Every month, I post a report of our expenses to show that it is possible to live a comfortable, exciting, and adventurous life without breaking the bank. The less money you spend, the less you need to make. 🙂
This report includes ALL of our expenses, in US$, for two adults and one 60-pound dog (we adopted Maya on June 4th, 2019). Under groceries we incorporate food, produce, and non-alcoholic drinks predominantly bought in supermarkets. Toiletries belong in that category as well. Dining out means eating at a restaurant/event or purchasing take-out food. The health category covers non-prescription medicines and vitamins/supplements; medical contains prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. Because of our income level, Mark and I are eligible for free health care within the state of Massachusetts. For check-ups and extensive care, we return to the US East Coast. Other health issues are resolved locally and out of pocket where needed.
Mark, Maya, and I spent the entire month of December with Thirsty Bella in Argentina, apart from two days in Chile during which we only paid for a ferry.
(As always, hover over or click on photos in galleries to read their captions.)
True to form, the car category was the highest, with about $500 going to fuel to cover the 700-mile (1,000km) distance from Puerto San Julian to Ushuaia and then exploring the southern tip of the continent in earnest. As you will notice in an upcoming post, Ushuaia has a lot to offer!
Over $150 went to maintenance for our truck. Mark finally bought a complete repair manual for our 2016 Ford F350, since we try to do all engine work ourselves. We shopped locally for brake cleaner and a C-clamp in order to replace our rear brakes. Of course, during that process, we faced an issue when one of the brake caliper pins appeared to be seized.
After trying to get the part unstuck with heat, twisting, and banging, Mark managed to remove the caliper and – after more attempts to loosen the pin – I wrapped it and hitched a ride with our friends to town, where I enlisted the help of a mechanic to separate the parts. It didn’t look promising, but after an hour of blasting heat, banging, and some mate drinking, Edgardo from Gato Garage in Ushuaia succeeded to separate the caliper pin. Cost: $50.
Mark also ordered two new sets of caliper pins in the US, to start fresh in the future. We used the pristine ones we brought to finish the brake job.

The camper and the truck are united again.
The grocery category was less than last month. Prices in Argentina are still soaring, but the exchange rate against the USD is improving and we didn’t splurge as much as other years for our Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinners.
We cooked and ate all but one of our meals at home in December, including special dinners on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.
My annual tradition in December is to create calendars for dear family members. Every month of the year has a page-size photo of Mark and me (and, ideally, Maya as well) in different locations of our travels. It has proven to be a perfect gift for loved ones and, this way, we are somewhat close by.

Sunset at 10:30pm or so on Christmas Day
As mentioned before, throughout December, Mark moved all our email addresses, domain names, and webhosting services to different companies. What prompted this mammoth task was BlueHost’s annual rates going through the roof, with the three-year subscription more than doubling in price.

Mark dealt for weeks with switching our hosting, domain, and email services.
Because of the research and switch, this blog has become cheaper to maintain and should load quicker with Easy WP. The sign-on year is affordable ($20), but prices will go up to about $100 a year. We also paid the annual fees for our email hosting ($10) and the other $30 went to our domain registrations for 2026, as we had already paid for 2025, which was transferred. We hope to recover the fees for Roaming About blog maintenance through donations within the next three years. One person already helped out, so our thanks go to MD.
Now for the less boring stuff… We stocked up on wine and beer for the holidays ($55), paid for half of our monthly Starlink satellite internet subscription (the other half is paid by our business), and topped up our propane tank. This happens more frequently now, since we run our heater quite a bit in the cold south. Even though it is summer!
To enter the island of Tierra del Fuego, we needed to hop on a ferry in Chile and cross the Strait of Magellan. The $21 ride lasted about half an hour. Just enough time to cue and pay for the privilege. Hence the transportation category in December.
I am going on a “solo” adventure in January, which I will detail in our annual expense report for 2024, and for this, I needed warm, waterproof pants. Our friend, Jeff, could miss a pair, so I bought them from him.

Layering up for my 10-day expedition to…
We lucked out with laundry last month by finding the cheapest laundromat of Argentina in Rio Gallegos. Because of this, we dropped off four baskets of clothes and linen and had about everything we own washed, dried, and somewhat folded for $13. If only we’d pass through again on our way back north!
And, because we had to cross through a small part of Chile to reach Ushuaia, Maya needed another health certificate from a registered vet in Argentina, plus an official international permit from the agricultural department SENASA. The trick to save money here is time. If you want this permit on the day of application, it costs $40. To retrieve it the following day, you hand over $20. And, if you are willing to wait three business days, the cost drops to $2! Guess what we did?

