem a bit boring. That being said, we might need a long break soon to regroup and catch our breaths.

  12. Liesbet, Well done keeping your expenses low in 2024. Thank you for sharing your annual report. I hope you continue enjoying exciting adventures with adequate comfort in 2025.

    • Hi Natalie,

      That adequate comfort you mention sounds really nice. Now, how do we achieve that, haha. I think chasing and enjoying exciting adventures will be the easier part for 2025, as we embark on the Carretera Austral tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks for following along, as always!

  13. Wow, you guys did amazing considering the cost of everything so expensive in the world. And yay for you! How exciting cruising in Antarctica! Have a great time! <3

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