Another vet office visit to obtain paperwork for Maya in Rio Gallegos
Mark went to a bar with our friend, Jeff, one afternoon, hence the drinking out category, and the three of us enjoyed a decent meal at the same “pub” (La Cabaña) in Ushuaia after a streneous hike in the mountains. Mark and I used “old” donation money for our burger dinner and accompanying drinks. It had been a long time since we found eating out worthwhile in Argentina! Thank you, MB and MD for this lovely splurge!
All our hikes and entertainment last month turned out to be free activities.
Filling our water tank with potable water came without a cost as well – at fuel stations or the fire station (los bomberos).
We didn’t pay for camping in December and I am happy to report that most of those sites were pretty, quiet, and peaceful. Yes, we are enjoying Ushuaia! 😊
December 2024 turned out to be an average month regarding our expenses.
Note: I will be (mostly) offline for the next ten days, so I won’t be able to reply to comments here and on Facebook until I return. Thank you for being patient!
December 2024 Overview:
Car (fuel: $502; maintenance: $160):
Gifts (family calendars):
Computer (web hosting & domain fees):
Utilities (Starlink internet: $40; propane: $11):
Transportation (ferry Chile):
Clothing (warm pants Liesbet):
Dog (vet: $10; permit: $2):
Drinking out:
Dining out:
$ 1,346
(It might be easier to read the table when turning your device in the horizontal position.)
Find all our expense reports here. To learn what other full-time nomads spend, check out the blogs of our nomad friends Duwan and Greg at Make Like An Ape Man.
Next up: Unexpected Ushuaia
If you are enjoying these posts, please consider donating to Roaming About in support of our website and our lifestyle. A big thank you to all our readers who have helped out in the past!
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January 8, 2025 at 10:10
Hanging out with penguins – very cool.
Gato – the Cat Garage?
January 8, 2025 at 11:45
Hi Alex,
Yes, Gato (cat) is the nickname of Edgardo, which is why he calls his shop Gato Garage! We love penguins. And there are many different species in this part of the world. I’m ready to meet a few more the coming week. 🙂
January 8, 2025 at 10:22
Put some of the chores in this post under “stuff I never wanted to learn to do”–like wheel repairs. Nothing says “South” like a penguin!
January 8, 2025 at 11:47
Haha, Jacqui. I love your comment about the south and penguins! I’m off in a few hours to see some more in the coming week. You are one of the few people who know what I mean with that statement. 🙂
January 8, 2025 at 11:22
One of the ways you guys save the most money is by doing your own car repairs, an area I unfortunately have limited knowledge in.
January 8, 2025 at 11:49
Hi Pete,
True that. Doing our own repairs and maintenance on cars and campers (and boats) as much as possible and sleeping for free saves us thousands of dollars every year. I’ll be curious about my 2024 expense report later this month. I’m thinking the car category will be many thousands of dollars still. Mostly fuel. 🙁
January 8, 2025 at 17:36
You guys are excellent money managers.
Seeing exotic scenery and birds is one reward! 😀
January 19, 2025 at 14:04
Hi Marian,
We love rewards (for all this driving, dealing with bad weather, and the lack of comfort), especially when they come in the form of wildlife encounters. 🙂
January 8, 2025 at 21:24
Eating out only once in December is very, very impressive.
You three are such a great model of living a very full life on a very low budget. I greatly appreciate you sharing it with us.
January 19, 2025 at 14:07
Hello Donna,
We can count the amount of dinners out in our last year in Argentina on one hand. These experiences are rarely worthwhile, so we stopped. Between the late opening times of restaurants, the heavily increased prices (which have tripled) of menu items, and the mediocre quality of food, we have decided to save our “eating out” money for other countries. I know life is getting expensive everywhere in the world, but this country is on an entire other level for some reason… 🙁
January 9, 2025 at 17:17
Oh, wow, penguins! And I’m glad you finally found a peaceful, pretty, not-too-expensive place to camp. I laughed at your ‘haircut’ photo, though: Hubby and I have an ongoing ‘discussion’ about how big an inch (or any other dimension) really is. I’ve finally solved the problem by holding my fingers apart and saying, “This much.” (And carrying a measuring tape to settle the resulting argument when he says, “Oh, you mean AN INCH.”) 😉
January 19, 2025 at 14:19
That’s so funny, Diane. I guess there are quite a few things which the opposite sex doesn’t agree on! 🙂 If only we could EVERYTHING ourselves!
The penguins have been awesome. Wait until you see my photos and videos of the three new penguin species I discovered on the frozen continent! 🙂
January 14, 2025 at 16:24
Seems a little bit like being in Alaska – except, of course, for the penguins.
So glad you found some peaceful places to camp. I love sleeping in a camper in the middle of nowhere.
Looking forward to your next stories!
January 19, 2025 at 14:21
Hi Duwan,
My mind has wondered to Alaska a few times, recently, based on the scenery and temperature of Patagonia and Ushuaia. Much less wind up north, though. Much.
Yeah, we certainly try to avoid urban camping as much as possible – even more as time progresses – and thoroughly enjoy our camping spots in nature. When it’s not too windy! 🙂
January 15, 2025 at 07:12
Yes, I can confirm that your blog is loading much quicker now, Liesbet. So, the move to a new provider is already giving benefits.
I’m so pleased you guys are enjoying Ushuaia. If it’s cool in the summer, it sounds like my kind of place. It must be like living in air-con – bliss for me during the summer months.
Glad you enjoyed a few cocktails and had lovely Christmas and New Years meals. Wishing the three of you a happy, healthy 2025 that is full of laughter.
January 19, 2025 at 14:25
Hi Hugh,
Thanks for the heads up and positive changes about my blog. I appreciate that feedback. I’d noticed myself, when creating the posts, that the website loads quicker and that uploading photos also seems to be faster than before. Good news!
Your comment about living in aircon in Ushuaia is quite funny, because that is actually how it feels every time the wind comes from the south (Antarctica), which is often. So, yes, you might like it here. In the midst of summer, we’ve experienced temperatures as high as 10C! 🙂 Don’t ask me what it is in the winter…